Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God


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"Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God

SCIENTISTS have ‘confirmed’ the existence of God after proving a mathematician’s theory which suggests that there is a higher power.

By Sean Martin
PUBLISHED: 03:00, Sun, Jan 22, 2017 | UPDATED: 09:03, Sun, Jan 22, 2017

Two computer scientists say they proved that there is a holy supreme force after confirming the equations.

In 1978, mathematician Kurt Gödel died and left behind a long and complex theory based on modal logic.

Dr Gödel’s model uses mathematical equations that are extremely complicated, but the essence is that no greater power than God can be conceived, and if he or she is believed as a concept then he or she can exist in reality..."

Interesting... :)
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. I've seen a lot...and I mean a lot of dumb posts before but this has to far and away...the most profoundly scientifically ignorant post on JPP I've ever read.

Anyone who gives the OP any scientific credibility what so ever is simply ignorant of science and the scientific method.

Now that mean seem a bit harsh so I will clarify this. Once whatever you are studying involves a supernatural causation you have stopped studying or practicing science. Science only deals with natural causation and only natural causation. It is mutually exclusive from any religious or philosophical beliefs that are not limited specifically to natural causation or imply supernatural causation.

So though I am in no way impugning anyone's religious belief I am definitely impugning anyone's belief that this OP is in anyway, shape or form even remotely related to science. In short, from a scientific standpoint, the OP is a joke.
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. I've seen a lot...and I mean a lot of dumb posts before but this has to far and away...the most profoundly scientifically ignorant post on JPP I've ever read.

Hmmmm.... So I guess yer mathematics skills are sufficient to find the flaws in what mathematician Kurt Gödel's logic model "SUGGESTS" yer sayin'?

OR: are we jus' gettin' the standard sanctimonious look down yer long snarky nose Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist 'I'm soooooo smart' dismissal of intelligent design anti-religious bigotry?

Admittedly the Sean Martin's choice of 'prove' in the headline seems to be a bit of an overstatement, since the model appears to be a logic model.

That said: many headlines are designed to get attention and it grabbed mine,
(of course yer sooooooo much smarter then I am). burp...

Anyone who gives the OP any scientific credibility what so ever is simply ignorant of science and the scientific method.

Hmmmmm... "simply ignorant of science and the scientific method" eh?

Are you aware of the fact that most scientific theories in physics are mathematically based?

I guess you aren't impressed with the 'big bang' theory and the critical theory of the initial 'expansion' of post big bang space then too? (BTW the rate of expansion had to be extremely precise to allow the formation of protons/neutrons/electrons and other more exotic particles explained by quantum physics for mommy hydrogen to form), or the universe would have continued expanding and never had the matter, (stars/galaxies) we see today. If it was slightly too slow (fifty plus digits of super precision) the mass/energy could not have escaped gravity and fallen back to the pre big bang singularity.

BTW, both relativity and quantum mechanics break down, (mathematically: the equations go to infinity), at the point of singularity, hence the need for the separate butt: very necessary theory of 'expansion'.

Kurt Gödel's mathematical logic model, (which is admittedly over my one functional brain cell n' was so complex that computers were required to crunch the numbers), seems to validate the intuitive conclusion that some have reached that the level precision of the expansion, as well as the break down of theories at the point of singularity points to intelligent design.

Now that mean seem a bit harsh so I will clarify this. Once whatever you are studying involves a supernatural causation you have stopped studying or practicing science. Science only deals with natural causation and only natural causation. It is mutually exclusive from any religious or philosophical beliefs that are not limited specifically to natural causation or imply supernatural causation.

Nope that is yer anti-religious bigotry. Kurt Gödel's mathematical logic model doesn't state the nature of the intelligent designer, his equations merely show that outside design is "suggested".

So though I am in no way impugning anyone's religious belief I am definitely impugning anyone's belief that this OP is in anyway, shape or form even remotely related to science. In short, from a scientific standpoint, the OP is a joke.

I think yer a bit of a joke: hoople.

You may have some credibility if ya pointed out the flaws Kurt Gödel's mathematical logic model, butt: I bet that is over yer pay grade.

Faith in Jesus Christ, (as I have), doesn't require any outside validation, butt: that doesn't mean that people like Kurt Gödel won't try, (it also doesn't mean Kurt Gödel's mathematical logic model isn't science).
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Depends on how you define God, but I have proof, just look around at the beauty we live in.
Once whatever you are studying involves a supernatural causation you have stopped studying or practicing science. Science only deals with natural causation and only natural causation. It is mutually exclusive from any religious or philosophical beliefs that are not limited specifically to natural causation or imply supernatural causation.

