Saul Alinsky’s Track Record


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The inevitable happened when the Party of Liars realized they were left with one choice —— blame everyone for the things they are guilty of. I am not certain when the liars saw their only option, but the option was there in 1971 in Saul Alinsky’s Rule for Radicals.

Alinsky now has a 48 year track record of the killing, the hatred, and the destruction his vicious mind set in motion:


Ever since the election of Donald Trump, there has been a concerted effort to not only to try to undermine President Trump, but to undermine the U.S. Constitution itself. Shutting down speakers on campus, rallying to ban or control guns, disseminating “fake news” as fact, and advancing the tactic of the “politics of personal destruction” are all part of the radical Alinsky agenda.
Stigmatizing opponents as “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes”, and “Islamophobes”

The Alinskyites, mainly liberal Democrats and Progressives, use the tactics as listed in his famous book called, “Rules for Radicals”. These tactics include the stigmatizing opponents as “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes”, and “Islamophobes”. The radicals often pretend to be what they are not.

The acolytes of Alinsky’s rules lie to their opponents (fake news) and disarm them pretending to be a moderate and mainstream liberal. The Alynskyites attempt to advance their radical goals by camouflaging them by changing their style to appear to be working within the system (the U.S. Constitution).

The radicals will most always champion following the Constitution to get your vote, but when they become the government it will be a different story.

The radicals are taught the art of miscommunication. They are trying to impose socialism (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren etc.) on a country whose forefathers understood that socialism destroys freedom, so they avoid the use of the word socialism and in its place they sell it as “Progressive”, “Economic Democracy”, and “Social Justice”. In other words, they will work within the system (the Constitution) until they can accumulate enough power to destroy it.

The radicals (Alinskyites) will try to sell the people on change by using terms and phrases like “Audacity of Hope”, “Yes, We Can” (Obama’s terms). They do this selling of radical change by proposing “moderate” changes to the Constitution and laws which will open the door to more radical changes in the future (the old foot in the door syndrome).
The radicals, make no mistake about it, are at “war”, especially against the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution

The radicals, make no mistake about it, are at “war”, especially against the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution. Shutting off “free speech” and religion (the 1st Amendment) and the control or banning of firearms (the 2nd Amendment) are at the forefront of their constitutional attacks. Radicals perceive opponents of their causes as enemies on a battlefield, and they set about to destroy them by demonizing and discrediting them (that’s what the whole Trump “resistance” movement is all about).

So, in the battle between the United States Constitution vs, Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, we must not let our guard down by believing the arguments the radicals propose, because it is all a charade by them to impose their will on an unsuspecting electorate who, these elitists, feel are a bunch of naive “hayseed” morons who voted for

Donald Trump. President Trump, with all his personal “warts” and bombast, is the person to support in this quest for upholding the Constitution against the attacks by the radical Alynskyites. We do not want to become the United States of Europe.

U.S. Constitution vs. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
By Chuck Lehmann
January 3, 2019

There is no justification for young Alinsky acolytes to claim those rules (commandments) will make the U.S. a better country. Indeed, no other country practices Alinsky’s teachings as religiously as they are followed in this country. (I am not sure Alinshy is known anywhere except here.)

Hillary Clinton is Alinsky’s high priest, and his most successful follower, yet the public is unaware of the part she played in spreading Socialism’s deadliest sect in this country —— more deadly than India’s Thuggees:


Thuggees, a Sanskrit word meaning concealment, were an organized gang of professional assassins – sometimes described as the world's first mafia – who operated from the 13th to the 19th centuries in India. Members of the fanatical religious group, who were infamous for their ritualistic assassinations carried out in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali, were known as Thugs, a word that passed into common English during the British occupation of India.

2 October, 2014 - 13:52
Thuggees – the Cult Assassins of India

Hillary Clinton was always obvious. She was as dumb in collage as she is today. I always wondered if Hillary’s Wellesley’s sisters now realize that their most famous alumna is a nasty frustrated woman full of rage who worshiped and championed two of the most politically filthy men in history —— Karl Marx and Saul Alinski?

