Secret CIA Run Prisons Confirmed


In case you missed it in the discussion about military tribunals vs. trials, Bush has just admitted that we do indeed run secret prisons via the CIA.

The announcement from Bush is the first time the administration has acknowledged the existence of CIA prisons, which have been a source of friction between Washington and some allies in Europe. The administration has come under criticism for its treatment of terrorism detainees. European Union lawmakers said the CIA was conducting clandestine flights in Europe to take terror suspects to countries where they could face torture.
In case you missed it in the discussion about military tribunals vs. trials, Bush has just admitted that we do indeed run secret prisons via the CIA.

He's trying to placate those allies who he now needs for his new war against Iran. Be afraid, be very afraid. This bastard always has something going on behind the curtain. He isn't doing all this because he suddenly had a humanitarian epiphany, not this guy. He doesn't do anything without a reason, especially something that is against every instinct in his besodded mind and body.
He's trying to placate those allies who he now needs for his new war against Iran. Be afraid, be very afraid. This bastard always has something going on behind the curtain. He isn't doing all this because he suddenly had a humanitarian epiphany, not this guy. He doesn't do anything without a reason, especially something that is against every instinct in his besodded mind and body.
Oh, I agree. The anti-Iran hype of 2006 is sounding more and more like the anti-Iraq hype of 2002.
Oh, I agree. The anti-Iran hype of 2006 is sounding more and more like the anti-Iraq hype of 2002.

It should, it's the same script! Just substiture two letters in the name of the country and change the name of the evil dictator and you're off and running...Bush War III -- Comin' at ya...
Hmmm... It really depends on whether they believe Iran to be contained. I'm pretty sure that Iran is next, then later Syria.