Shocker: Dixie picks Obama to win!

Nope, it's not a trick thread.
It's not a joke.
You heard me correctly, I predict a win for Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2012.

I have been wrong before, I predicted McCain would beat Obama and I picked Bush Sr. to beat Clinton, but other than those two, I am on the money with my pick for who will win presidential elections. I know this will send shock waves through conservative circles, and might even make the evening news, but I am standing by my pick, and I don't like it one little bit.

Here are my reasons and reasoning:

1. The GOP picked the wrong candidate, again. In retrospect, I believe the only candidate who ran, with the ability to defeat Obama, was Newt Gingrich. Perhaps not even Newt could have pulled it off, but he was the GOPs best shot. Only Newt would have had the balls and 'intellectual weaponry' to take Obama on and punch back hard. His sharpness of tongue and grasp of the issues are impeccable, and would have presented a real challenge to Obama. Mitt Romney is far too passive and unwilling to attack, and has spent the better part of his campaign in defense mode. He's a good man, but simply lacks what it takes to do battle with the Chicago-style political thugs he is facing.

2. Romneycare. When republican voters were making their choices, Romney distanced himself from Romneycare, and argued it was different because it was something done at the state level. We naively believed he would stick with the mantra of repealing Obamacare, but since securing the nomination, has talked less and less about that, and worse, has actually started using Romneycare as some sort of example of how he is not at war with women. Romneycare is not a good defensive strategy, in my opinion, because it totally alienates the base. Conservatives don't want government health care, not at the federal OR state level. It's an idea we oppose in principle, and it simply doesn't matter that Romneycare was a state initiative.

3. Romney is no conservative. At least not by Tea Party standards. He had the least support from the TP of all the candidates. He won nomination because the establishment GOP elite were stronger in solidarity behind him, than the TP who were split between several. So the GOP ended up with a moderate conservative, not too dissimilar than McCain four years ago. Still, there was the off-chance that the TP voters would support Romney in an "anyone but Obama" spirit, but that isn't possible when Romney continues to say things contrary to the TP principles. Now his 'bosses' are attempting to finagle the delegates and rules to prevent any sort of 'grass roots' (aka: Tea Party) interference to the platform. He is more indicative of the RINOs who the TP has worked hard to rid from Congress, often to the very detriment of the GOP.

4. Passive game plan. While Obama will run an aggressive 'full court press' type campaign, Romney has made it clear he intends to take a page from the McCain strategy, and play 'nice guy...above the fray' which has already proven to be a disaster. Instead of going on the offensive and challenging the left on key issues, Romney is often reeling in defense, trying to justify and explain himself, even to the point of accepting the left-wing rhetoric, like "taxes on the wealthy" when we don't tax wealth in this country, we tax income. Romney seems to have no idea how to take command of the language, and is content to accept the memes and mantras put forth by the mainstream media and liberals, then spin off into defense mode yet again. This has happened repeatedly thus far, and will continue to happen, because Romney simply doesn't get it. He is a Massachusetts conservative, which means at best, he is a moderate.

5. Romney is losing the image game. By being passive and moderate, and constantly on the defensive, Romney is losing the most crucial aspect of this campaign, the public perception. He is allowing the left to define him, rather than defining himself, and that is a grave political error on his part. The more he attempts to 'explain' himself, rather than 'define' himself, the more he alienates swing voters and independents. So far, he seems completely oblivious to this. At this point, the only groups he is strongly appealing to, are the GOP moderates and establishment elite. This is not a strong enough coalition to win in November. He seems to lack the understanding of how to appeal to conservative Tea Party type voters, who are looking for another Ronald Reagan. Someone who knows conservative principles and comprehends how to articulate a strong conservative message.

Conservatives have said all along that Romney is the wrong guy. What wins a governorship for a Republican in Massachusetts, is not going to appeal to mainstream Conservatives across America. The moderates and establishment elite were well warned not to back him, but they insisted this was the man, this was who we needed to run against Obama, and was the only one who could win in November. Now here we are, you've nominated him, but you can't get him elected. It's 2008 all over again, and the GOP is stuck with a candidate who is unable to define himself and his core beliefs, or if he does, they aren't in line with core conservative beliefs. And he is running against a well-oiled political machine with a rock star candidate, who will get a solid 48% of the vote regardless of what he says or does.