Her senior thesis is a tough read but it is all there:

On the plus side Hillary Rodam Clinton became a figure of ridicule as she aged rather than being seen as a much-loved former president. That judgement is surely the unkindest cut of all.

On the negative side the evil Hillary Clinton did will live on long after her bones are interred with nary a good deed to commend her.
Who said that Ronald Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine? Filthy Democrat scum behave as though the Fairness Doctrine is still in effect:

President Trump will tell America Tuesday night that there is a crisis at the border that demands a solution from Congress in the form of a border wall, Vice President Pence told CBS News. He will lay out “the facts about the genuine humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border.”


Democrats own all the networks and get positive coverage any time they want it. Despite that, they demanded they be treated as the President’s equals. They DEMANDED equal time immediately after his speech.

They had temper tantrums over the speech.

They viciously claimed: “Now that the television networks have decided to air the President’s address, which if his past statements are any indication will be full of malice and misinformation, Democrats must immediately be given equal airtime.”

Donald Trump. President Trump, with all his personal “warts” and bombast, is the person to support in this quest for upholding the Constitution against the attacks by the radical Alynskyites. We do not want to become the United States of Europe.

It’s Alinsky tactics at work. The left dehumanizes all on the right with whom they disagree.

They DEMANDED equal time as if this were a State of the Union address. It’s absurd, but they got it.

As of Tuesday morning, several networks said they would oblige. Several NBC employees said NBC would give time to let Democrats speak on the air after Trump speaks.

NBC, CBS, and CNN have all announced that they will be broadcasting the Democratic response to President Trump’s address from the Oval Office.

It’s absurd.

BREAKING! Networks to Give EQUAL TIME to Chuck & Nancy After Unhinged Attack
ByS.Noble -
January 8, 2019

FOX executives always enforced their own version of the Fairness Doctrine by supplying more conservative ears to liberal talking points than does the alphabet networks combined.

FOX’s rating are high because liberals also watch FOX, while conservatives do not watch overtly liberal networks. FOX fools a substantial audience into believing it is the voice of conservative values. If you listen closely you will see that FOX’s conservative values always come down on the side of the New World Order’s agenda; big government, global government, the United Nations, and every other policy that true conservatives oppose.

TV viewing public offered a choice between conservative networks, and liberal networks is the last thing Democrat scum want. They know that TV networks promoting one or the other will go the way of talk radio where conservative shows thrive, while liberal talk radio tanks every time. Liberalism’s garbage would disappear altogether from the airwaves without tax deductible advertising support.

Incidentally, FOX does what it does for the money. High ratings bring in the most TAX DEDUCTIBLE advertising dollars.

FOX was always a network dominated by off-camera liberals, while on-camera FOX phonies hide behind “Fair & Balanced.”

Incidentally, liberals whine that the American people will not tolerate deporting millions of illegal aliens, yet you never hear a media mouth defend the things the American people are being forced to accept in addition to the illegal immigration mess. The sniffling I enjoy the most is the one that says deporting anchor babies “Is not the kind of country we are.” Not rewarding illegal aliens regardless of how they got here is exactly the kind of country this is and should be.

Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.

Take my word for this. I have decades of experience analyzing media lies and liars going all the way back to Walter Cronkite’s years as CBS anchor. I never had another reason to watch television; so I feel more than qualified to question media motives.

Ask yourself why liberals defend the media? Before you answer be certain you did not believe anything you heard about the Administration and FOX engaging in a death struggle. If you believe that lie you must also believe that FOX turned hard left because conservatism is declining.

Networks never did defend America’s sovereignty; nor did media mouths ever report anything that exposed the New World Order’s activities on behalf of a global government administered by the United Nations. Every single story that puts Socialism’s/Communism’s global agenda in jeopardy is either ignored or twisted beyond recognition. Immigration is a classic media newspeak.

Media mouths talk about a path to citizenship as though that is the right thing to do, but they never admit why the United Nations wants no borders.

