second coming phone


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3 million iPhones sold in first month
Momentum isn't showing any signs of a dip; sales blow past expectations.

Analyst predicts that iPhone 3G sales are exceeding expectations by far.
NEW YORK (FORTUNE) -- Talk about your summer scorchers.
One month after its debut, Apple's new iPhone has hit the 3 million sold mark, according to analyst Michael Cote of the Cote Collaborative.
"They are seeing unprecedented demand," says Cote, adding that there appears to be no signs of a let up yet. Cote, a former T-Mobile executive, has been extremely accurate with wireless predictions in the past.

An Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) spokesperson declined to comment on Cote's projections.

The blistering sales pace of Apple's new gadget defies the otherwise downward trends in consumer spending, employment levels and overall economic health. The 3 million figure is much higher than Wall Street analysts had anticipated. Forecasts called for total quarterly sales of three million to four million.

Three days after the new iPhone's July 11 debut, Apple announced that it had sold 1 million iPhones. For comparison, it took 74 days for the original iPhone to hit the one million sold mark. The new 3G iPhone has already sold nearly half as many as the original iPhones in total.

Three big factors seem to have helped juice sales.

As first reported, the price of the iPhone was cut in half, and with a $199 price tag - excluding the $2,400 wireless subscription costs over two years - it put the phone within reach of a much broader market than the original $400 iPhone.

Second, the new iPhone got to capitalize on the consumer enthusiasm for the original iPhone's touchscreen design. Mobile phones are very much a fashion statement, and touchscreens are hot. A good comparison is Motorola's Razr, which ushered in the ultrathin style and sold 100 million units.

Another big boost is geography. International sales have helped take the iPhone to places it hasn't been before. The new iPhone is selling in 22 countries and Apple said last month that it was "confident enough" that it will launch sales in 20 more on Aug. 22, with a target of 70 by year end. The original iPhone was sold in four countries.

But analyst Cote predicts that Apple will find it challenging to keep current outlets supplied while attempting to take on even more. "The demand is so strong it may impact or delay the new countries coming on," Cote says.

That probably isn't the worst problem Apple could face.
I have a couple of friends with Iphones. I can't see the appeal. When I get a phone I want a phone. The internet access and PDA capabilities of my Blackberry is handy, but not really a necessity.

I have a laptop, and an mp3 player for the net and entertainment.

Just a phone will do me just fine.
it's not for everybody, I make about 10 calls a month. I use it for web browsing about a dozen times a day. I can do ameritrade on it but no on a dumbberry
it's not for everybody, I make about 10 calls a month. I use it for web browsing about a dozen times a day. I can do ameritrade on it but no on a dumbberry

Since I am not hip deep in trades with my accounts, I have no need for all that.

The Dumberry keeps me posted on current emails from corporate, and lets me access the OSHA and National Safety Council websites for reference materials.

But all that is partly why I love weekends. Where I live there is almost no signal for any system. Peace & quiet are as valuable to me as instant access to information.

I can remember when having a pager meant I was "in contact" 24/7. Sometimes I miss those days.
I have a couple of friends with Iphones. I can't see the appeal. When I get a phone I want a phone. The internet access and PDA capabilities of my Blackberry is handy, but not really a necessity.

I have a laptop, and an mp3 player for the net and entertainment.

Just a phone will do me just fine.

That was my attitude, untill my wife brought one home! I got one the next day...I love it!
I doubt it you digital douche bag that's you

Top is a perfect example of the fanbase Apple's Iphone recieves. With comments like "I doubt it you digital douche bag that's you", which are completely unfunny, you have to laugh at them. They are so unfunny that they are funny, just like a dork dressed up as a stormtrooper outside the cinema.
Top is a perfect example of the fanbase Apple's Iphone recieves. With comments like "I doubt it you digital douche bag that's you", which are completely unfunny, you have to laugh at them. They are so unfunny that they are funny, just like a dork dressed up as a stormtrooper outside the cinema.

You know, this totally reminds me of when Luke dresses up as a Storm trooper, and Princess Leia says "Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?", which I bet is the same reaction Topper gets!