Should the State Elememtry Schools require an oath to the Federal Government?


Well-known member
So, let me get this straight...

You Republicans support State Elementary schools being required to push kids to swear allegiance to the Federal Government?

Seriously.... and the Democrats are the ones who are promoting a more powerful Federal Government?
So, let me get this straight...

You Republicans support State Elementary schools being required to push kids to swear allegiance to the Federal Government?

Seriously.... and the Democrats are the ones who are promoting a more powerful Federal Government?

Yep, seems like Big Brother to me, more government forced upon the populace, more control of our lives.

Isn't it my right as a citizen to be able to decline saying the pledge, what if it is against my religion?
Yep, seems like Big Brother to me, more government forced upon the populace, more control of our lives.

Isn't it my right as a citizen to be able to decline saying the pledge, what if it is against my religion?

That is your right...

Here in Florida the State Republicans passed a law that ALL Elementary Schools must lead all students in a recitation of the pledge. The only exception is if the kid has a note from his parents saying doing so would be against the child's religious principals.

Its not about religion to me, its about being required to pledge allegiance to the Federal Government who I sometimes disagree with.
So, let me get this straight...

You Republicans support State Elementary schools being required to push kids to swear allegiance to the Federal Government?

Seriously.... and the Democrats are the ones who are promoting a more powerful Federal Government?

You want the gobblement to run everything and you don't want people to be faithful?

Who is inconsistent here

Personally I would end state run schools. But I know you can't live your life without gobblement as long as they aren't interfering with you lurching your boat
You want the gobblement to run everything and you don't want people to be faithful?

Who is inconsistent here

Personally I would end state run schools. But I know you can't live your life without gobblement as long as they aren't interfering with you lurching your boat

So do you support laws requiring kids pledge their allegiance to the Federal Government?
Im sure you are aware that the pledge is to the flag and the republic for which it stands, no mention of the federal government.
Im sure you are aware that the pledge is to the flag and the republic for which it stands, no mention of the federal government.

The Federal Government is not the Republic they are talking about?

What Republic are they talking about?

And the Flag, what is it a symbol of? Oh that's right, its the symbol of the Federal Government. What is the United States of America? Oh, that's right, its the name of our federal government.
Im sure you are aware that the pledge is to the flag and the republic for which it stands, no mention of the federal government.

So, what exactly is the federal government to you? A foreign entity? I always thought our government was the representation of we the people?

Do you vote?
What is Obama the President of? Oh, that's right, our Federal Government, you know... the United States of America.
My passport was issued by who? Oh, ya, I applied to my Federal Government for it... so it was issued by The United States of America, it says so right on the cover.
"for which it stands..."

So, what Republic does the flag stand for? Oh, ya... the United States of America.

Or, are you claiming it stands for the Republic of Tennessee or The Republic of Florida, maybe The Republic of Nebraska..?
"for which it stands..."

So, what Republic does the flag stand for? Oh, ya... the United States of America.

Or, are you claiming it stands for the Republic of Tennessee or The Republic of Florida, maybe The Republic of Nebraska..?

Maybe you'll except this definition; but probably not, because it destroys the entire foundation that you've built your rant on.

Republic---a sovereign state in which power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people; and it’s from the people to the leaders; not from the leaders to the people
The Federal Government is not the Republic they are talking about?

What Republic are they talking about?

And the Flag, what is it a symbol of? Oh that's right, its the symbol of the Federal Government. What is the United States of America? Oh, that's right, its the name of our federal government.

Don't confuse the country with the government. The United States was the United States after the declaration of independence was sigbed and under the articles of confederation and continued after that and it will continue to be the United States regardless.

And the Flag is a symbol of the 50 states and thirteen colonies. Nowhere on the Flag is a symbol of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch.
So, what exactly is the federal government to you? A foreign entity? I always thought our government was the representation of we the people?

Do you vote?

Nonsense if that was true there wouldn't be Obamacare, because the American people were against it before, even more so now
You are right, the low information obamabots, with their cradle to grave, nanny state hands out will be pissed when you take their free stuff away!

Medicine for profit was bankrupting this nation. People who couldn't get insurance are now covered. They pay their premiums. You have a very low opinion of your fellow man.

Tell me, how many people are getting free stuff and why? Got my facts to back up your post?