Scheduled a quick backup...


Staff member
Had to backup the database. It didn't run last night as I was doing other things. It'll be quick folks. Don't panic.
what's going on with the board? I keep getting that error message this morning.
I keep getting logged out within 1 min of posting something.
Could be the screwy multi levels of security I am augering thru though.
I will be thru with this stuff in another week. Darn slow ISDN, Hughesnet is supposed to show up tomorrow to install 2 way satellite. I had to stick with ISDN because of my propritary VPN not working with satelite access.
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I keep getting logged out within 1 min of posting something.
Could be the screwy multi levels of security I am augering thru though.
I will be thru with this stuff in another week. Darn slow ISDN, Hughesnet is supposed to show up tomorrow to install 2 way satellite. I had to stick with ISDN because of my propritary VPN not working with satelite access.

No, I've been having a lot of problems today too. I was afraid to say anything before others did, because, while a lot of people were surprised when damo wrote that post about skinning someone alive, slowly, and watching them die screaming, I wasn't surprised. He sent me a PM very similar to that after the last time I openly complained about how the board was running. I PM"d Beefy, who is supposed to be some sort of moderator around here, but he did nothing about it, God knows what Damo threatened him with. And so I never complained again.
Acaually Damo It was pretty bad for me. I would get logged out and then log in but I was not logged in, etc...
Put a dent in my reputation too. Spinner accused me of running away.
My po old brain could just not handle all the logins and a conference call at the same time ;)
Yeah, did some tweaks. I haven't moved it to a new server yet. I'm having issues getting things to work. Shocker, I know. Being a hardware expert does not make me expert at web design...
Yeah, did some tweaks. I haven't moved it to a new server yet. I'm having issues getting things to work. Shocker, I know. Being a hardware expert does not make me expert at web design...

You got that right! I know so well :)
Web design is sort of it's own little speciality.