Sean Hannity Slogan

Kamala Trump

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Sean always says stuff like "Liberals always pretend like wealth is distributed". well sean, after all the bailouts and stimulus packages, isn't it obvious that wealth is distiributed? Yeah. That'll shut him up for a while.
That reminds me. Did you see that Glenn Beck has lost his show on CNN and has been hired by Fox? What a surprise.

Beck lost nothing....he was hired away from CNN by FOX....get your story straight....

"Mr. Beck has been increasingly successful at Headline News, as his audience has more than doubled in the last year for the two editions of his hourlong weeknight program.

Mr. Beck appears first at 7 p.m. and then in a repeat at 9 p.m. The 7 p.m. show has been averaging about 375,000 viewers in recent months, and the 9 p.m. repeat exceeds 485,000 viewers.

Both were among the best audience totals for the Headline News Network, topped only by shows hosted by that channel’s signature performer, Nancy Grace."
(Mr. Beck’s contract was with CNN, though he worked at Headline News, which is no longer called CNN Headline News.)

Mr. Beck declined to comment.

At Fox News, Mr. Beck will have access to a much wider audience than he reached at Headline News.

A statement from CNN said, “Glenn has been a terrific employee and colleague to many of us at CNN. We wish him well.”
That reminds me. Did you see that Glenn Beck has lost his show on CNN and has been hired by Fox? What a surprise.

He is so weird I dont know why anyone would hire him.

Hey Damo , hes doing poorly all on his own. We just realize how crappy he is.
Actually I've only seen clips of one or two of his interviews, never watched his show. This came up during a newscast last night and I recognized the name. I have no emotional investment in the individual one way or another.
He is so weird I dont know why anyone would hire him.

Hey Damo , hes doing poorly all on his own. We just realize how crappy he is.

I'm not really a Glen Beck fan but someone getting hired by a larger network, getting a larger audience and probably getting paid more usually isn't considered to be doing poorly.
His rating were slumping and they did not renew his contract. He is now where he belongs, Faux Noise
He is so weird I dont know why anyone would hire him.

Hey Damo , hes doing poorly all on his own. We just realize how crappy he is.
Except he was doing better than all but one show on a network that would normally be seen as "against" him. Likely over time he'd have beat that last show too.
Glenn Beck is another whiny conservative republican who contributes nothing substantive to the dialog except the same old, 'it's the other guy's fault' nonsense. If red herring arguments feed the poor he could say he accomplished something.
Beck lost nothing....he was hired away from CNN by FOX....get your story straight....

"Mr. Beck has been increasingly successful at Headline News, as his audience has more than doubled in the last year for the two editions of his hourlong weeknight program.

Mr. Beck appears first at 7 p.m. and then in a repeat at 9 p.m. The 7 p.m. show has been averaging about 375,000 viewers in recent months, and the 9 p.m. repeat exceeds 485,000 viewers.

Both were among the best audience totals for the Headline News Network, topped only by shows hosted by that channel’s signature performer, Nancy Grace."
(Mr. Beck’s contract was with CNN, though he worked at Headline News, which is no longer called CNN Headline News.)

Mr. Beck declined to comment.

At Fox News, Mr. Beck will have access to a much wider audience than he reached at Headline News.

A statement from CNN said, “Glenn has been a terrific employee and colleague to many of us at CNN. We wish him well.”

Well hell that say's a lot about headline news doesn't it? It's two biggest stars are an uninformed wingnut who's been wrong on virtually every issue and a killer who's probably more culpable for murder than OJ Simpson. WOW! I'm impressed.

I can't begin to evince enough disgust with CNN for keeping killer Grace on the payroll.