Television’s defense of everything Americans detest works so well because networks report story after story posing no threat to the global government crowd. Reporting “safe stories” whitewashes the filth they hide. Hell, safe stories like murder, non-existent racism, a shooting, plane crashes, natural disasters, and so on, make media mouths look like they love an independent America all to pieces.

Finally, somebody should tell FOX executives that this does not apply to television:

Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. Mark Twain

Social media supplies Donald Trump and average Americans all the ink they want.
Who said that Ronald Reagan abolished the Fairness Doctrine? Filthy Democrat scum behave as though the Fairness Doctrine is still in effect:

Lo and behold, the Fairness Doctrine bit Upchuck Schumer and bat-shit crazy Pelosi on the ass. It is not the anger in their faces, nor is it the insanity in Nutso Nancy’s eyes, it is the lies and doublespeak they tried to get away with that chewed their sorry asses to pieces:

Democrat leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi delivered the response.
Big mistake.

What a creep show!

CREEP SHOW: Pelosi and Schumer Freak Out Viewers… Blank Stares, Scowls and Crazy Eyes Consume Dem Response
by Jim Hoft January 8, 2019
FOX was always a network dominated by off-camera liberals, while on-camera FOX phonies hide behind “Fair & Balanced.”

The public relations campaign that sold FOX as a conservative network is coming apart at the seams:

President Donald Trump harshly criticized and mocked three Fox News anchors in a tweet on Sunday.

"Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNeville and @LelandVittert, trained by CNN prior to their ratings collapse?,” the president wrote. “In any event, that’s where they should be working, along with their lowest rated anchor, Shepard Smith!”

If FOX came close to being conservative they would dump Shepard Smith not Judge Jeanine:

Trump’s attack on the three Fox News anchors came after he earlier in the day urged the network to "stay strong and fight back with vigor" and not cave in to left-wing campaigns to silence leading hosts like Judge Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson,, who have faced criticism in recent days for controversial remarks.

Trump Slams 3 Fox News Anchors
By Brian Freeman
Sunday, 17 March 2019 06:52 PM

p.s. I am surprised Trump did not include Chris Wallace and those liberals he plants on every panel every Sunday Morning.
I am surprised Trump did not include Chris Wallace and those liberals he plants on every panel every Sunday Morning.
Look for her another lying liberal to become a regular on Wallace’s panel:


Brazile said that as the 2020 presidential election approaches, she is concerned that “our national debate has become hostile and disrespectful.”

“We no longer simply agree to disagree. Too often we demonize the intentions of others.”

Now Brazile wants things to be different.

“In order for us to best decide as a people how to better protect and preserve our way of life, we need to first be able to hear what others are saying without the filter of bias and contempt. Not until we once again become practiced at treating those of differing views with civility and respect can we begin to join together to solve the myriad of problems our country must overcome,” she claimed.

Pro-Hillary activist Donna Brazile takes job at Fox News
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/18/2019 @ 2:33 pm

I would take the gas pipe before I believe Donna Brassiere’s motive?

I do believe that Democrats want things to be different now that social media is leveling the playing field. Now everybody is supposed to be warm and cuddly after decades of Democrat personal attacks and betraying the country for this country’s enemies:

FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, presided as acting secretary-general at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco in 1945. That should tell everyone everything they need to know about Democrats and the U.N.

Instead of Democrats openly defending Hiss in their first attempt to whitewash his crime the Party of Liars called President Eisenhower a liar over the U-2 Spy Plane Affair. (Ike did not lie to the American people. He lied to the Russians to protect this country. Democrats lie to betray the country)

As far as I am concerned Brassiere and her kind can shove it where the sun never shines. They will never change regardless of “We’s all God’s chillum” horseshit they preach until they finish building the gallows.
I am excited by the opportunity to share my perspective and views with the Fox News audience and to help shape the dialogue at this important juncture in our history. More importantly, I’m eager to learn from the experience.