This is not logical.
Once whatever you are studying involves a supernatural causation you have stopped studying or practicing science. Science only deals with natural causation and only natural causation.

just out of curiosity, what do you consider supernatural causation? out of body experiences? people seeing ghosts? talking to god? the devil? angels? if science is only natural causation, there must be some very bright and defined line where it stops, right?
Now that mean seem a bit harsh so I will clarify this. Once whatever you are studying involves a supernatural causation you have stopped studying or practicing science. Science only deals with natural causation and only natural causation. It is mutually exclusive from any religious or philosophical beliefs that are not limited specifically to natural causation or imply supernatural causation.

when do you conclude that further scientific study will not reveal natural causation?.......before or after you stop bleeding your patients with leeches......before or after you discover a polio vaccine.......before or after you discover an isotope?......
"Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God

SCIENTISTS have ‘confirmed’ the existence of God after proving a mathematician’s theory which suggests that there is a higher power.

By Sean Martin
PUBLISHED: 03:00, Sun, Jan 22, 2017 | UPDATED: 09:03, Sun, Jan 22, 2017

Two computer scientists say they proved that there is a holy supreme force after confirming the equations.

In 1978, mathematician Kurt Gödel died and left behind a long and complex theory based on modal logic.

Dr Gödel’s model uses mathematical equations that are extremely complicated, but the essence is that no greater power than God can be conceived, and if he or she is believed as a concept then he or she can exist in reality..."

Interesting... :)

Why? Faith is Platonic, one doesn't need mathematical calculations to verify faith
just out of curiosity, what do you consider supernatural causation? out of body experiences? people seeing ghosts? talking to god? the devil? angels? if science is only natural causation, there must be some very bright and defined line where it stops, right?
i define supernatural causation as outside or other than natural causes.

Can't answer you're second question as it's not empirically testable. In other words I don't know.
Who ever claimed science was logical? It's quite often counterintuitive. Take Skidmark for example. Logic dictates he should have been dead a long time ago...but here he is.

Now you're compounding your lack of logic. Skid isn't dead because he's locked in his mother's basement.
a joke
scientific method.
a higher power
verify faith
natural causation
supernatural causation
[the number] four proved God

We are [non-Material] spirits in a Material World.
Material matter is made of the inert separated elements [earth, water, fire, air, ether etc].
Material matter is changing into different forms, being created, maintained and dissolved.
Spirit-soul [alma, anima] provides a conscious-life force to animate a species of life.
Humans are Spirit-souls in a Material World.
Spirit-soul has no material qualities. Spirit-soul is made of three in-separable qualities:
Spirit-soul is made of Eternality (w/o time) + Cognizance + Blissfullness [aka, Spirit-soul is made of "sat-chitta-ananda"]

In lieu of Religious trappings and methods ... there are absolute truths...for example: "WORK".

All material and spiritual things preform their own allotted "WORK".

The work of a stone is to stay stationary and to be hard and dense.
The work of a water is to be wet.
The work of a dog is to bark.
The work of a student is to study.
The work of a Sun is to shine.

Such obligatory "Work" is referred to with the word "Dhar-ma" aka "Duty".

We Spirit-souls in a Material World ...where duality causes the elements to move in a flux. Where ever the elements are found manifest ..."things Happen", and thus "Time" transpires.

In the material world we have the Elements + Space + Time a medium for Spirit-souls to take up residence in on of the myriads of Living Bodies ---each, from a common garden Ant up to the penthouses of the high and Mighty ---all species do the same four catagories of activies:

This is what all species do.

God = The Supreme well-spring reservoir of PERSONA. The name, fame, form, personality, paraphernalia, entourage and pastimes of Godhead in His original form is a known fact and an open-book open-source fact awaiting any soul that considers "what the reason for taking re-births and thus working and working in different lifetimes for no reason except temporary pastimes is aiming at"

In the material world, manifest & temporal Time exists.

The Soul is made of "Sat" ---without time.

Revelation of Godhead may change according to the level of intelligence of the worth of "Persona". Persona is the hallmark of Godhead.

The Scientific method is no different than a "Recipe".

So tasting the pudding is the only way to verify the results.

The OP does not summerise the Theorem. [thou, theorem has the word Theo in it]

So I will surmise that Mathematical calculations can not provide a proof where **ZERO can produce a One**

One = an outside addition.

One & Zero cannot be separated they are join via the Laws of Duality that constitute how the elements stay in flux.

And math can show this relationship. But where did the **One** emerge from?
the "One" is the self existent one, the "I am" that I am. he has revealed himself in his only begotten Son. every person on this planet [just about] knows his name. Jesus. that is a scientifically provable fact. it is in the rocks and dust. dig it up.
No one else had a problem with this part?

Dr Gödel’s model uses mathematical equations that are extremely complicated, but the essence is that no greater power than God can be conceived, and if he or she is believed as a concept then he or she can exist in reality.

Not even close to proving the existence of God.