
Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture. They're driven by Jihad. It's in their blood and indoctrinated into them since birth. Their primary purpose is to fight anybody that they believe is oppressing them. They actually seem to enjoy it.

They're convinced that their intellectual and behavioral inabilities are somebody else's fault and they're victims of the world. If they don't have anybody else to blame and fight with, then they will fight each other. i.e. Hamas versus the PA

They want to be near Israel, because that's who's oppressing them. They'll even cross the border, and go work for the Israelis, because that strengthens their beliefs that they're the victim, and it gives them the opportunity to fight their oppressor. They love having enemies nearby.

They don't care that they turned Gaza into a shit hole. Even if it was beautiful they wouldn't go to the beach and enjoy it. They're too wrapped up in their hijabs, fighting, and religious Jihad to enjoy anything like that.

Fuck them
It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture.

Funny that, as it was a basis for Nazi Germany back in the day. It's been the part of the credo for the KKK, American Nazi Party, separatists, white nationalists, christo-fascists and the like. Sad that you've joined their ideological ranks. :cautious::sad:
It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture.

Funny that, as it was a basis for Nazi Germany back in the day. It's been the part of the credo for the KKK, American Nazi Party, separatists, white nationalists, christo-fascists and the like. Sad that you've joined their ideological ranks. :cautious::sad:

I don't place the blame on any particular ethnicity or ethnicities,
but diversity has proven itself to be more challenge than strength.

We have not been able to do collectively what more homogeneous nations have been able to do.

Who's at fault when diverse factions have no inclination to get along?
Could it be human nature itself?

Diversity is here for good.
We may get better at it,
or we may not.

So far, we've not been too impressive in that regard.
None of us.
Have you found a reason to be optimistic?
I don't place the blame on any particular ethnicity or ethnicities,
but diversity has proven itself to be more challenge than strength.

We have not been able to do collectively what more homogeneous nations have been able to do.

Who's at fault when diverse factions have no inclination to get along?
Could it be human nature itself?

Diversity is here for good.
We may get better at it,
or we may not.

So far, we've not been too impressive in that regard.
None of us.
Have you found a reason to be optimistic?
Baloney! The very existence of people who consider themselves born of a "homogenized" culture are in fact the product of diversity. I point to the Russians, I point to the Greeks, the Italians, the British, Japanese, various parts of Africa and China, etc. Hell, every "major" country/culture on Earth has been "diversified" in one way or another by other "cultures" or "races" or people in general. Some stayed "untouched" for generations, but eventually human migration/exploration comes into play.

That Americans adopt this whining similar to your first two sentences is a joke! Save for the tribes and nations of people who inhabited this land well over a millennium before the
Vikings or Spanish or whomever showed up, this country was built on religious and ethnic diversity. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Baloney! The very existence of people who consider themselves born of a "homogenized" culture are in fact the product of diversity. I point to the Russians, I point to the Greeks, the Italians, the British, Japanese, various parts of Africa and China, etc. Hell, every "major" country/culture on Earth has been "diversified" in one way or another by other "cultures" or "races" or people in general. Some stayed "untouched" for generations, but eventually human migration/exploration comes into play.

That Americans adopt this whining similar to your first two sentences is a joke! Save for the tribes and nations of people who inhabited this land well over a millennium before the
Vikings or Spanish or whomever showed up, this country was built on religious and ethnic diversity. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
The intent of the founders is one thing, and what transpired is another.
I'm not happy about ethic tension.
Regardless of how I'm assessed over here, that's not how I am.
I ALSO wish that ethnicity were a non-factor in how we all get along.

I can clearly observe, however, that regardless of what we want, that's NOT how it actually is.
Hopefully some day, but not yet.

I also challenge, however, the fact that this country actually was built on religious and ethnic diversity.
The founders envisioned people of Anglo-Saxon ancestry,
African slaves,
and indigenous people hopefully shunted aside out of the way.