Donna Brazile: Why I am excited to join Fox News and take part in a civil - and sensible - debate
by Donna Brazile


Brazile should be grateful to the Murdoch boys for handing her FOX’s conservative audience. Worse still, you will see more liberals on FOX shows openly spouting the standard garbage. Global warming tops the list:

Sean Hannity, the conservative Republican commentator who takes on such controversial issues as Hillary Clinton’s legal work in a communist law firm, could be on his way out of the Fox News Channel as a result of Rupert Murdoch’s decision to turn the company over to his liberal son James.

James Murdoch, 34, who buys into global warming hysteria, has in recent days been labeled the “News Corporation Heir” and “Son King” because of changes in the company that have dramatically increased his power. The Fox News Channel is one part of Murdoch’s News Corporation.

While James Murdoch is based in London and is now being given control of News Corp’s business in Europe and Asia, he is scheduled to take control of U.S. operations when Peter Chernin, the president of News Corporation who is based in New York, steps down. Chernin is himself a prominent Democrat.

James Murdoch is said to have convinced his father, 76, to “go green” in a major May 9 speech. In the speech, Rupert Murdoch sounded like Al Gore, saying that “Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats” and that “We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can’t afford the risk of inaction.”

Marc Gunther of Fortune magazine commented that “Murdoch has boldly promised to make News Corp. carbon neutral by 2010 and to weave environmental issues and themes into his newspapers, TV shows, movies and online properties-a tricky business, particularly when it comes to news.” (emphasis added)

The Hillary front organization known as Media Matters has challenged Murdoch to rein in the various Fox News personalities, including Hannity, who have voiced skepticism about the man-made global warming theory. The group complains that conservative voices on Fox far outnumber “progressive” voices and that Fox anchors, reporters, and guests inject pro-Republican views into the shows.

Murdoch’s decision to hand the European and Asian operations of his company to his son James has been widely interpreted as a sign that James will soon inherit control of the entire company. That means that James’ liberal philosophy on environmental and other matters could become the party line not only of News Corporation but the Fox News Channel. Fox News already has come under conservative criticism for airing a Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. special that claimed human activity was causing global warming.

The New York Times has described James Murdoch as “steadfastly liberal” and notes that he “has supported Bill Clinton and Al Gore whose daughter he befriended at Harvard.” James Murdoch, who dropped out of Harvard, runs BSkyB, a part of News Corporation which is airing Current TV, a television project sponsored by Gore, and the foreign?financed Al-Jazeera and Al-Jazeera English television channels.

The London Telegraph reports that “Thanks to friendships with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, he [James Murdoch] has developed deep green instincts?” His father made a $500,000 gift to the Clinton Global Initiative.

“I’ve gotten to know Al [Gore] in a number of different contexts in the last number of years,” James Murdoch told the Financial Times in an interview. We “think the same way about the necessity of being realistic concerning the climate crisis,” Gore piped in during the same interview.

While the liberal media establishment is concerned about Murdoch’s News Corporation taking control of Dow Jones & Company, which owns a paper, the Wall Street Journal, with liberal news pages, conservatives are concerned that Rupert Murdoch has been moving rapidly to the left over the last several years.

A year ago, AIM went to the News Corporation annual meeting with a series of questions about James Murdoch’s increasing influence in the company. The questions included:

* James Murdoch wrote an article for the Guardian attacking the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute for dispensing “inaccurate propaganda” about the global warming issue. But many conservatives regard the theory of man-made global warming as a hoax. Has James Murdoch been persuaded by Al Gore to embrace it?

* James Murdoch has criticized the Western media for focusing on China’s human rights abuses. Observers say this was an effort to ingratiate the company with Chinese Communist leaders because of News Corporation’s extensive business dealings with China. What is your view on that?

At the meeting, where Rupert Murdoch cut the questions short and refused to discuss his successor, AIM also questioned him about his support for Hillary Clinton. He hosted a fundraiser for her, and his New York Post newspaper endorsed her Senate re-election bid.

In Australia, where he was born, Murdoch just recently engineered an endorsement of the left-wing candidate, Kevin Rudd, as Prime Minister by his national newspaper The Australian. Rudd beat the pro-American candidate, John Howard.

