Should Gary Johnson be included in the national media debates with Hillary and Trump?

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

If only the Libertarian Party were led by intelligent people instead of morons...
No. Everyone already knows he wants to legalize pot.

And everybody should know that holier-than-thou authoritarians like you prefer legal alcohol and a high profit, tax free market in pot for criminal types like your mother, huh?
If only the Libertarian Party were led by intelligent people instead of morons...

Morons haven't realized the libertarians are the intelligent class of political intelligence and the duopoly cartel of crooks have finally found their most exaggerated examples of incompetent puking idiots to head up their crooked tickets. But you never did understand the concept of rational thought, so I'll take that into consideration.
More Jesus Juice Pastor Pimp?

Morons haven't realized the libertarians are the intelligent class of political intelligence and the duopoly cartel of crooks have finally found their most exaggerated examples of incompetent puking idiots to head up their crooked tickets. But you never did understand the concept of rational thought, so I'll take that into consideration.

Are you suggesting the Libertarian Party will gain control of the House & Senate?
Are you suggesting the Libertarian Party will gain control of the House & Senate?

What ever gave you that insane idea? Americans sock suckers that vote in the duopoly's rigged elections don't give a flying fuck about limited government, individual rights, true capitalism and actual constitutionalism. They'll vote for the establishment duopoly crooks and more BIG authoritarian government, an ever growing national debt and a continued trouncing of their individual liberties.

America: Government Of The Bribery, By The Bribery and For The Bribed!
What ever gave you that insane idea?

You missed the irony.

The Libertarian Party is not poised to gain control of the House & Senate, because the party is run by morons.

If you want people to vote for 3rd Parties, you have to field candidates for all public offices in every election cycle. Obviously that something Libertarians don't understand.
You missed the irony.

The Libertarian Party is not poised to gain control of the House & Senate, because the party is run by morons.

If you want people to vote for 3rd Parties, you have to field candidates for all public offices in every election cycle. Obviously that something Libertarians don't understand.

Something you don't understand is the "morons" are the sock puppets that subscribe to any political party and vote accordingly in the rigged elections. Political parties are corrupt special interest collectives who's agenda is always the same, take power over the peon masses and keep it. Conduct government to enrich ourselves and our brethren in crime in our authoritarian anti-liberty quest.