You know this is true, Tacky.
Stop emoting like a "true believer."
You're too intelligent for that.
I'm not talking about the "founders" intent, I'm pointing to the cold hard fact of how a nation of immigrants get some silly assed notion of being threatened in their "American purity" by an influx of new immigrants .... after GENERATIONS of inter faith/ethnic/racial/class marriages and births. What it comes down to is people who consider themselves "white" are having hysterics over seeing more non-white folk take their rightful place in American society. No matter how you twist and turn Nifty, the basis of your hand wringing is a serious revision of American history.

Lecturer Tim Wise gives the cliff notes:

No matter how you twist and turn Nifty, the basis of your hand wringing is a serious revision of American socio/economic history. Any intelligent person of any age can see that.
Giving me the finger is a piss poor retort to my pointing the factual similarity of your words and their implications to that of the worst people/ideology in history. YOUR WORDS GUNO ..... own it!
It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture. They're driven by Jihad. It's in their blood and indoctrinated into them since birth. Their primary purpose is to fight anybody that they believe is oppressing them. They actually seem to enjoy it.

They're convinced that their intellectual and behavioral inabilities are somebody else's fault and they're victims of the world. If they don't have anybody else to blame and fight with, then they will fight each other. i.e. Hamas versus the PA

They want to be near Israel, because that's who's oppressing them. They'll even cross the border, and go work for the Israelis, because that strengthens their beliefs that they're the victim, and it gives them the opportunity to fight their oppressor. They love having enemies nearby.

They don't care that they turned Gaza into a shit hole. Even if it was beautiful they wouldn't go to the beach and enjoy it. They're too wrapped up in their hijabs, fighting, and religious Jihad to enjoy anything like that.

Fuck them

It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture. They're driven by Nakba. It's in their blood and indoctrinated into them since birth. Their primary purpose is to convince the world that everybody is oppressing them. They actually seem to enjoy it.

They're convinced that their intellectual and behavioral inabilities are always somebody else's fault and that they're victims of the world. If they don't have anybody else to blame and attack, then they will fabricate an enemy.

They want to be in Gaza and the West Bank because that's who they want to oppress. It's who they HATE. They'll even cross the border with their bulldozers and raze some Arab homes, because there aren't many sources of such hilarious entertainment. They enjoy victimizing Arabs while claiming to be victims of Arabs. They love HATING other Semites.

They don't care that they have never gotten a court order for any of the homes that they have razed. All that is important to them is mocking Arabs in the misery tailor made for them.

Fuck them
I'm not talking about the "founders" intent, [ dishonest text omitted]
You still believe that you speak for countless dead people.

Lecturer Tim Wise gives the cliff notes: [dishonest video omitted]
The video is not just inaccurate, but is deliberate disinformation and is summarily dismissed.

Side note: Tim Wise apparently loves to use the Marxist "we" to refer to groups which no longer exist and to which he was never a member.
Funny that, as it was a basis for Nazi Germany back in the day. It's been the part of the credo for the KKK, American Nazi Party, separatists, white nationalists, christo-fascists and the like.
Explain. How does "genetics" come into play with caucasian patriots and/or Christians? Who comprise "the like"?
Giving me the finger is a piss poor retort to my pointing the factual similarity of your words and their implications to that of the worst people/ideology in history. YOUR WORDS GUNO ..... own it!
I totally understand how Israel's genocide puts Netanyahoo's Israel up there with Hitler's Germany, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalinist Russia, and the other worst-behaving nations of all time, but I fail to see how Christians or patriots fit into this list. Would you care to shed some light on this?
It's all about the genetics, heritage, religion, and culture.

Funny that, as it was a basis for Nazi Germany back in the day. It's been the part of the credo for the KKK, American Nazi Party, separatists, white nationalists, christo-fascists and the like. Sad that you've joined their ideological ranks. :cautious::sad:
Then, what do you ascribe as the reason the Palestinians haven't been able to accept any of the peace treaties they've been offered by numerous parties? What makes the Palestinians support so many terrorist groups and produce enough terrorism and violence none of their Arab neighbors want them in their countries?
I'm not talking about the "founders" intent, I'm pointing to the cold hard fact of how a nation of immigrants get some silly assed notion of being threatened in their "American purity" by an influx of new immigrants .... after GENERATIONS of inter faith/ethnic/racial/class marriages and births. What it comes down to is people who consider themselves "white" are having hysterics over seeing more non-white folk take their rightful place in American society. No matter how you twist and turn Nifty, the basis of your hand wringing is a serious revision of American history.