On July 7, when the LiveEarth concerts were staged around the world, Murdoch’s Foxtel television network was the exclusive Australian broadcast partner for the event. Here, the concerts were aired by the networks owned by GE, whose chairman Jeffrey Immelt also contributes to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Proceeds from the LiveEarth concerts went to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a group headed by Al Gore.

Rupert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son as Successor
Cliff Kincaid — December 11, 2007

Incidentally, FOX kept its liberalism well-hidden until 2011.

Murdoch’s message to blunt Trump’s rise in the polls came loud and clear over his social media and publishing outlets, and the Fox News debate moderators tried to destroy his candidacy in a single night by unleashing an all-out character assassination to discredit him.

“This wasn’t a debate, at least not like most of those I’ve seen. This was an inquisition.”—Frank Bruni, journalist, New York Times

Throughout the night, Fox News moderators, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, and Megyn Kelly, deluged Trump with cheap shots and sophomoric “gotcha” questions, while pitting the candidates and the audience against him.

It was an obvious planned hit to destroy Trump’s candidacy, a failed bread-and-circus show that left viewers with nothing substantive but a foul taste in their mouths. Cyberspace erupted with “disappointing, disgusting, embarrassing, appalling, shocking, and shameful.”

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

FOX never crawled back into the closet after they failed to torpedo Donald Trump. Bringing Clinton suck-ass Donna Brazile on-board is akin to arming a guided missile. Donna Brassiere’s mouth in conservative ears on the same shows with FOX’s long-standing liberals might sound angelic now that she wants everybody to get along, but make no mistake about it —— she is diarrhea on the same plate with solid liberal turds.

Finally, Democrats across the board defend television “news” for obvious reasons. Conservatives never defend television “news” for obvious reasons.
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The inevitable happened when the Party of Liars realized they were left with one choice —— blame everyone for the things they are guilty of. I am not certain when the liars saw their only option, but the option was there in 1971 in Saul Alinsky’s Rule for Radicals.

Alinsky now has a 48 year track record of the killing, the hatred, and the destruction his vicious mind set in motion:


Ever since the election of Donald Trump, there has been a concerted effort to not only to try to undermine President Trump, but to undermine the U.S. Constitution itself. Shutting down speakers on campus, rallying to ban or control guns, disseminating “fake news” as fact, and advancing the tactic of the “politics of personal destruction” are all part of the radical Alinsky agenda.
Stigmatizing opponents as “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes”, and “Islamophobes”

The Alinskyites, mainly liberal Democrats and Progressives, use the tactics as listed in his famous book called, “Rules for Radicals”. These tactics include the stigmatizing opponents as “racists”, “sexists”, “homophobes”, and “Islamophobes”. The radicals often pretend to be what they are not.

The acolytes of Alinsky’s rules lie to their opponents (fake news) and disarm them pretending to be a moderate and mainstream liberal. The Alynskyites attempt to advance their radical goals by camouflaging them by changing their style to appear to be working within the system (the U.S. Constitution).

The radicals will most always champion following the Constitution to get your vote, but when they become the government it will be a different story.

The radicals are taught the art of miscommunication. They are trying to impose socialism (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren etc.) on a country whose forefathers understood that socialism destroys freedom, so they avoid the use of the word socialism and in its place they sell it as “Progressive”, “Economic Democracy”, and “Social Justice”. In other words, they will work within the system (the Constitution) until they can accumulate enough power to destroy it.

The radicals (Alinskyites) will try to sell the people on change by using terms and phrases like “Audacity of Hope”, “Yes, We Can” (Obama’s terms). They do this selling of radical change by proposing “moderate” changes to the Constitution and laws which will open the door to more radical changes in the future (the old foot in the door syndrome).
The radicals, make no mistake about it, are at “war”, especially against the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution

The radicals, make no mistake about it, are at “war”, especially against the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution. Shutting off “free speech” and religion (the 1st Amendment) and the control or banning of firearms (the 2nd Amendment) are at the forefront of their constitutional attacks. Radicals perceive opponents of their causes as enemies on a battlefield, and they set about to destroy them by demonizing and discrediting them (that’s what the whole Trump “resistance” movement is all about).