So there you have it, my analysis of the 2012 presidential election. I know this will disappoint many of my fellow conservatives, and I am sorry not to be more optimistic, but I have to call it as I see it, and I see an Obama win in November... granted, not by a whole lot, but he will win. And let's be clear, in order to defeat the Democrats, we will need at least an extra 4~5% to cover the fraud factor, these people intend to count illegal votes, dead people, aliens, and will vote as many times as humanly possible if they can. They aren't going to fight fair, they aren't going to play nice, and they aren't going to stay 'above the fray' and we should have been well prepared for this. We fucked up... we nominated a carbon copy of John McCain, and I believe we will lose because of it.

I hope that I am totally wrong. But I don't think I am.
Nope, it's not a trick thread.
It's not a joke.
You heard me correctly, I predict a win for Barack Obama in the presidential election of 2012.

I have been wrong before, I predicted McCain would beat Obama and I picked Bush Sr. to beat Clinton, but other than those two, I am on the money with my pick for who will win presidential elections. I know this will send shock waves through conservative circles, and might even make the evening news, but I am standing by my pick, and I don't like it one little bit.

Here are my reasons and reasoning:

1. The GOP picked the wrong candidate, again. In retrospect, I believe the only candidate who ran, with the ability to defeat Obama, was Newt Gingrich. Perhaps not even Newt could have pulled it off, but he was the GOPs best shot. Only Newt would have had the balls and 'intellectual weaponry' to take Obama on and punch back hard. His sharpness of tongue and grasp of the issues are impeccable, and would have presented a real challenge to Obama. Mitt Romney is far too passive and unwilling to attack, and has spent the better part of his campaign in defense mode. He's a good man, but simply lacks what it takes to do battle with the Chicago-style political thugs he is facing.

2. Romneycare. When republican voters were making their choices, Romney distanced himself from Romneycare, and argued it was different because it was something done at the state level. We naively believed he would stick with the mantra of repealing Obamacare, but since securing the nomination, has talked less and less about that, and worse, has actually started using Romneycare as some sort of example of how he is not at war with women. Romneycare is not a good defensive strategy, in my opinion, because it totally alienates the base. Conservatives don't want government health care, not at the federal OR state level. It's an idea we oppose in principle, and it simply doesn't matter that Romneycare was a state initiative.

3. Romney is no conservative. At least not by Tea Party standards. He had the least support from the TP of all the candidates. He won nomination because the establishment GOP elite were stronger in solidarity behind him, than the TP who were split between several. So the GOP ended up with a moderate conservative, not too dissimilar than McCain four years ago. Still, there was the off-chance that the TP voters would support Romney in an "anyone but Obama" spirit, but that isn't possible when Romney continues to say things contrary to the TP principles. Now his 'bosses' are attempting to finagle the delegates and rules to prevent any sort of 'grass roots' (aka: Tea Party) interference to the platform. He is more indicative of the RINOs who the TP has worked hard to rid from Congress, often to the very detriment of the GOP.

4. Passive game plan. While Obama will run an aggressive 'full court press' type campaign, Romney has made it clear he intends to take a page from the McCain strategy, and play 'nice guy...above the fray' which has already proven to be a disaster. Instead of going on the offensive and challenging the left on key issues, Romney is often reeling in defense, trying to justify and explain himself, even to the point of accepting the left-wing rhetoric, like "taxes on the wealthy" when we don't tax wealth in this country, we tax income. Romney seems to have no idea how to take command of the language, and is content to accept the memes and mantras put forth by the mainstream media and liberals, then spin off into defense mode yet again. This has happened repeatedly thus far, and will continue to happen, because Romney simply doesn't get it. He is a Massachusetts conservative, which means at best, he is a moderate.

5. Romney is losing the image game. By being passive and moderate, and constantly on the defensive, Romney is losing the most crucial aspect of this campaign, the public perception. He is allowing the left to define him, rather than defining himself, and that is a grave political error on his part. The more he attempts to 'explain' himself, rather than 'define' himself, the more he alienates swing voters and independents. So far, he seems completely oblivious to this. At this point, the only groups he is strongly appealing to, are the GOP moderates and establishment elite. This is not a strong enough coalition to win in November. He seems to lack the understanding of how to appeal to conservative Tea Party type voters, who are looking for another Ronald Reagan. Someone who knows conservative principles and comprehends how to articulate a strong conservative message.

Conservatives have said all along that Romney is the wrong guy. What wins a governorship for a Republican in Massachusetts, is not going to appeal to mainstream Conservatives across America. The moderates and establishment elite were well warned not to back him, but they insisted this was the man, this was who we needed to run against Obama, and was the only one who could win in November. Now here we are, you've nominated him, but you can't get him elected. It's 2008 all over again, and the GOP is stuck with a candidate who is unable to define himself and his core beliefs, or if he does, they aren't in line with core conservative beliefs. And he is running against a well-oiled political machine with a rock star candidate, who will get a solid 48% of the vote regardless of what he says or does.

