Sean Penn


Atheist Missionary
Sean Penn can suckle my sweaty, gristly b*lls. Who does this no-mark think he is? Is he just p*ssed off because that rancid man-cow Madonna blew him out and started sh*gging a Brit? Jumped up self-righteous c*ck-end, come over here for a few days. You'd be found floating down the Thames estuary within a day...
Sean Penn can suckle my sweaty, gristly b*lls. Who does this no-mark think he is? Is he just p*ssed off because that rancid man-cow Madonna blew him out and started sh*gging a Brit? Jumped up self-righteous c*ck-end, come over here for a few days. You'd be found floating down the Thames estuary within a day...

I am a huge fan of his when he is mouthing other's words, but when he starts thinking for himself is where he turns into be a massive boor. Every time there has ever been a poll asking what the Falkland Islanders want, they have voted overwhelmingly to stay as they are.
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Ah, so he lectured you chaps about the merits of possessing the Falklands. Seems to me that Spiccoli could use a lecture in the merits of possessing marijuana in the back of a VW (or a history lecture).
The simple fact is that the Falklands do not belong to Argentina. And never have. They were discovered by an Englishman, who landed and formed a colony. France then landed and formed a seperate colony but this failed and they left. Spain then bought the 'rights' from France. Spain and Britain signed a pact granting each other soveriegnty on a joint basis. Spain then left the Falklands in 1811. When Argentina became independent, they invaded the islands and tried to claim them, even though Spain didn't recognise Argentina's juristiction over the islands (still doesn't) and considering the joint British / Spanish soveriegnty that wouldn't be possible anyway. 2 months later, Britain sent a fleet to kick out the Argie invaders, very alike the 1982 occupation and liberation. Britain, recognising Argentina's predatory nature (see Argentina's Patagonian occupation) formed a substantial settlement in 1833 to discourage any further Argentinian aggression.

Argentina's claim to the Falklands is invalid because a. they never owned the islands, b. the two occasions when they landed were military occupations and soon rebuffed and c. the islands weren't bequeathed to them by Spain.

As for their claim that they should own the islands because they are 350 miles from Argentina.... what nonsense. Hawaii is many miles from the US mainland, does that make Hawaii any less American.

And the simple fact is, if Argentina really wanted the islands, they should have fought harder in 1982. They only have 300-odd miles, we had 8000 miles to move our forces. And we kicked their hairy backsides back.

Argentina can bleat and moan all it likes, it can get Z-list no-mark actors to declare their support, but who cares. The only way Argentina will occupy the Falklands is by war. And even if Britain just had one ship and a handful of blokes with sharp sticks, they will kick the living cr*p out of the Argies.

America needs to get behind us on this. Not only does the US owe us (all the battles we have fought for it, giving up our empire in exchange for support defeating Naziism) but this sets a dangerous precendent. Can you imagine Americans getting back into their covered wagons and retreating back to the east coast? And then jumping on a giant Mayflower and coming back to the UK?

Screw the Argies, their president who looks like a long retired pornstar and all the Z list nobodies they can wheel out. If you want them. Fight for them.
Sean Penn can suckle my sweaty, gristly b*lls. Who does this no-mark think he is? Is he just p*ssed off because that rancid man-cow Madonna blew him out and started sh*gging a Brit? Jumped up self-righteous c*ck-end, come over here for a few days. You'd be found floating down the Thames estuary within a day...

First... welcome back
Second... what did the Chavez ass kisser do now?
I am a huge fan of his when he is mouthing other's words, but when he starts thinking for himself is where he turns into be a massive boor. Every time there has ever been a poll asking what the Falkland Islanders want, they have voted overwhelmingly to stay as they are.

ROFLMAO... what a total douche bag. I wonder, is Penn going to give his CA land back to the Mexicans?
Sean Penn can suckle my sweaty, gristly b*lls. Who does this no-mark think he is? Is he just p*ssed off because that rancid man-cow Madonna blew him out and started sh*gging a Brit? Jumped up self-righteous c*ck-end, come over here for a few days. You'd be found floating down the Thames estuary within a day...
Seriously? You have an heir to the throne that talks to trees and you're talking smack about Sean Penn? Really?
ROFLMAO... what a total douche bag. I wonder, is Penn going to give his CA land back to the Mexicans?

Douche bag is a good phrase for him, and the Argie President who is using him. The idea that Britain is colonial, when we have voluntarily given back the greatest empire in history is absolute BS. If we were colonial we would have fought tooth and nail for every square inch. And to tell the truth, when I look at countries like Zimbabwe, I wish we had.
The simple fact is that the Falklands do not belong to Argentina. And never have. They were discovered by an Englishman, who landed and formed a colony. France then landed and formed a seperate colony but this failed and they left. Spain then bought the 'rights' from France. Spain and Britain signed a pact granting each other soveriegnty on a joint basis. Spain then left the Falklands in 1811. When Argentina became independent, they invaded the islands and tried to claim them, even though Spain didn't recognise Argentina's juristiction over the islands (still doesn't) and considering the joint British / Spanish soveriegnty that wouldn't be possible anyway. 2 months later, Britain sent a fleet to kick out the Argie invaders, very alike the 1982 occupation and liberation. Britain, recognising Argentina's predatory nature (see Argentina's Patagonian occupation) formed a substantial settlement in 1833 to discourage any further Argentinian aggression.

