Save Americans, please

Kamala Trump

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40% of the decline in Black employment is due to immigration. Watch the TV spots below
It's time we stand up for America's workers! Ask America's leaders where they stand, today.

It's a fact American workers across the country are being victimized by mass immigration. Study after study, including the recent National Bureau of Economic Research paper 12518 has proven that foreign workers are taking American's jobs and depressing wages. And while Americans from all backgrounds are being harmed, lower to middle income African American workers are being disproportionately affected.

Yet the usual defenders of America's most vulnerable are steering clear of this difficult issue or even calling for higher levels of mass immigration. It's time for America's leaders to stop standing down and begin standing up for America's workers. The only way that's going to happen is if we begin asking America's leaders where they stand.

The Central American Free Trade Agreement will create unfair pressure to lower the wages of all American workers when the basic staples not likely to be influenced by the agreement are exploding in price. American companies will be under great pressure to move manufacturing operations outside the United States. Giant retailers of cheap imported products made by grossly underpaid and exploited Central American workers will profit. Companies like Wal-Mart will profit but not most American workers. American taxpayers along with American workers will suffer.

Even as consumers, Americans are unlikely to benefit in the long term. The trade deficit has begun to erode the buying power of the US dollar. Imports are beginning to become more expensive because of the falling value of the dollar. The Central American Free Trade Agreement will make the trade deficit larger.

When the North American Free Trade Agreement was sold to the American public, Americans were told that it would be accompanied with agreements that would raise labor and environmental standards in Mexico to American levels. It never happened. Mexican workers continue to be exploited and pollution spills our southern border. The American job boom never happened. The jobs created in America paid much less than the jobs lost to Mexico had paid. Lower wages and lost jobs will hurt the Social Security program. Income tax revenues will make the federal budget deficits and national debts larger. The Central American Free Trade Agreement is terrible for the American nation. Only a few large corporations that will make huge profits from exploited labor and polluting the environment will profit from this very bad piece of legislation.
Free Trade and Globalization have not evolved in an natural economic way but have been driven by powerful forces inside government coupled with big business. It is a failure. It has betrayed workers for years. The report below may look like 2008 but it is not. Guess what year or years these losses were suffered. They are examples of predatory Capitalism with the Free Enterprise system being ignored. Companies strip out management - moved headquarters to cut local ties - cut workers and use workers outside the USA. This way they also save costs by not paying payroll taxes and evaded the costs of the entitlements, pollution controls and other domestic regulations. The fired workers instead of hiring them to show increases in productivity which increased their stock values. Many focused on gaining a massive cash flow selling products at costs or under costs for the sake of making money on money as the main goal. This all happened while President Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Alan Greespan declared prosperous economy. Note the number of high technology jobs cut. ( More than a million workers in the computer industry lost their jobs in the 1990s. )

The fact that the illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from working class Americans somehow gets overlooked. Where these immigrants don’t directly take jobs, they drive down wages. Never have Democrats so blatantly turned their backs on working class Americans. In fact, it would be hard to devise policies any more anti-working class than allowing impoverished foreigners, living in Third World conditions, to come by the millions to the U.S. to seek jobs.

The Democrats have inadvertently agreed to the worst form of Corporate Welfare. This welfare is the wink and nod system of allowing a whole new sector of the working class - a replacement class - to move to America. Really cheap labor, super-flexible workers that employers can dump anytime, and no benefits required - the perfect new labor force for some business owners striving to maximize their profits.

Disturbing also is that illegal immigrants are making poor black men obsolete. The welfare state has already arguably stolen their women - no family lives for them. Now the illegal immigrants are taking their jobs. Many black American men have historically done dirty, manual labor jobs and often worked for low wages - but they have their limits. They are Americans too - with expectations of reasonably decent wages. But when it comes to a bidding war for who will work for the lowest wages, illegal immigrants used to making $1 an hour in their native countries will win every time.

Over 50% of black men in their 20’s are jobless, and 72% of black men in their 20’s who are high school drop-outs are jobless. No greater shame should hang over the Democratic Party than this.

Democrats still have time to get it right on immigration. They should make three issues paramount: securing the southern border to prevent more replacement workers from coming in, get very strict with employers who hire illegal immigrants, and denounce every guest worker program for low-skill labor.

Democrats should be passionate, very vocal, and out front on this - not being dragged along by Republicans and opinion polls.

Demand that American businesses make do with the American working class, including the American working poor. Will some businesses have to pay more? Yes. Too damn bad.

If the Democratic Party is going salvage any integrity regarding immigration reform - or even any credibility as a party - they had better very quickly get back on the side of working class Americans.
I've been screaming about this for years. Clinton lost me when he signed NAFTA/GATT. Perot's huge sucking sound has come true. In order for the Democratic party to survive they must find a way to put people back to work. The conservative 'trickle down' has been proven to be a lie. From now on it's got to be 'bottom up'. If the Dems continue the insane and unAmerican conservative trade and economic policies then the Democratic party will crash just like the Republicons did last year.

The Republicon plan, as usual, is to drive the middle class of this country into poverty. The plan since Reagan is to suck the wealth of the middle class upward and to make the U.S. just another 3rd world country by not protecting our workers and industries with tariffs and protectionist policies. How can we compete with cheap/slave labor in Asia and millions of poor from cent. America? Bottom line... we cant. When hard economic time come it always hits the poor and lower socioeconomic people first. That's what we're seeing now.
Republicans fixed the immigration problem by making it so that no one wanted to live here.

are you really stupid or just winning the game at playing stupid? are you saying that our country does not have massive immigration...that people, by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are coming here every year?

where are those that are fleeing this country going to waterstain?

40% of the decline in Black employment is due to immigration. Watch the TV spots below
It's time we stand up for America's workers! Ask America's leaders where they stand, today.

It's a fact American workers across the country are being victimized by mass immigration. Study after study, including the recent National Bureau of Economic Research paper 12518 has proven that foreign workers are taking American's jobs and depressing wages. And while Americans from all backgrounds are being harmed, lower to middle income African American workers are being disproportionately affected.

Yet the usual defenders of America's most vulnerable are steering clear of this difficult issue or even calling for higher levels of mass immigration. It's time for America's leaders to stop standing down and begin standing up for America's workers. The only way that's going to happen is if we begin asking America's leaders where they stand.

Foreign workers aren't the problem my brother .. corporations, and more importantly, the American people are the problem.

I'm an Oracle DBA and just a few years ago DBA's commanded six-figure salaries easily. Today, those salaries have been reduced by $30,000 or more. This is true throughout much of the IT world. Not because mexicans have walked across the border and taken IT jobs, but rather because many of those jobs have been shipped overseas. The accent you hear when you call customer service isn't spanish, it's Indian.

It's hard to profess love of the American worker and then demonize unions in the same breath. Unions have been demonized and the American people bought it.

It's hard to profess love of the American worker while at the same time pulling the lever for republicans .. or for that matter, DLC democrats.

The bottom line is that as a nation we have to get smarter. Jumping on immigrants only defers us from the real conversation about what is wrong with us.
I say a hard to believe piece on doctorites in Science making below $50,000 in corp America.
If this is near the case the fools behing the outsourcing and hb1 visa's need to be banished.