Shame On The Officials Of The United Kingdom

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
For choosing to ban phrases to do with climate for example from reaching their inboxes thus prevent upstanding citizens from raising awareness with the officials of the UK that expose criminal mentalities like King Charles exemplifies on a specific climate issue who has turned his back on the citizens of the Commonwealth and his Kingdom to instead cater to climate lies thus condemning many citizens to their death as well as many enslaved also to suffer over complete rubbish as countries are reduced to appearing to be made out to be vassal states. (FYI I am not claiming all officials responsible, likely only some snakes in the grass and the rest might not even be aware)

For the first time in almost 24 years (come spring 2024) since year 2000 that I have had officials of the United Kingdom on my contact lists I speak out against a member of the monarchy (aside from applauding King Charles for banning a prince who was condemned for abusing children is likely to be considered by some as speaking out against the monarchy most recently but once he was cast out his title was forfeit as far as I am concerned) and as it happens the current top monarch.

King Charles as I see quite clearly you do not deserve a Commonwealth and not even a Kingdom for advocating against us all in such an infuriating and patronizing way. A shame you will have to live with for the rest of your life and a disgrace you will be remembered for unless you grow up and start acting like a King instead of an enemy of the Commonwealth as well your Kingdom!

Does the King even realize that those he is in league with are those who also conspire with the UN to turn him into an apologist while working towards relinquishing his inheritance?!

I also certainly hope Prince William and Prince Harry are valiant and honourable enough to stand with the citizens of the Commonwealth and Kingdom instead of shamefully opposing citizens of the Commonwealth and Kingdom.

Since officials of the Commonwealth and Kingdom pledge their loyalty to King Charles to my understanding like here in Canada, I suspect that King Charles could put an end to this nightmare at the crack of a whip!

I do not hate you King Charles but make no mistake I am certainly disappointed in you for not only turning a blind eye but showing support towards stabbing citizens of the Commonwealth and your Kingdom in the back! It's not too late to wake up the good man within you King Charles for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the Commonwealth and your Kingdom thus also setting positive example for the rest of the world to follow by putting an end to this climate rubbish! The WEF is the enemy of the people as are their sock puppets like Mark Ruffalo who are now slandering people as haters for opposing such absurd rhetoric as this so called climate crisis that they lie about by claiming humans are the cause! Anyone else find it odd that Actor Mark Ruffalo has alleged ties to child abuse island recently and then suddenly here he is making himself look like a complete imbecile with such a pathetic display, which only reveals how pathetic and desperate that the WEF is to use such puppets to attempt to slander people as haters as they do every time their lies and deceptions are exposed on many issues they represent over the years! The same old transparent rubbish when they are exposed over and over like a broken record because they have no validity as they themselves so eagerly demonstrate time and time again! What did they offer Mark Ruffalo for doing this I wonder? A lawyer that never loses?!


I know I am putting my life on the line once again by stepping up on this one and calling out King Charles because I know no one else has the guts to do what now need be done. It's not something I ever wanted to do but now I am doing it out of necessity for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of citizens within the Commonwealth and his Kingdom along with humans scattered all over 3% of the Earth's surface area of which is all humans occupy globally. No matter any consequences for me so be it and my pleasure to stand up for all!



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!