Senator Tom Colburn Telling It As it Really Is


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Retired United States Senator Tom Colburn (R) Oklahoma appearing on Fox New’s, Neil Cavuto hour a few days ago said that few Republicans in the government have the courage to admit and take on the fact that there is 100 billion dollars of annual wasteful spending in the Military Industrial Complex and no service of the military could pass an honest audit, yet most of them constantly push for more money for the military.

Colburn also noted that neither Republicans or Democrats in Washington were courageous enough to take on and solve Social Security’s Disability Program that is paying out taxpayer’s money to at least 40% of it’s recipients who are not disabled.

Colburn said he’s yet to hear a candidate for the Presidency, of either party that has said that the National Debt is America’s greatest threat.
$100 billion is a rounding error in today's $3.5 trillion Fed budget. I'm quite certain that one could find almost a trillion in wasteful spending for non-military spending. Yet not a peep from you or your fellow LibTards.

At least the military spending is Constitutional unlike the Social welfare redistributions that are the DNCs greatest weapon for getting their dishonest politicians elected and re-elected by low information voters.

But why should you care; you don't vote?
Wasteful spending needs to be curtailed even if it is only $1,000,000 or even $100. This idea that we can't do a zero line budgeting rather than auto increases is absolutely killing us and hides most of the pork away in other bills.

We truly do need a balanced budget Amendment with some teeth that will curtail pork.

The "You do it too so we're better because it is less!" stuff is nonsense. Doing wrong with the excuse that somebody else also does wrong is still doing wrong.
Wasteful spending needs to be curtailed even if it is only $1,000,000 or even $100. This idea that we can't do a zero line budgeting rather than auto increases is absolutely killing us and hides most of the pork away in other bills.

We truly do need a balanced budget Amendment with some teeth that will curtail pork.

The "You do it too so we're better because it is less!" stuff is nonsense. Doing wrong with the excuse that somebody else also does wrong is still doing wrong.

We, as a nation, will never get there until we demand our politicians abolish the current tax code supplanting it with the Fair Tax and demand they pass term limits that prevent dishonest professional politicians from pandering to low information voters by promising them frees stuff/money.

That would be a great start to end the spendthrift ways of Washington and the permanent political class that thrives on it.
$100 billion is a rounding error in today's $3.5 trillion Fed budget. I'm quite certain that one could find almost a trillion in wasteful spending for non-military spending. Yet not a peep from you or your fellow LibTards.

So you intend to perpetuate your absurd and unfounded accusations and insults even in this new repaired version of JPP, right?

So in your world 100 billion of taxpayer's dollars is "small potatoes" simply to be ignored by y'all supporters of BIG government and you'll simply choose to ignore that this thread's OP includes Senator Colburn's revelation of the 40% fraud of Social Security's Disability Fund, right? Peep, peep, peep!

At least the military spending is Constitutional unlike the Social welfare redistributions that are the DNCs greatest weapon for getting their dishonest politicians elected and re-elected by low information voters.

That's why you vote for candidates that promote, defend and expand the Democrats unconstitutional federal socialist programs, like the Republicans, right sir?

But why should you care; you don't vote?

I care because I'm a patriotic American who loves his country and is appalled by suckers that vote in the corrupt rigged elections operated by the status-quo rightist & leftist Republicans & Democrats who perpetuate the social and corporate welfare system, the unconstitutional Drug War and massive BIG government in general and at the same time ignore the Constitution and the promoting of a Constitutional Convention to rectify and reform the election system by Constitutional Amendment.
We, as a nation, will never get there until we demand our politicians abolish the current tax code supplanting it with the Fair Tax and demand they pass term limits that prevent dishonest professional politicians from pandering to low information voters by promising them frees stuff/money.

That would be a great start to end the spendthrift ways of Washington and the permanent political class that thrives on it.

I would love to see them pass a bill that forbids anything that doesn't have to do with the bill being presented, being banned from being attached.
We, as a nation, will never get there until we demand our politicians abolish the current tax code supplanting it with the Fair Tax and demand they pass term limits that prevent dishonest professional politicians from pandering to low information voters by promising them frees stuff/money.

That would be a great start to end the spendthrift ways of Washington and the permanent political class that thrives on it.

