Secret manuscript revealing Jesus’ teachings to his brother James re-writes The Bible


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Secret manuscript revealing Jesus’ teachings to his brother James re-writes The Bible

A SECRET manuscript which claims to detail Jesus Christ’s teachings to his brother James has been unearthed

Fragments of the forgotten heretical document have been discovered at the University of Oxford library by Biblical scholars from the University of Texas at Austin.

The fragments come from 13 leather-bound vellum codices which had been buried in Egypt and found in 1945.

The documents detail the ‘First Apocalypse of James’ in which Jesus passes on knowledge of Heaven and future events to his brother, or possible step-brother, James, including the death of the younger sibling.

However, the documents were “forbidden” by early Christians as they would have had to have been added to the New Testament which was not permitted 1,600 years ago when the text was originally written Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, in his “Easter letter of 367” that defined the 27-book New Testament: “No one may add to them, and nothing may be taken away from them.”

The manuscript is from an early Christian form known as Gnosticism which still remains a mystery to researchers.

Study co-author Dr Geoffrey Smith, a scholar of Biblical Greek and Christian origins, said: “To say that we were excited once we realised what we had found is an understatement.

“We never suspected that Greek fragments of the First Apocalypse of James survived from antiquity. But there they were, right in front of us.

“The text supplements the biblical account of Jesus’s life and ministry by allowing us access to conversations that purportedly took place between Jesus and James — secret teachings that allowed James to be a good teacher after Jesus’s death.”

Brent Landau, a lecturer in the UT Austin Department of Religious Studies, added: “The scribe has divided most of the text into syllables by using mid-dots. Such divisions are very uncommon in ancient manuscripts, but they do show up frequently in manuscripts that were used in educational contexts.”
I thought you had denied being a gnostic.......

I'm not gnostic ..

1st Apocalypse of James - Early Christian Writings › Gnostics

The manuscript names this writing The Apocalypse of James. We refer to it here as The (First) Apocalypse of James to distinguish it from the next writing (V, 4) which the manuscript also entitles The Apocalypse of James. Our apocalypse is an excellent example of a "revelation dialogue." The partners in the dialogue are the ...
your "secret" manuscript has been around since the's just that anyone interested in serious study ignores it......
Certainly no fundamentalist like yourself would give it any weight.

lol.....sorry.....not a denomination is historically considered "mainline"......find me a biblical scholar who claims the 1st Apocalypse of James is a theological text instead of some third century gnostic mind wanderings......
Organized religions don't have a power structure? Please.

list me the "power structure" of Christianity in the year 2018.....if you are talking about the biblical canon, that was decided by a counsel of representatives from Christian churches all over the world........that would be a bottom up structure.......
list me the "power structure" of Christianity in the year 2018.....if you are talking about the biblical canon, that was decided by a counsel of representatives from Christian churches all over the world........that would be a bottom up structure.......

Look, the Roman Catholic Church was the world's first transnational corporation, it even called in Papal Bulls of the 1500s for the cleansing of the North American continent. No one said there is a president of christianity.