Seriously...what has Bush done?


New member
With most 2-termers, you can point to at least a few accomplishments that benefited Americans & had a an impact that went beyond their tenure.

What has Bush done in his 7+ years? America's focus & energy has primarily been on an untenable situation in Iraq of our own creation. The economy - despite topspin's assurances to the contrary - is a shambles. I know it's not technically a recession, but the middle class has lost so much ground since he took office, which is pretty much what people warned would happen with a reckless across-the-board tax cut, and the fundamentals of this economy are pathetic. We have no real energy policy, no contingency plans, no vision. While the CIC has had tunnel vision on the quagmire that is Iraq, issues like healthcare, social security and poverty had gone almost completely unaddressed (all issues he promised to attack in the 2000 campaign).

In the meantime, his policy on terror has been ass-backward, staking almost everything on a pie-in-the-sky hope that a democratic Iraq will completely transform the Middle East & the face of terrorism as a result. Not surprisingly, Al Qaeda is just as strong & just as poised to attack the West today as they were in 2001, according to intel. I know the truth is hard for some righties, but it's more likely that Iraq has inspired a whole new generation of terrorists than it is that it will help reduce the threat. Bush has taken a proactive role in killing our environment, from opening of millions of previously protected acres via executive order to gutting the EPA & Clean Air Act, and easing all kinds of regulations on pollution. He has held back promising medical research to appeal to a very narrow segment of his base, and the gap between rich & poor has grown steadily wider during his time in office. He f'd up Katrina, stretched our military, blew tons of cash in a variety of unnecessary places & actually made a debate on whether America should be torturing people viable. After promising to run America like a corporation, he had one of the most fiscally irresponsible admins in decades, with one of his top people asserting that deficit spending doesn't matter.

Could he have worked out any worse? When he won in 2000, I - like probably many on the left - hoped we were wrong about this guy, and that there was something there that conservatives clearly saw that somehow we were missing. That didn't really pan out. Sorry, righties - I don't ever want to hear lectures from you again about candidate qualifications, national security, competence, corruption, gaffes...ANYTHING. I was right about this guy, and you were as wrong as you could be.

Vent over.
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Rather than dispute the economic reality as usual, I'll take a different tact Oncelor.
I hope this feeling is more widespread than just hard core liberals and I think it is.
I also think if the group of ten can come up with a stategically timed agreement on energy/conservation (ie. right after Obama gets elected). you could see a huge Obama market ralley along with superior economic gains in 09 after more malaise in the rest of 08.
For the sake of argument I'll answer.

We have not been attacked in the U.S. again since 9/11. After 9/11 the general consensus was not if but when we would be hit again here at home. Now this is not an attmept to give Bush 100% credit for this but his actions have played a major role. (There is a caveat to this and that is if we get hit again in the near future and it turns out the perpetrators had been in the U.S. for several years planning that would take away from Bush's credit).

In 2001 we had a recession and the largest terrorist attack on our soil in our country's history. That is not a recipe for economic success. I credit him with passing the tax cuts that helped stimulate investment and got our economy moving again.

Judges are almost always going to be judged on a partisan basis but I believe he put two very good and well qualified judges on the Supreme Court (ignoring the Hariett Miers fiasco).

In the middle of a project now so don't have time to elaborate more. I could make up a long list of disappointments myself.
"We have not been attacked in the U.S. again since 9/11. After 9/11 the general consensus was not if but when we would be hit again here at home. Now this is not an attmept to give Bush 100% credit for this but his actions have played a major role. (There is a caveat to this and that is if we get hit again in the near future and it turns out the perpetrators had been in the U.S. for several years planning that would take away from Bush's credit). "

What a load of crap, and one of the worst myths going. It took Osama Bin Laden almost TEN YEARS to plan 9/11, and even with that, he needed a few incredible strokes of luck & coincidences to make it work. There weren't dozens of attacks waiting in the wings to unleash on America; 9/11 was it, and he was hoping for exactly the kind of response we gave, because he had nothing else in the bag. How many times have we been attacked on American soil since Pearl Harbor? Bush deserves no credit for this. None.

And what has Bush done for the economy, besides manage the government in the most fiscally irresponsible way imaginable? 9/11 is not a permanent excuse. If anything, the idea of a huge tax cut during a time of war is ridiculous; face it, the promises of growth from that cut did not pan out, and the middle class is worse off than ever.
The one major attack that actually was thwarted in the U.K. was stopped because of all of the things conservatives usually dismiss as "singing Kum Ba Yah" with the enemy. The local gov't having a good relationship with the local Muslim community, and using basic law enforcement to uncover a plot. It didn't have anything to do with Bush & cowboy diplomacy.
Judges are almost always going to be judged on a partisan basis but I believe he put two very good and well qualified judges on the Supreme Court (ignoring the Hariett Miers fiasco).

He cloned Scalia and put the result on the supreme court, twice. It's a crime against humanity. I'm just holding out and hoping that one of them dies from cancer so Obama can put someone sane back on the court.
it was just to defray some of the states more stringent Do Not Call plans.

KY has a much stricter do not call law than the feds.

I think the fine is 2k per occurance.

this was allkinda like the auto industry bragging that they have airbags after fighting them for years.
Yeah, you were like 10 when you started in on right?

Sometime around there. I didn't hear about it from though.

I actually think I only really started whenever high school began. I got an assignment in class to cover the Democratic primaries and I got addicted. I needed all the news and could get it from the forums.
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Plenty of loopholes in do not call. charity, political any business or subsidiary thereof you have done business with in a year or two ? surveys.

And I don't think it applies to cellular yet which is on my nickel.