Senate Leadership: Blago appointment 'unacceptable'

red states rule

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While Sen Reid can delay the seating of Burris - there is NO Constitutional way Burris can be denied Obama's Senate seat

The race card is beiong played - Burris saying this is a "black Senate seat"

Also Gov Blago has not been convicted of anything - so why should his selection be dismissed?

This should be fun to watch

DEMS WILL NOT SEAT BURRIS.... Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich thought Senate Democrats wouldn't have the guts to reject Roland Burris' appointment to the Senate. He thought wrong.

The Senate Democratic Leadership issued this statement this afternoon, in advance of the Blagojevich press conference, which is set to begin in a half-hour:

"It is truly regrettable that despite requests from all 50 Democratic Senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety. We say this without prejudice toward Roland Burris's ability, and we respect his years of public service. But this is not about Mr. Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat. Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus.

"Next week we will start one of the most important debates of the year -- outlining an economic recovery plan to create jobs and invest in America. And in the coming weeks, we will be working to protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities. There is much work to do and a lot at stake. It is thus critical that Illinois and every other state have two seated Senators without delay.

"We again urge Gov. Blagojevich to not make this appointment. It is unfair to Mr. Burris, it is unfair to the people of Illinois and it will ultimately not stand. The governor must put the interests of the people of Illinois and all Americans first by stepping aside now and letting his successor appoint someone who we will seat."

Good for them. It might have been tempting for them to seat Burris and end the questions about the vacancy, but Senate Dems did the right thing and followed through on their threat to Blagojevich.
Illinois politics. When I heard this Burris idiot say that 'the lord ordained his appointment', instant megalomania. The Illinois legislature should have immediately censured any political power Blago had. Now they get to deal with not doing it.
What a bunch of bigots the Dems are. Now they will block the door and keep Mr Burris from the swearing in ceremony, and if needed, calling the Police to remove him

This is going to be must see TV! :)

Aides: Democrats have plan if Burris shows up

CNN) — Senate Democratic leaders think Roland Burris, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's pick to fill President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat, will likely show up on Capitol Hill Tuesday for the opening day of Congress, according to a Democratic aide familiar with Senate Democratic leaders' plans.

They have prepared a contingency plan in case he does, the aide added.

Burris will not be allowed on the Senate floor, according to this aide and a Senate Democratic leadership aide.

Watch: What if Burris shows up?

The aide familiar with Senate Democratic leaders' plans said if Burris tries to enter the Senate chamber, the Senate doorkeeper will stop Burris. If Burris were to persist, either trying to force his way onto the Senate floor or refusing to leave and causing a scene, U.S. Capitol Police would stop him, said the aide.

"They (police) probably won't arrest him" but they would call the sergeant-at-arms," the aide said.

When asked about what would happen if he shows up and tries to be seated, Burris told the Chicago Tribune that he's, "not going to create a scene in Washington." He added, "We hope it's negotiated out prior to my going to Washington."

Burris told CNN that, "We're certainly going to make contacts with the leadership to let them know that the governor of Illinois has made a legal appointment. And that I am currently the junior senator for the State of Illinois. And we're hoping and praying that, you know, they will see the reason in appointing me as a very qualified, capable, able and ready-to-serve individual."

Coincidentally, the senate sergeant-at-arms, Terrance Gainer, served in the Illinois government at the same time as Burris. Gainer was the director of the Illinois State Police from 1991-95. Burris was the Illinois attorney general from 1991-95.

Senate Democratic leaders, who consider Governor Rod Blagojevich a loose cannon, also have discussed what might happen if Blagojevich shows up on Capitol Hill Tuesday, said the aide familiar with their plans. But the leaders see that move by Blagojevich as unlikely at this time.

This would be a "radioactive" situation, according to the aide, because Senate Democratic leaders could not deny Blagojevich entry, as sitting governors have floor privileges in the Senate. Governors are allowed to walk around the Senate chamber or talk with senators while on the floor, though they cannot vote or formally address the Senate.

Blagojevich is aware he is allowed access to the Senate floor, his spokesman Lucio Guerrero said, but "the idea of going on Tuesday was first raised by a reporter," not Blagojevich.
Illinois politics. When I heard this Burris idiot say that 'the lord ordained his appointment', instant megalomania. The Illinois legislature should have immediately censured any political power Blago had. Now they get to deal with not doing it.

So he has been found guilty?

I am not sure it is up to the senate on who Ill selects.

and I thought Republicans supported States rights and smaller Federal govt...
So he has been found guilty?

I am not sure it is up to the senate on who Ill selects.

and I thought Republicans supported States rights and smaller Federal govt...

It is the Dems doing this. Republicans are the minority party

Looks like Dems are saying only they can they decide Seante replacements and not what the law and US Constitution says
Yep, pretty much what I said.

Yet the Dems have other ideas. It will be must see TV when Burris arrives

At the same time, hillary is caught up in a "pay to play" yet her appoinment probably will not be questions

Al may have stolen the MN Seante seat - no questions will be asked

Ms Kennedy may have the NY seat handed to her - no questions about her experience wil be asked

So much for "change" :rolleyes:
So he has been found guilty?

I am not sure it is up to the senate on who Ill selects.

and I thought Republicans supported States rights and smaller Federal govt...

First, I was referring to the ILLINOIS legislature, not the US Senate. I could care less what they do.

Second, it doesn't matter whether he's guilty or not. If a person in the highest state office is indicted and arrested for federal corruption charges, it is up to the state legislature to deal with that issue directly. They have not, therefore, they reap what they sow....i.e. Illinois politics as usual.

Third, unless you're talking about Illinois republicans, what the hell else are you referring to? Certainly not myself, since I am not a republican.
First, I was referring to the ILLINOIS legislature, not the US Senate. I could care less what they do.

Second, it doesn't matter whether he's guilty or not. If a person in the highest state office is indicted and arrested for federal corruption charges, it is up to the state legislature to deal with that issue directly. They have not, therefore, they reap what they sow....i.e. Illinois politics as usual.

Third, unless you're talking about Illinois republicans, what the hell else are you referring to? Certainly not myself, since I am not a republican.

I do not recall Bill Clinton's appointments being stoped after he was impeached

Bottom line is, Dems do not have any legal reason not to seat Mr Burris. I for one like this sit com,. Gov Blago is sticking it to the Dems