So, in the battle between the United States Constitution vs, Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, we must not let our guard down by believing the arguments the radicals propose, because it is all a charade by them to impose their will on an unsuspecting electorate who, these elitists, feel are a bunch of naive “hayseed” morons who voted for

Donald Trump. President Trump, with all his personal “warts” and bombast, is the person to support in this quest for upholding the Constitution against the attacks by the radical Alynskyites. We do not want to become the United States of Europe.

U.S. Constitution vs. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
By Chuck Lehmann
January 3, 2019

There is no justification for young Alinsky acolytes to claim those rules (commandments) will make the U.S. a better country. Indeed, no other country practices Alinsky’s teachings as religiously as they are followed in this country. (I am not sure Alinshy is known anywhere except here.)

Hillary Clinton is Alinsky’s high priest, and his most successful follower, yet the public is unaware of the part she played in spreading Socialism’s deadliest sect in this country —— more deadly than India’s Thuggees:


Thuggees, a Sanskrit word meaning concealment, were an organized gang of professional assassins – sometimes described as the world's first mafia – who operated from the 13th to the 19th centuries in India. Members of the fanatical religious group, who were infamous for their ritualistic assassinations carried out in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali, were known as Thugs, a word that passed into common English during the British occupation of India.

2 October, 2014 - 13:52
Thuggees – the Cult Assassins of India

Hillary Clinton was always obvious. She was as dumb in collage as she is today. I always wondered if Hillary’s Wellesley’s sisters now realize that their most famous alumna is a nasty frustrated woman full of rage who worshiped and championed two of the most politically filthy men in history —— Karl Marx and Saul Alinski?

Her senior thesis is a tough read but it is all there:

On the plus side Hillary Rodam Clinton became a figure of ridicule as she aged rather than being seen as a much-loved former president. That judgement is surely the unkindest cut of all.

On the negative side the evil Hillary Clinton did will live on long after her bones are interred with nary a good deed to commend her.

Why do you support Alinksy and murder?
Donna Brassiere’s mouth in conservative ears on the same shows with FOX’s long-standing liberals might sound angelic now that she wants everybody to get along, but make no mistake about it —— she is diarrhea on the same plate with solid liberal turds.

I pray that my gal Judi’s prediction comes true:

That will be nothing in comparison to the throngs of Conservative viewers, pulling the plug on Fox News.

Wolf Donna Brazile Arrives in the Fox House
By Judi McLeod
March 20, 2019
On the negative side the evil Hillary Clinton did will live on long after her bones are interred with nary a good deed to commend her.

It appears that Hillary’s evil is getting help from:



Being a dutiful daughter in for a piece of the Clinton Foundation action Chelsea dare not compare her mother’s blood soaked life to Donald Trump’s life. The least Hillary’s seed can do is admit that butchering millions of children in the womb is much crueller than is the Democrat Party’s no borders moral horseshit:

CLINTON: And by the new levels of cruelty that this administration seems to find, whether it’s with the children being separated from their families at the border, . . .

Chelsea should drop the Endangered Species Act from her talking points. Anything that puts suckerfish ahead of people has been a complete disaster, not to mention the EPA using the Act to dictate how property owners can or cannot use their private property.

CLINTON: . . . or it’s with the Endangered Species Act, which had never really been controversial before. I mean, passed pretty unanimously, signed by President Richard Nixon of all people. And yet, Trump has made this controversial, too.

Chelsea Clinton: Trump Presidency Always Reaching ‘New Levels of Cruelty’
9 Apr 2019

The Endangered Species Act should be controversial. President Trump moving to shutdown the EPA will be more controversial —— and just as necessary if he serious about stopping dimwits from governing this country with their personal morality.