Lecturer Tim Wise gives the cliff notes:

No matter how you twist and turn Nifty, the basis of your hand wringing is a serious revision of American socio/economic history. Any intelligent person of any age can see that.
Tim Wise is a self-loathing bigot who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He comes off as some variant of a tent revival preacher who spews mostly nonsense.
Then, what do you ascribe as the reason the Palestinians haven't been able to accept any of the peace treaties they've been offered by numerous parties?
The Israelis always insert some unacceptable conditions into any treaty, deliberately engineering a rejection. Then the Israelis get in front of the camera and say the same refrain "We offered the Palestinians everything they asked, everything they ever hoped and dreamed, and they rejected it all out of RACIST HATRED" ... and you know very well that Christians listening around the world totally believe everything the Israelis tell them to believe, without question, and even regurgitate every mischaracterization about Palestinians like gossiping teenage girls at the mall.

What makes the Palestinians support so many terrorist groups and produce enough terrorism and violence none of their Arab neighbors want them in their countries?
Let's unpack your teenage girl gossip:

1. Palestinians don't support terrorist groups.
2. Palestinians want their promised land.
3. Palestinians are just like everyone else in preferring to not be ethnically cleansed.
4. Palestinians are just like everyone else in disliking having their homes razed on an Israeli's whim without any court order while other Israelis cackle at the misery they are imposing.
5. Palestinians don't produce any terrorism/violence. You still haven't identified a single attack on Israel over the last 40 years* that wasn't planned/coordinated/authorized/funded by Iran and executed by Iran's proxies Al Qassam, Hezzbola or Islamic Jihad. You simply lie because you have too much emotional equity vested in cheering on Israel's genocide.

* - not including Saddam Hussein's desperate SCUD missile attacks that had no effect.
Tim Wise is a self-loathing bigot who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He comes off as some variant of a tent revival preacher who spews mostly nonsense.
And of course you have proof of Wise exposing bigotry against white people in America in any of his lectures of talks. Or you can try to logically/factually fault ANYTHING in the linked video excerpt.

Or you can just be another silly assed MAGA/alt-right/teabagger/neocon troll and blurt out your worthless opinion as if it's on par with facts. Carry on.
And of course you have proof of Wise exposing bigotry against white people in America in any of his lectures of talks. Or you can try to logically/factually fault ANYTHING in the linked video excerpt.

Or you can just be another silly assed MAGA/alt-right/teabagger/neocon troll and blurt out your worthless opinion as if it's on par with facts. Carry on.
You can start by listening to his ranting drivel. He gets history completely wrong, and if you bother to read any of his books they aren't annotated, end noted, or possessing a bibliography. He's making the shit up as he goes.
Then, what do you ascribe as the reason the Palestinians haven't been able to accept any of the peace treaties they've been offered by numerous parties? What makes the Palestinians support so many terrorist groups and produce enough terrorism and violence none of their Arab neighbors want them in their countries?
Answers to your first question: What "peace offerings" have been made that include right of return? What "peace offerings" evict all the "settlements" that have violated the original treaties in recent times? Why should they accept anything less?

Answer to your second question: Simple fact check will show that HAMAS did NOT win the vote in a landslide. As for other Arab countries: did you know that in Saudi Arabia the royal/ruling family has to pay bribes to the various factions of islam in order to keep the peace (this is where the majority of 9-11 terrorists hail from)? It's a factional region ... being an agnostic myself, I just don't understand such vehemence, but there it is.
You can start by listening to his ranting drivel. He gets history completely wrong, and if you bother to read any of his books they aren't annotated, end noted, or possessing a bibliography. He's making the shit up as he goes.
You're so full of it. YOU don't have an answer, so you just give generalized BS and vague references. YOU can't even honestly and rationally discuss the contents of a short video, so don't think for a minute you can fool anyone to believe that you've read any of the man's books, much less his history.

What can you logically/factually disprove in the video? Put up or STFU!