School District Buys AR-15 Assault Rifles To Keep On Campuses For Student Protection


School District Buys 14 AR-15 Assault Rifles To Keep On Campuses For Student Protection…

The Fontana Unified School District Police Department purchased 14 AR-15 assault weapons to protect students in response to recent shootings across the country, but some school leaders and citizens think it’s a step in the wrong direction.

FUSD Superintendent Cali Olsen-Binks approved the acquisition of the rifles, which are being stored on campuses in locked safes for responding police officers in the event of an attack.

Fontana Police Chief Rodney Jones and Mayor Acquanetta Warren supported Olsen-Binks’ decision.

“It’s unfortunate that we have to have that, but it’s the best message we can send to anybody that thinks to harm our children,” said Jones. “The message we’re sending is…not here, not now, we’re prepared for you. And if you seek to harm our children, we will neutralize that threat and you will most likely be killed.”

Warren said, “Everyone wants children safe. At this time, we as a community, we have to come together and find other ways. But in the interim, our police officers need to be equipped.”


I cannot believe this happened in my blue liberal state of California.
What, the police department can't afford to buy their own guns now? Really?

So schools in Fontana have their own police departments? I could understand guards but an entire police department....with their guns kept locked up in a school locker? How does that work if a shooter gets between the school police and their locked up guns?
Another classic case of republican thinking gone wrong. If the school was "attacked"wouldn't it be easier for the police to bring their own firearms than wait around for the principal to unlock the safe?