Shelling Democrat Nuts


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Bat-shit crazy Nancy Pelosi was always one baby step ahead of a butterfly net, while the new crop of Democrats are so nutty they have to be classified by size. Naturally, shelling them requires different nutcrackers. This one is for small nuts like Beto O’Rourke:


Large nuts like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez require the biggest nutcracker:


p.s. I was always certain that Democrat nuts dropped out of trees. Now I know how it is done:

Large nuts like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez require the biggest nutcracker:


I suddenly occurred to me that Cortez was beamed up to an alien space ship where they removed her brain and replaced it with cotton candy:


An answer to yesterday’s Fox News headlined question: “Why is the government finally admitting UFOs are real, and why should we pay attention”?

Because in the Time of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, it’s a perfect way to advance the cause of the hoax called Global Warming/Climate Change.

According to AOC, without intervention, the world in which we live will end within 12 years.

But there’s no need to panic if we let ET step in to save us

The Green New Deal was first swiped from the United Nation’s Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 and then rejuvenated by AOC.

Long before Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders delivered her to Congress from a casting call of 10,000 applicants, liberals of the day were already making claims that our governments are holding out on us with a store of secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes that could be put to good use in stemming global warming.

You can’t make this bunk up:

“Some UFO advocates are more than a little steamed that Canada Free Press doesn’t buy into Paul Hellyer’s notion that our governments are holding out on us with a store of secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes that could be put to good use in stemming global warming. (CFP, March 5, 2007)

“I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation…that could be a way to save our planet,” Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister told the Ottawa Citizen.

“Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, according to Hellyer.

“Some UFO advocates who wrote to tell me off dispatched their Irish setters not to me but to my fellow columnists. But at least they didn’t try to portray me as Darth Vader. They left that for the likes of radio giant Rush Limbaugh, who suggested on one of his shows last week that the notion of secret alien technologies as an answer to runaway global warming was so much, well, hooey.

“Of the unidentified flying objects, Limbaugh laughingly said, “Well, I know it’s hard to park the things.”

“When it comes to pointing out the hypocrisies of Al-leave-the-lights-on-Gore, no one does a better job than Rush with his “Global Warming Stack of Stuff”.

“Hellyer is not alone in suspecting that governments are holding out on us regarding UFOs. But he is vastly alone in the courage that it takes to come out and say so.

“The CFP letter writers got it wrong when they said we ridiculed those who believe in UFOs. At least get it straight, guys. We ridicule those who would exploit alien technology to suit their own political agenda.

“It is possible to believe in UFOs and alien technology without believing in man-made global warming.

“From some of the homework I have been doing on the UFO information sent to me in the aftermath of last Friday’s cover story, I am not ruling out the possibility that aliens exist, perhaps even in places we least suspect.

“We long ago left the knee-jerk image of “little green men” on television sitcoms of the 70s.

“But in this case it is not the little green men that are the problem.

“It’s the little green dollars that former politicians and UN hucksters are paying themselves in the acquisition of carbon credits that’s the big problem.

“And some of the same politicians remaining tight lipped on the notion that governments are sitting on alien technology that could save the earth, were not so long ago part of those governments—indeed could even be heading back in that direction in time for the next election.”

Back to brass tacks: Could alien technology stem global warming and climate change?

Sounds to me like an imaginary solution for what could be an imaginary problem.

“Mother Earth needs saving but not from global warming. (CFP)

“She needs rescuing from the scam artists, politicians and scaremongers, who would stoop so low to frighten grade school children.

“In the same way that not everybody believes in flying saucers, not everybody believes in man-made global warming.

“Meanwhile, if space aliens are really here, should people in that lucrative cottage industry known as global warming be so quick to exploit them?

Would any self-respecting space aliens really team up with Al Gore or AOC?

“Two years ago, Hellyer was accusing President George W. Bush of taking pot shots at unsuspecting space aliens. (CFP, Jan. 10, 2006,

“The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning,” Hellyer said.

“Blame it all on the Bush administration, which Hellyer says has ‘finally agreed to build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them if they so decide.” (CFP, Nov. 28, 2005)

We don’t have to wait until the passing of 12 years to find out that AOC was way off base in her predictions even though the majority in the DNC’s Caravan of Crazies—including the cancer cure promising former Vice President Joe Biden—have bought into the scam.

Meanwhile, former President Ronald Reagan was spot on when he pronounced:“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

ET To Advance The Cause Of Global Warming?
By Judi McLeod
June 16, 2019