So there you have it, my analysis of the 2012 presidential election. I know this will disappoint many of my fellow conservatives, and I am sorry not to be more optimistic, but I have to call it as I see it, and I see an Obama win in November... granted, not by a whole lot, but he will win. And let's be clear, in order to defeat the Democrats, we will need at least an extra 4~5% to cover the fraud factor, these people intend to count illegal votes, dead people, aliens, and will vote as many times as humanly possible if they can. They aren't going to fight fair, they aren't going to play nice, and they aren't going to stay 'above the fray' and we should have been well prepared for this. We fucked up... we nominated a carbon copy of John McCain, and I believe we will lose because of it.

I hope that I am totally wrong. But I don't think I am.

Wow, you are actually right about something for once. The main reason Romney will lose though, is because he picked Ryan.
I spelled out why in 1-5 above. Can't you read?

Basically, it boils down to this.. Romney-RyanRonald-Reagan.

Obama is more conservative than Reagan.

Ryan is too conservative, and no blue dog Dems, no moderate Cons, and no independents will vote for him, and THAT is why Mitt will lose, not your bogus Palinesque word salad.
So PiMP, did you have to take me off ignore to groan my post liar?

Yep. I actually use "view post" sometimes with those I have on ignore. For instance, someone like yurt. I have him on ignore because he posts so much OCD nonsense it makes it difficult to navigate the board if you don't have him on ignore. I think it was last week I tried to groan a post of his that I had viewed just to annoy him - and it wouldn't let me do it. It's weird! I could annoy yurt a lot more if it weren't for this glitch.
Yep. I actually use "view post" sometimes with those I have on ignore. For instance, someone like yurt. I have him on ignore because he posts so much OCD nonsense it makes it difficult to navigate the board if you don't have him on ignore. I think it was last week I tried to groan a post of his that I had viewed just to annoy him - and it wouldn't let me do it. It's weird! I could annoy yurt a lot more if it weren't for this glitch.

have you read your posts? you're downright psychotic. you put people on ignore because you're a blithering coward.
Cynic grind is now [IN]

Listen guys, dixie made a strategically brilliant post here, and here is why.

1) If he wants to talk up romney later about how awesome he is, he can point to this thread as "evidence" that he's not biased
2) Conversely, this thread gives him carte blanche to shit all over obama, because, he's so neutral and everything in his analysis.

* expect to see posts like:

"well hey, I honestly thought obama x y z, but it's clear he didn't do x y z efficently afterall.
"as someone that expected obama to lose, obama sucks and is clueless and definately sucks

3) If obama wins, you can't really rub it in his face, after all, you are only telling him what he "already knew." But if romney wins, who the fuck cares about being wrong? he can still run around laughing at you and your despair.

Dixie has set himself up perfectly for the coming messageboard wars.
Cynic grind is now [IN]

Listen guys, dixie made a strategically brilliant post here, and here is why.

1) If he wants to talk up romney later about how awesome he is, he can point to this thread as "evidence" that he's not biased
2) Conversely, this thread gives him carte blanche to shit all over obama, because, he's so neutral and everything in his analysis.

* expect to see posts like:

"well hey, I honestly thought obama x y z, but it's clear he didn't do x y z efficently afterall.
"as someone that expected obama to lose, obama sucks and is clueless and definately sucks

3) If obama wins, you can't really rub it in his face, after all, you are only telling him what he "already knew." But if romney wins, who the fuck cares about being wrong? he can still run around laughing at you and your despair.

Dixie has set himself up perfectly for the coming messageboard wars.

Yeah, Dixie is a perfect setup all right.
Cynic grind is now [IN]

Listen guys, dixie made a strategically brilliant post here, and here is why.

1) If he wants to talk up romney later about how awesome he is, he can point to this thread as "evidence" that he's not biased
2) Conversely, this thread gives him carte blanche to shit all over obama, because, he's so neutral and everything in his analysis.

* expect to see posts like:

"well hey, I honestly thought obama x y z, but it's clear he didn't do x y z efficently afterall.
"as someone that expected obama to lose, obama sucks and is clueless and definately sucks

3) If obama wins, you can't really rub it in his face, after all, you are only telling him what he "already knew." But if romney wins, who the fuck cares about being wrong? he can still run around laughing at you and your despair.

Dixie has set himself up perfectly for the coming messageboard wars.

That defines him as 'brilliant'?
