Should Socialists ☭ (DEMOCRATS) ever be allowed to rule America again?

Русский агент

Путин - м&#108
No one "rules" America. Liberals do tend to try to control it. So the real question becomes, "should Liberal politicians be marginalized and kept out of the halls of political power?". The simple answer is; YES.
So if all Democrats are Socialists what are all Republicans? This should be interesting

And if Democrats "try to control it," what do Republicans do?
Conservatives are the only TRUE Americans here. All Liberals are Soviet wannabes.

Liberalism. as you know, is the universal ideology of capitalism, except in crisis, when they call in the fascists. The USA is supposed to be a capitalist country, so I'm a bit baffled by all these ranting weirdoes who like to pretend to be back in the European NIneteenth Century. I suppose it is all the foreigners you took in.