Can you name the duopoly candidate for the Presidency that is running on a platform of the Fair Tax, Term Limits and abolishing the spend thrift redistribution of taxpayer's dollars to "low information voters" that you'll be voting for in the next rigged duopoly election?:dunno: I'll understand if you can't.:rofl2::cof1:
So you intend to perpetuate your absurd and unfounded accusations and insults even in this new repaired version of JPP, right?

Two things; (1) where have I insulted anyone on the thread; and (2) it is incredibly dimwitted and ironic to see someone like you whining about insults on this forum. Further evidence you have ZERO self awareness.

So in your world 100 billion of taxpayer's dollars is "small potatoes" simply to be ignored by y'all supporters of BIG government and you'll simply choose to ignore that this thread's OP includes Senator Colburn's revelation of the 40% fraud of Social Security's Disability Fund, right? Peep, peep, peep!

Wrong; my point was that the amount spent on wasteful defense spending pales in comparison to the waste spent on redistribution efforts by dishonest leftist politicians buying the votes of low information voters.

That's why you vote for candidates that promote, defend and expand the Democrats unconstitutional federal socialist programs, like the Republicans, right sir?

Wrong; I vote and participate because I am not stupid, or retarded enough to think that change can occur by staying home and doing nothing.

I care because I'm a patriotic American who loves his country and is appalled by suckers that vote in the corrupt rigged elections operated by the status-quo rightist & leftist Republicans & Democrats who perpetuate the social and corporate welfare system, the unconstitutional Drug War and massive BIG government in general and at the same time ignore the Constitution and the promoting of a Constitutional Convention to rectify and reform the election system by Constitutional Amendment.

Can you name the duopoly candidate for the Presidency that is running on a platform of the Fair Tax, Term Limits and abolishing the spend thrift redistribution of taxpayer's dollars to "low information voters" that you'll be voting for in the next rigged duopoly election?:dunno: I'll understand if you can't.:rofl2::cof1:

Huckabee mentioned it in the first debate. As voters and people like me who actively participate in the process demand that their candidates focus on this issue, it will eventually become a part of the platform.

Meanwhile, idiots sit on the sidelines whining and ranting on political forums about "duopolies" thinking that by doing nothing, change will happen. Now that is some really dumb shit.
Two things; (1) where have I insulted anyone on the thread; and (2) it is incredibly dimwitted and ironic to see someone like you whining about insults on this forum. Further evidence you have ZERO self awareness.

Here’s some “awareness” for ya Sir!:cof1:

"Yet not a peep from you or your fellow LibTards."

If it’s more childish pissing contest you desire Sir, keep up the sandbox lingo!:cof1:

Wrong; my point was that the amount spent on wasteful defense spending pales in comparison to the waste spent on redistribution efforts by dishonest leftist politicians buying the votes of low information voters.

America’s defense spending actually “pales” the combined defense spending of the rest of the world ”combined.”

America has 11 nuclear powered “sitting duck” aircraft carriers, China has one and France has one and the rest of the world has none.

As Tom Colburn pointed out, nary a single service of the military could pass an audit.

You have NO point! Just because militarey spending is constitutional, doesn’t make wast, fraud and abuse constitutional and as I have mentioned to you before, your Republican voting has produced sitting Republican politicians who have created “REPUBLICAN” social welfare programs and corporate welfare spending programs. That’s the POINT.” :cof1:

Wrong; I vote and participate because I am not stupid, or retarded enough to think that change can occur by staying home and doing nothing.

Voting in rigged corrupt elections isn’t SMART. It’s PARTISAN BLIND BRAINWASHED.:cof1:

Who do you know and can prove ever promoted ”change can occur by staying home and doing nothing?”:dunno: Present your evidence please!:cof1:


More personal insult!:cof1: Simply proving you have no rational or honest answer/argument for the proclamation.:rofl2::cof1:
Here’s some “awareness” for ya Sir!:cof1:

If it’s more childish pissing contest you desire Sir, keep up the sandbox lingo!:cof1:

America’s defense spending actually “pales” the combined defense spending of the rest of the world ”combined.”

America has 11 nuclear powered “sitting duck” aircraft carriers, China has one and France has one and the rest of the world has none.