Being a dutiful daughter in for a piece of the Clinton Foundation action Chelsea dare not compare her mother’s blood soaked life to Donald Trump’s life.

Chelsea Clinton is old enough now to know that Hillary was getting a lot of help on Vince Foster’s “suicide”:


I still think it was murder. In my mind blood flowing uphill never set well with the suicide verdict:

While it might have initially appeared that the deputy counsel to the president of the United States was taking a nap in a park—lying neatly face-up on a steep embankment with his feet pointing down—Vincent W. Foster Jr. was not napping. He was dead. Dressed in expensive trousers and a white dress shirt, less than eight miles from the White House, he was lying dead. A single gun-shot wound to the head. Dead. Some of the blood on Foster’s face was still wet, but starting to dry. A trail of blood flowed upwards from his nose to above his ear. The man who found his body said there was no gun, but after he left to notify police, a gun appeared in Foster’s hand. It was July 20, 1993. President William Jefferson Clinton’s Arkansas childhood friend, and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm partner, and White House confidante was dead.

The objective of the investigation into Vince Foster’s death was “simply to determine that it was a suicide"

Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer
Canada Free Press
December 4, 2012

At the time I said that accusing the Clintons of murdering Foster did them a favor. The charge of murder is quickly dismissed without proof as was the case with Foster; whereas, suicide always ends up in the realms of speculation and interpretation for decades after the event. Clinton detractors could have gotten much more milage out of a suicide charge. The latest revelation proves my case:

EXCLUSIVE: Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster's suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff and admits he omitted the finding in FBI report because he didn't want to 'inflict further pain' on her
By Ronald Kessler For
Published: 13:48 EDT, 10 April 2019 | Updated: 18:52 EDT, 10 April 2019

Covering up for Hillary is a cottage industry. Read Leo Hohmann’s informative piece and you will see that Independent Counsel Ken Starr failed the smell test.

Vince Foster 'suicide' shocker: 2nd wound documented
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 02/28/2016 @ 3:43 pm

When all was said and done the Clintons walked. Bill Clinton lost his law license for five years. Democrats saw that as a badge of honor after the Senate made a mockery out of Clinton’s impeachment trial.

No matter how Foster’s death plays out at this late date, I was right about this: Every coverup carries the same pitfalls.

Finally, blood and shit flow downhill; so I cannot see how a second gunshot will change anything. Bottom line: Nobody ever explained how Vince Foster’s blood defied the law of gravity.
Look for her another lying liberal to become a regular on Wallace’s panel:


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. My gal Judi nuked Chris Wallace:

Media hype’s at an all time high, best exemplified by Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace, who upstaged MSNBC’s Chris Matthew’s cringeworthy comment about getting a “thrill up his leg” every time he heard Obama speak.

“Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace, known for his critical coverage of President Donald Trump and his administration, said Thursday that he could “feel goosebumps” as House Democrats voted to approve a resolution establishing the procedures for their partisan impeachment inquiry. (Breitbart, Oct. 31, 2019)

“As they called the vote, I have to say I can feel goosebumps,” Wallace said during Fox News’ live coverage of the vote. “You cannot overstate how dramatic this is and what a decision the Democrats have made to pursue this course.”


Back to the quivering Mr. Goose Bumps:

“Wallace later noted in the segment that the impeachment proceedings targeting President Trump differ greatly from those against President Richard Nixon as the latter had bipartisan support. (Breitbart)

“There was a bipartisan agreement at that time, even though obviously the impeachment of Richard Nixon was a big deal, but a bipartisan agreement that it needed to go to that kind of an investigation,” Wallace recalled.”


Keep storming Heaven with your daily prayers, Patriots!
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Alinsky's Rules were just Gramsci For Dummies, a simplified children's book of the Communist's prison diaries, made readable enough so assorted dumbass stoners from the Burbs could pretend to be literate and run around LARPing as armchair 'radicals' while screwing off with the rest of the bourgeoisie in American universities and colleges. Made them feel 'speshul' while holidaying on the govt. and their parents' dime.