signalmankenneth Sunday funnies

Thanks, Ken. Not a great week for these things. guess is that it will work out.

Trump is lousy for America and I think enough of us realize that to see that he does not get elected. If I am wrong, we are all screwed...including the fools who vote for Trump.
That depends frankie
Great job SMK! They're all good.

And now a little story...

A young couple was touring a new apartment they had just signed the lease on. The landlord had graciously offered the couple's choice of color to paint each room. They were in the living room and the couple said: "Let's paint this gray." The landlord said; "OK," then stepped over to the window, opened it and shouted: "Green Side Up!" The couple looked at each other, shrugged, and followed the landlord into the dining room. There, they said: "We want this room to be blue." The landlord said: "OK," then walked over to the window, opened it up and shouted: "Green Side Up!" The couple exchanged looks and followed the landlord into the bedroom where they both agreed and told the landlord the bedroom should be white. The landlord said: "Got it," walked over to the window, threw it open and shouted: "Green Side Up!"

The couple now became frustrated. They told the landlord they didn't want green at all and repeated their choices.

And the landlord said: "No problem. I heard you. Living room gray, dining room blue, bedroom white. You see, I've got some maga people down there laying sod. They've got two choices and you'd think this would be a no-brainer, but..."
Great job SMK! They're all good.

And now a little story...

A young couple was touring a new apartment they had just signed the lease on. The landlord had graciously offered the couple's choice of color to paint each room. They were in the living room and the couple said: "Let's paint this gray." The landlord said; "OK," then stepped over to the window, opened it and shouted: "Green Side Up!" The couple looked at each other, shrugged, and followed the landlord into the dining room. There, they said: "We want this room to be blue." The landlord said: "OK," then walked over to the window, opened it up and shouted: "Green Side Up!" The couple exchanged looks and followed the landlord into the bedroom where they both agreed and told the landlord the bedroom should be white. The landlord said: "Got it," walked over to the window, threw it open and shouted: "Green Side Up!"

The couple now became frustrated. They told the landlord they didn't want green at all and repeated their choices.

And the landlord said: "No problem. I heard you. Living room gray, dining room blue, bedroom white. You see, I've got some maga people down there laying sod. They've got two choices and you'd think this would be a no-brainer, but..."
Good adaptation, Poly.
