SEIU pushes for oil, tobacco, liquor taxes


New member
this is what the lefties beloved Unions want for bout that..


2:29 PM * June 10, 2009
The state’s biggest labor union is launching a $1-million TV advertising campaign promoting new taxes on the oil, tobacco and liquor industries in hopes of dissuading lawmakers from adopting the deep social services cuts proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Republican lawmakers and Schwarzenegger have vowed not to raise taxes to bridge the state’s projected $24-billion deficit, but officials with the Service Employees International Union hope the 30-second TV ad being aired around the state will drum up support for higher levies on certain industries.

The governor wants to eliminate the state’s welfare-to-work program, health insurance for the working poor and student grants, among other programs.

“The governor’s proposed cuts-only budget will destroy the California we know,” said Eliseo Medina, SEIU executive vice president.

SEIU hopes to reverse deep cuts aimed at the state’s 300,000 home-care health workers, many of them members of the union. Schwarzenegger and Republicans came away from last month’s special-election drubbing saying they were convinced that voters, who defeated a slate of budget-related ballot measures, had delivered a stout anti-tax message.

The union says that a poll it conducted after the election found that voters, though still smarting from a recent boost in the sales tax and other state fees, would support higher levies on some industries. The union would like to see a nearly 10% charge on oil pumped from California, saying it might generate around $1 billion from the oil industry, along with tax hikes on alcohol and cigarettes.

read it all here..
Ca is irrelevant. It has always been like a bowl of granola.

the Unions are only starting in Ca, they will be pushing this on other states..especially if it passes..the Democrats in Ca government are now pushing it also..of course cutting out wasteful jobs and spending is too much to think of for a Democrat.
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Funny how a toothless GED from Kentucky dissed the state with the largest most diversified economy in the country.
Funny how a toothless GED from Kentucky dissed the state with the largest most diversified economy in the country.

toothless? I have about 5 or 6 teeth left in my head..and I tuld yus, Is dnt pas otta sixx grad..
but yet, I know more than you snobby small minded ignoramus..your puny insults are just that, go away little boy, time for your bedtime.
I was referring to USC , but if the shoe fits. Yeah they will have to cut back to just twice the services the rest of the nation gets.