Show me the money!

Sir Galahad

Christian Socialist Party
House members who voted ‘yes’ on bailout received 54 percent more from banks/securities firms.»

According to research produced by, House members who voted yes on the proposed bailout package received 54 percent more money from banks and securities than members who voted no:

[O]ver the past five years, banks and securities firms gave an average of $231,877 in campaign contributions to each Representative voting in favor of the bailout, compared with an average of $150,982 to each Representative voting against the bailout – 54 percent more money given to those who voted Yes.

Democrats who voted yes received “an average of $212,700 each, about twice as much as those voting No, $107,993.” Republicans who voted yes “received an average of $273,181 each, 50% more than those voting No, $181,688.”
That was fast (no source and probably made up)--I wonder what the terms will be for todays vote?

Good for those politicians---who are they---I want to vote them out.

The bill changes I heard of (raising the FDIC insurance for consumers) is not doing the trick. They better quit--or their economy might fail. Mine should not fail no matter what they do---because I am not drinking the socialist kool-aid. it is going to be a blast watching the sheep loose it all---because they trusted a government to run their lives. Ahhh--the cry of drowning socialists sheep who were just to gutless to go after their personal dreams---music to my ears!

don't come to my house, crying for help if your a obama supporter---I have a big gun!
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That was fast (no source and probably made up)--I wonder what the terms will be for todays vote?

Good for those politicians---who are they---I want to vote them out.

The bill changes I heard of (raising the FDIC insurance for consumers) is not doing the trick. They better quit--or their economy might fail. Mine should not fail no matter what they do---because I am not drinking the socialist kool-aid. it is going to be a blast watching the sheep loose it all---because they trusted a government to run their lives.

don't come to my house, crying for help if your a obama supporter---I have a big gun!

Gun? As in singular? Wow, sorry about that.
That was fast (no source and probably made up)--I wonder what the terms will be for todays vote?

Good for those politicians---who are they---I want to vote them out.

The bill changes I heard of (raising the FDIC insurance for consumers) is not doing the trick. They better quit--or their economy might fail. Mine should not fail no matter what they do---because I am not drinking the socialist kool-aid. it is going to be a blast watching the sheep loose it all---because they trusted a government to run their lives. Ahhh--the cry of drowning socialists sheep who were just to gutless to go after their personal dreams---music to my ears!

don't come to my house, crying for help if your a obama supporter---I have a big gun!

You have a problem or two is what you have.
That was fast (no source and probably made up)--I wonder what the terms will be for todays vote?

Good for those politicians---who are they---I want to vote them out.

The bill changes I heard of (raising the FDIC insurance for consumers) is not doing the trick. They better quit--or their economy might fail. Mine should not fail no matter what they do---because I am not drinking the socialist kool-aid. it is going to be a blast watching the sheep loose it all---because they trusted a government to run their lives. Ahhh--the cry of drowning socialists sheep who were just to gutless to go after their personal dreams---music to my ears!

don't come to my house, crying for help if your a obama supporter---I have a big gun!

Any final wish (realistic)?