Saudis, Emiratis Shared Intel about Iranian Attack with US, Israel

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The Saudis and Emiratis shared intelligence with the United States and Israel to help counter Iran’s April 14 attack, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing U.S. and Israeli officials.

Arab governments were initially cautious about sharing the information due to fears about directly involving themselves in the conflict and opening themselves up to Iranian reprisal. However, according to the report, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi decided to move forward after talks with the Americans.

Amman also agreed to allow the Americans and other countries to fly warplanes through its airspace to intercept Iranian missiles and drones, and to assist in shooting them down, the sources said.

“Two days before the attack, Iranian officials briefed counterparts from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries on the outlines and timing of their plan for the large-scale strikes on Israel so that those countries could safeguard airspace, the officials said. The information was passed along to the U.S., giving Washington and Israel crucial advance warning,” according to the Journal.
Well, of course. The Saudis and Gulf States both know Iran is a mega threat compared to Israel. The want Iran squashed and a reasonable, friendly government installed there too.
Why do the Dems pander so much to the Dearborn mullahs, can anyone answer that?

Because the head politician in their party at the moment is a world-class panderer. Joke knows nothing else. He'll say anything, hand out bribes (like forgiving student loans), and do anything else he can to remain in office. It's all he knows.
That makes sense. Iran did attack another country about 200 years ago.

I mean that the rivalry between Sunni Arabs and Shiite Persians is lasting and real, and the power balance in that region is a contest between Saudi Arabia and Iran
The Iranians told everyone, to include Burns at CIA, exactly what they were going to do. This was a demonstration of resolve and capability, they did not intend to damage or to kill.

The next retribution for Zionist lawlessness will be a lot different.