Shocked how much the Right hates McCain...!


Well-known member
Whats up, why do the uberCons hate John McCain. Hannity was vishoushly attacking him the other night, and Linberger hates him.

Whats up, why do the uberCons hate John McCain. Hannity was vishoushly attacking him the other night, and Linberger hates him.


I wouldn't use the word hate but I can tell you why he is not a favorite of the right.

1) McCain-Feingold - that right there alienated a lot of people on the right

2) Taxes - until recently he has not been pro tax cut. Now he's singing the tune though.

3) His immigration stand didn't win him a lot of fans from those on the right who see that as their most important issue.

And this is just my personal opinion but the fact that the media and some on the left loved him in 2000 was not viewed as a positive by those on the right.
We do not care so much that he will give us another war. (Besides, we need to finish the wars that we are currently in before we engage in another.) The real problem that he faces is that he claims to be conservative, but has routinely stabbed Conservatives in the back. Everyone remembers his votes on taxes, immigration, and the abomination that they called campaign finance reform, but he also led the attempt to compromise in the Senate when it came time to vote on judges. He agreed to allow only a few conservatives, and then Bush was to appoint more "moderate" candidates to the bench. This helped cast the Republicans from power. McCain is not conservative, and he is not even a faithful Republican. He ought to cross over to where his heart truly is and join the Democrats.
We do not care so much that he will give us another war. (Besides, we need to finish the wars that we are currently in before we engage in another.) The real problem that he faces is that he claims to be conservative, but has routinely stabbed Conservatives in the back. Everyone remembers his votes on taxes, immigration, and the abomination that they called campaign finance reform, but he also led the attempt to compromise in the Senate when it came time to vote on judges. He agreed to allow only a few conservatives, and then Bush was to appoint more "moderate" candidates to the bench. This helped cast the Republicans from power. McCain is not conservative, and he is not even a faithful Republican. He ought to cross over to where his heart truly is and join the Democrats.

WAZZAP PoliSci!! I'm mbl. Good to have you on here.

I agree. He ought to join the Democrats. I hope he does, that way he has no chance at the oval office.

Welcome old pal. I was wondering about you.
Whats up, why do the uberCons hate John McCain. Hannity was vishoushly attacking him the other night, and Linberger hates him.

Proposing legislation that has the Kennedy Stamp Of Approval isn't very popular among the uberConservatives...
Thank you Beefy, I was away for quite a while, and it seems that quite a bit happened in the year that I was gone. I could not get back to the old site for a long time because we switched providers, and as that had been my home page, I lost the name of the site. I finally managed to find it through an hour of searching Google. It is good to catch up with old friends again.

Actually, I think that if McCain were to switch parties, he would be the nominee for VP. But I think that would be as close to the Presidency as he would ever get. Unless her Imperial Majesty Hillary Clinton offended the Congress and was impeached.