As Tom Colburn pointed out, nary a single service of the military could pass an audit.

You have NO point! Just because militarey spending is constitutional, doesn’t make wast, fraud and abuse constitutional and as I have mentioned to you before, your Republican voting has produced sitting Republican politicians who have created “REPUBLICAN” social welfare programs and corporate welfare spending programs. That’s the POINT.” :cof1:

Voting in rigged corrupt elections isn’t SMART. It’s PARTISAN BLIND BRAINWASHED.:cof1:

Who do you know and can prove ever promoted ”change can occur by staying home and doing nothing?”:dunno: Present your evidence please!:cof1:

More personal insult!:cof1: Simply proving you have no rational or honest answer/argument for the proclamation.:rofl2::cof1:

It's official!

Huckabee mentioned it in the first debate. As voters and people like me who actively participate in the process demand that their candidates focus on this issue, it will eventually become a part of the platform.

Meanwhile, idiots sit on the sidelines whining and ranting on political forums about "duopolies" thinking that by doing nothing, change will happen. Now that is some really dumb shit.

Huckabee? Isn't that the guy that ran all the way to Kentucky to kiss up to a Democrat office holder who refused to do her sworn constitutional duty and put his henchmen on Ted Cruz to keep him from getting his share of religious right-wing face time?:dunno::rofl2:

Huckabee? isn't that the guy that's campaigning on "NOT TOUCHING SOCIAL SECURITY" just like Hillary Clinton and that socialist Bernie Sanders?:dunno::rofl2:
Huckabee? Isn't that the guy that ran all the way to Kentucky to kiss up to a Democrat office holder who refused to do her sworn constitutional duty and put his henchmen on Ted Cruz to keep him from getting his share of religious right-wing face time?:dunno::rofl2:

Ironic; you still stupidly think the Constitution and religious liberty are partisan issues.

Huckabee? isn't that the guy that's campaigning on "NOT TOUCHING SOCIAL SECURITY" just like Hillary Clinton and that socialist Bernie Sanders?:dunno::rofl2:

Is he? Can you post a statement from his campaign that suggests he would not like to reform it in order to make it fiscally sound?

Do you stupidly believe that someone can just end the program without acknowledging all the citizens who have paid into the program?

Further proof that you are a gullible low information dupe who gulps down leftist media talking points.

“I’m thinking, wait a minute, didn’t the government take that out of my check for all these years involuntarily?” Huckabee said. “But why would you punish the recipients who played by the rules that they were forced to play by?”

Huckabee, who said he's been paying Social Security taxes since he was 14, acknowledged the program has some fiscal problems, but said you can’t suddenly change the rules for people who have been paying in for years.

“You don’t go out there and tell people, ‘Now that you paid all these years, we’re going to change the rules because we screwed up the system,’” he said.

“I don’t think that Americans believe that after having paid in all these years … that somehow the government, who didn’t take good care of business, gets to come in and say, ‘Yup we’re going to make you end up paying for our sins,’” he said.

Read more:
any discussion of sane budget fixes for the military has to have oversight at the unit level to avoid crap like having a unit strip, sand, and repaint barracks baseboards at a cost of 25,000 dollars when the barracks in question is going to be demolished in 6 months, all just to keep that 25,000 in the units budget
any discussion of sane budget fixes for the military has to have oversight at the unit level to avoid crap like having a unit strip, sand, and repaint barracks baseboards at a cost of 25,000 dollars when the barracks in question is going to be demolished in 6 months, all just to keep that 25,000 in the units budget

I am amused by naive notions about how the REAL world works and efforts to pretend that anyone or any decisions can be perfect without mistake.

Even the best managed companies make many stupid mistakes much like the above example.

It never occurs to you that the above example might have been someone trying to keep peacetime troops busy. DER
I am amused by naive notions about how the REAL world works and efforts to pretend that anyone or any decisions can be perfect without mistake.

Even the best managed companies make many stupid mistakes much like the above example.

It never occurs to you that the above example might have been someone trying to keep peacetime troops busy. DER

having been an actual member of that actual unit, it didn't occur to me because we were specifically told that the budget was the reason. we definitely had enough to do already.