Scheduled Maintenance.... 5-30-08


Staff member
In the evening of Friday the 30th, there will be a temporary shut down while we update the site.
I get booted out every night at 1830 (my time) when the server tells me to piss off as it wants to back everything up. At first I couldn't handle the rejection. I used to log in and then rush through posts anxiously looking at the digital clock on the computer and rushing to respond before I was rejected. But then I learned not to rush. In fact I started not caring. I would indolently watch the tick click over to 1830 and convince myself it didn't matter, that I didn't really need it, that I could find somewhere else, that I wouldn't put up with this regular rejection, that I was free to go somewhere else at that time and I would feel fine about it.

But then the guilt hit me. I, the rejected one, starting feeling guilty because I had developed a means of dealing with the rejection, I'd simply click on another bookmark. Do you know how low you can feel doing that? I mean, here we are engaged in dialogue, I hit the 1830 hrs mark and....well, I don't feel much except a slight twinge of annoyance and then off I got, elsewhere.

In the evening of Friday the 30th, there will be a temporary shut down while we update the site.

This I can handle. I deal with it every night.

I'm starting to feel guilty because of my callousness.

I hope we're not drifting apart.

I get booted out every night at 1830 (my time) when the server tells me to piss off as it wants to back everything up. At first I couldn't handle the rejection. I used to log in and then rush through posts anxiously looking at the digital clock on the computer and rushing to respond before I was rejected. But then I learned not to rush. In fact I started not caring. I would indolently watch the tick click over to 1830 and convince myself it didn't matter, that I didn't really need it, that I could find somewhere else, that I wouldn't put up with this regular rejection, that I was free to go somewhere else at that time and I would feel fine about it.

But then the guilt hit me. I, the rejected one, starting feeling guilty because I had developed a means of dealing with the rejection, I'd simply click on another bookmark. Do you know how low you can feel doing that? I mean, here we are engaged in dialogue, I hit the 1830 hrs mark and....well, I don't feel much except a slight twinge of annoyance and then off I got, elsewhere.

This I can handle. I deal with it every night.

I'm starting to feel guilty because of my callousness.

I hope we're not drifting apart.


That should only last a few minutes or so while backing up. I hope it doesn't drive a wedge between us...
That time doesn't work for me Damo. I'm getting back from a Scotch tasting and I'd like to have the option to drunk post at that time.