Seems Alan Dershowitz Has Had An Impact


Not So Junior Member
On the left in general, Media Matters in particular:

Last Media Matters Column
April 06, 2012 2:21 pm ET — MJ Rosenberg

This is my last column for Media Matters. As of Monday, I'm striking out on my own with a brand new website and blog:

The reason for this step is that it disturbed me greatly to see an organization to which I am devoted facing possible harm because of my critical writings about Israel. I have no doubt that the crowd that opposes any and all criticism of Israeli government policies will continue to turn its guns on Media Matters if I am associated with it.

I could not live with myself if that happened — not only because I care deeply about the organization and my colleagues, but also because Media Matters does such important work confronting the lies that emanate from the far right and especially Fox News.

My presence here is being used in an effort to shut Media Matters up. That won't happen, of course. This is an incredibly successful organization. (Just ask Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh — or Rupert Murdoch, for that matter — about its impact). But the last thing I want to do is allow the right to use my support for a reinvigorated Middle East peace process to distract Media Matters from its primary mission: fighting for truth in the media.

So I am moving on, although my readers won't notice the difference. The twice-a-week email columns will continue to be sent to the same list. (If you aren't on it, just click here). My columns will continue to appear on Huffington Post, Al-Jazeera and dozens, if not hundreds, of other outlets where they tend to be reposted. And then there is my twitter account: @mjayrosenberg.

Additionally, there will be the new blog, which will not be limited to Middle East issues and which will be continuously updated. And there may be a book in the works too. More on that later.

A final word of thanks to Media Matters, which is a great organization. I started here at 62 years old, and it's the best job I've ever had.

Richard Nixon famously said to the press after his failed attempt to become governor of California, "just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore." I, however, will most definitely be around. More than ever.

The blog goes "live" tonight!

I'd say the blog is worth watching.
I especially took notice of this....

"My presence here is being used in an effort to shut Media Matters up. That won't happen, of course. This is an incredibly successful organization. (Just ask Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh — or Rupert Murdoch, for that matter — about its impact)."

Thats just about an admission of their campaign of character assassination they ran against these people to destroy them in the eyes of the public.........
while of course mentioning liberal politicians with only undying admiration....

So much for "Media Matters"..... they should change the name to "Political Party Matters"......because to them, thats all that does matter, Party and partisanship....