School Shooting Safety Solution


Verified User
Most schools seem to have fences around them, so in the morning, there should be a policeman or two near the entry point for the morning kids, when it is opened. After the bell rings, the gate is securly locked and any visitors will have to be let in through a secured front Office door, known visitors without anything in their arms, etc. At the end of school, the Cops are back and the gates are opened again for the kids to be let out. Also, there needs to be two secure separate places where loaded guns are made accessable to Teachers/Staff, etc, just in case someone got into the school. Also a few choice Staff people will be able to carry a conceiled weapon. All of this will make it impossible to repeat what happened at that Conn. school.
More agreement between the American and Afghan Taliban?

So who's going to pay for the guns and training Yurt and his sock puppet?
First of all, how can you be a "Senior Member", when you joined June, 2012(Official Join Date), are you a Forum Fraud? Your Avatar of a bratty little kid whining seems appropriate for you with all your cry baby, spoiled Liberal Brat posts, like this one. There will be no mo gun control, fool, so go play with your sock puppet.
security is part of the answer.

better gun laws are another.

Better healthcare with comprehensive mental health care for EVERYONE is another
there are many solutions to this problem which will effect a lower death toll.

why are the republicans standing in the way of every solution that is based on facts?
This shooter broke a window and climed in.

We dont need to prevent sane law abiding citizens from having guns, we need to prevent insane criminals from having guns. Simple in scope difficult in enforcement. If you live with an insane person, you should not legally have a semi automatic rifle.
This shooter broke a window and climed in. We dont need to prevent sane law abiding citizens from having guns, we need to prevent insane criminals from having guns. Simple in scope difficult in enforcement. If you live with an insane person, you should not legally have a semi automatic rifle.

See, breaking windows is already against the law, so more laws aren't the answer.

Anyway, it's the media that causes these things, because they glorify the killers and make the rest of us look bad.

We need more guns because they prevent crimes.

Only an armed citizen army stands between you and government tyranny!
This shooting is the direct result of trading liberty for security.

Where was the police/government? We traded liberty for security. We make these schools gun free. There's a sign out in the front stating this, letting everyone know that there's no guns to stop anyone who wants to kill a bunch of kids, and adults.

If teachers would have had quick access to gun(s), most, if not all these kids would still be alive. The killer had to break in I heard. Making enough noise to alert teachers to get their guns, but instead they're totally dependent on the government to help them. Which of course, not around when you need them.

This is what happens when you trade liberty for security. You lose both liberty, and security, and deserve neither.
When you're right, you're right, Lib.

Arm everybody.

As soon as a baby is born, shove a .45 in their fist!