Should CA votes be disqualified since the state lets illegals vote??

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Any state that openly encourages illegals to vote ( in violation of federal law) should not be allowed to participate in federal elections. To do so is inviting massive lawsuits from the losing candidates.

march 19 2016 The official number of illegal aliens in the state of California is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality.

Over half of all drivers license issued in California were given to individuals who are here illegally and the state automatically registers those with a driver’s license to vote.

In 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill giving full voting rights to illegal aliens. This gives them the right to vote in all elections from a local level to national elections, including that of choosing who will become President.

The biggest problem with this is it is against Federal law for non citizens to vote in any national election. This in itself negates the votes made by illegal aliens in California and any other state which allows them to vote.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote.

The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

HAHAHA. You and your brazen lies. The law applies to everyone. You got a a drivers license, you're registered.
HAHAHA, when you lie, I call you a liar.

The state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote.

The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.
HAHAHA. When you have no arguments, call the other side a racist. You libs never learn and never change.
You have admitted you harbor a belief in white supremacy.
That is the dictionary definition of a racist.
Giving you the name racist is spot on accurate.
You racists never learn and never change.
You have admitted you harbor a belief in white supremacy.
That is the dictionary definition of a racist.
Giving you the name racist is spot on accurate.
You racists never learn and never change.

No - racists are people like you who support affirmative action. You support the govt forcing govt agencies and businesses and colleges to discriminate against white males.

I believe in equal opportunity and want no special treatment for any race. I am the anti-racist. THINK