Argentina's claim to the Falklands is invalid because a. they never owned the islands, b. the two occasions when they landed were military occupations and soon rebuffed and c. the islands weren't bequeathed to them by Spain.

As for their claim that they should own the islands because they are 350 miles from Argentina.... what nonsense. Hawaii is many miles from the US mainland, does that make Hawaii any less American.

And the simple fact is, if Argentina really wanted the islands, they should have fought harder in 1982. They only have 300-odd miles, we had 8000 miles to move our forces. And we kicked their hairy backsides back.

Argentina can bleat and moan all it likes, it can get Z-list no-mark actors to declare their support, but who cares. The only way Argentina will occupy the Falklands is by war. And even if Britain just had one ship and a handful of blokes with sharp sticks, they will kick the living cr*p out of the Argies.

America needs to get behind us on this. Not only does the US owe us (all the battles we have fought for it, giving up our empire in exchange for support defeating Naziism) but this sets a dangerous precendent. Can you imagine Americans getting back into their covered wagons and retreating back to the east coast? And then jumping on a giant Mayflower and coming back to the UK?

Screw the Argies, their president who looks like a long retired pornstar and all the Z list nobodies they can wheel out. If you want them. Fight for them.
Pulease! The British empire is as dead as Princess Di and so is the Monroe Doctrine. GET OVER IT!
Seriously? You have an heir to the throne that talks to trees and you're talking smack about Sean Penn? Really?

William doesn't talk to trees, that's his father. William is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the RAF. His brother is an apache pilot. And yes, Sean Penn can seriously suck my gristle. He goes down there talking about things he knows nothing about, sucking up to that descendent of a conquistador president about Britain being colonialist when we are defending islands that have NEVER been Argie. Self righteous pompous no-mark! He wants to spend his time practicing acting skills, then maybe every movie he makes might not be so sh*t.
Pulease! The British empire is as dead as Princess Di and so is the Monroe Doctrine. GET OVER IT!

Yet you speak English, live in a country that bases itself on British values (think if the Spanish had conquered North America. The US would be a cr*p-hole like most of South America), English is the language of choice across the world, we live in an industrialised, mechanised world that is smaller than it has ever been. You have industrialised agriculture that allows you to feed your huge population and British influence is felt across the world. This is still Britain's world. America is to Britain what Alexander's Hellenised world was to the ancient Greeks, an extension of influence by other means. Don't like that? Ok, go back to the pre-industrial and agricultural revolution world, where the other side of the planet really means the other side of the world, and work it out on your own.
Wow AOI, that's a name from the past! Good to see you! I have been wondering what happened to Charver too. Not that I expect you to know because you're both from England, but your name made me thing of him.
Hi Darla. Yeah, fleeting visit, to have a gripe about Penn. Doesn't he come on here anymore? Shame, he was / is a great wit! Comedy gold!
Hi Darla. Yeah, fleeting visit, to have a gripe about Penn. Doesn't he come on here anymore? Shame, he was / is a great wit! Comedy gold!

The absolute best, I miss him. He had been until recently, maybe a couple of months ago? I am not sure, but i haven't seen him lately no.

I saw your other post about getting addicted, so to speak, again. I get that believe me.
Yet you speak English, live in a country that bases itself on British values (think if the Spanish had conquered North America. The US would be a cr*p-hole like most of South America), English is the language of choice across the world, we live in an industrialised, mechanised world that is smaller than it has ever been. You have industrialised agriculture that allows you to feed your huge population and British influence is felt across the world. This is still Britain's world. America is to Britain what Alexander's Hellenised world was to the ancient Greeks, an extension of influence by other means. Don't like that? Ok, go back to the pre-industrial and agricultural revolution world, where the other side of the planet really means the other side of the world, and work it out on your own.
Irrelevent. All irrelevent. One would have to be blind not to see why Argentina would want Great Britain out of their sphere of influence. Ya'll don't exactly have a steller reputation in that respect (not that the US does either to be fair). That's why we ran your asses out of Jamaica! LOL
Yet you speak English, live in a country that bases itself on British values (think if the Spanish had conquered North America. The US would be a cr*p-hole like most of South America), English is the language of choice across the world, we live in an industrialised, mechanised world that is smaller than it has ever been. You have industrialised agriculture that allows you to feed your huge population and British influence is felt across the world. This is still Britain's world. America is to Britain what Alexander's Hellenised world was to the ancient Greeks, an extension of influence by other means. Don't like that? Ok, go back to the pre-industrial and agricultural revolution world, where the other side of the planet really means the other side of the world, and work it out on your own.
Oh yes...I almost forgot. Welcome back. :)
Irrelevent. All irrelevent. One would have to be blind not to see why Argentina would want Great Britain out of their sphere of influence. Ya'll don't exactly have a steller reputation in that respect (not that the US does either to be fair). That's why we ran your asses out of Jamaica! LOL

Its not irrelevent. Its in response to your statement ref the British Empire. It is irrelevent what the Argies want. They have never owned the Falklands. They have invaded them. Twice. And got booted out. Twice. And we have such a bad reputation, I refer you back to my original statement. Stop using everything the British Empire gave to the world.