Should Damocles institute fees?

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Would you pay to post here?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters

Guns Guns Guns

Would it be fair to institute annual fees for posting at JPP to relieve Damocles of the costs of maintaining and hosting this forum, and perhaps allow the staff to receive compensation for their efforts?
the questions "would you pay" vs. "should damo institute a fee" are different. People may be willing to do something, but that doesn't mean damo should​ inact it. Your questions are different
I voted Yes, but I always vote for the dumb options on Legion polls, because it's motherfucking Legion. I'll just say that fees might rid us of our troll infestation, but then, it might deter cool posters from staying. Watermark is a starving college student - I doubt he'd be willing to spend money on this site. I am about to be a broke homeowner - same issue applies.
Would it be fair to institute annual fees for posting at JPP to relieve Damocles of the costs of maintaining and hosting this forum, and perhaps allow the staff to receive compensation for their efforts?


But then the only ones that would be here are the rich filthy people that actually work for a living and have money to spend. Next thing you know Damo is getting picketed for running a site that stifles freedom of speech.
the questions "would you pay" vs. "should damo institute a fee" are different. People may be willing to do something, but that doesn't mean damo should​ inact it. Your questions are different

So you had difficulty connecting the two concepts?
Pay to post? I can barely justify posting here and Damo not paying ME!

Of course, if it would serve to get rid of cum receptacles like you, it might be an idea worth looking at...
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i think damo should charge trolls like legion for wasting bandwidth....

Actually he should prohibit most of them from posting, if they include links to their liberal blog sites. I'm sure they are more effective than a typical banner ad, and Damo could probably charge the blog sites if they wanted to advertise here. I look through the threads of about 4-5 people, and that's basically all they do, all day and night, sit here and post links to liberal propaganda outlets. What then happens, is these websites run around telling everyone they got 2 million hits last week... but 1.8 million were from unsuspecting dupes on a message board, clicking a link to see what the idiot is yammering about. They have little armies of posters like Legion, who go out into cyberspace, and make all kinds of little troll accounts, where they constantly post this crap, complete with links, and who knows, they may be getting paid to do this? If you don't believe me, just watch... look closely at the links they are posting... they aren't mainstream credible AP style news sources. Over an over again, they exploit this forum as a means to advertise, and we are instrumental in helping them do it. Damo has a big jar of KY jelly, I suppose.
Actually he should prohibit most of them from posting, if they include links to their liberal blog sites. I'm sure they are more effective than a typical banner ad, and Damo could probably charge the blog sites if they wanted to advertise here. I look through the threads of about 4-5 people, and that's basically all they do, all day and night, sit here and post links to liberal propaganda outlets. What then happens, is these websites run around telling everyone they got 2 million hits last week... but 1.8 million were from unsuspecting dupes on a message board, clicking a link to see what the idiot is yammering about. They have little armies of posters like Legion, who go out into cyberspace, and make all kinds of little troll accounts, where they constantly post this crap, complete with links, and who knows, they may be getting paid to do this? If you don't believe me, just watch... look closely at the links they are posting... they aren't mainstream credible AP style news sources. Over an over again, they exploit this forum as a means to advertise, and we are instrumental in helping them do it. Damo has a big jar of KY jelly, I suppose.


That pesky First Amendment getting you all hot and bothered?

As to the KY, you're the one who said he "poses" for Damo.