Should a ‘Diverse’ Campus Mean More Conservatives?


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But for many who advocate it — and certainly for many who are wary — viewpoint diversity boils down to one thing: the need for more conservatives on syllabuses, in the classroom and, perhaps most important, on the faculty.

Many in higher education see that demand as part of escalating right-wing attacks on the political independence of universities, and a cynical effort to weaponize one of contemporary academia’s paramount values — diversity — against itself.


A ‘Liberal’ Profession?​

Academia has been seen as a liberal profession since the early 20th century, Gross writes in his book. Today, he says, it employs a higher percentage of liberals than nearly any other profession. While results vary by discipline and type of institution, most surveys suggest that only about 10 to 15 percent of faculty across the country are conservative.
When it comes to shaping students’ politics, professors may have little influence compared with family, fellow students or social media.

Earlier this year, Gross conducted a survey of undergraduates at a variety of four-year schools across the country. Nearly 60 percent felt their professors did a “very good” or “pretty good” job of managing class discussion when students took opposing sides on political subjects. And 90 percent reported that professors discussed their personal political views “rarely,” “never” or “occasionally.”


Should a ‘Diverse’ Campus Mean More Conservatives?

Yes, especially among faculty and admittance staff. Curriculum committees need to throw out BS degree programs, attendance rules need to tighten up, and protests that last longer than a school day or require police intervention should be subject to fines, suspension or expulsion. Academic standards need to be MUCH more rigorous too, so the young mushy skulls don't have time to screw around.

It should go without saying that any incident of any of the "-isms" should be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Uniforms would help.

Should a ‘Diverse’ Campus Mean More Conservatives?

Yes, especially among faculty and admittance staff. Curriculum committees need to throw out BS degree programs, attendance rules need to tighten up, and protests that last longer than a school day or require police intervention should be subject to fines, suspension or expulsion. Academic standards need to be MUCH more rigorous too, so the young mushy skulls don't have time to screw around.

It should go without saying that any incident of any of the "-isms" should be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Uniforms would help.
You sound like a real psycho.