Sebelius exits, battered and blamed


New member
Imho it was absolutely her fault, she was at the helm and she failed miserably. She has no excuses she had not weeks not months but over 2 yrs to assure the rollout for obamacare went somewhat smoothly. Everyone expected glitchs and screwups with the implementation of a program this size, but utter failure is unexceptable and she should have been fired not allowed to resign.

In the end, Kathleen Sebelius was able to resign as secretary of Health and Human Services during a high point, when the administration had just announced that 7.5 million Americans had signed up for insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges.
It isn't Sebelius fault; the entire poorly written law is an abomination and has nowhere to go but failure.

Stay tuned; more to come. But one thing we can rest assured of; Obama will never assume any blame nor will the gullible twits who elected him assign any responsibility for this laws failure.
It isn't Sebelius fault; the entire poorly written law is an abomination and has nowhere to go but failure.

Stay tuned; more to come. But one thing we can rest assured of; Obama will never assume any blame nor will the gullible twits who elected him assign any responsibility for this laws failure.

Of course not, they'll simply use it as a step.... "This one failed, therefore we need to have still more socialistic healthcare! It would have worked if the right people were in charge.. ask the Russians!"