Silly Democrats call McCain 3rd Bush term


Well...the right is right
I just heard Howard Dean pushing what seems to be the Democrats latest talking point, that a McCain presidency would be a third Bush term. Well that is just fallacy, it's just not true. McCain represents balance in Government, Republican President, Democrat controlled Congress, if the Democrats win the white house they will control all three branches of government. And that is a continuation of the one party rule Dean is alluding too.
I just heard Howard Dean pushing what seems to be the Democrats latest talking point, that a McCain presidency would be a third Bush term. Well that is just fallacy, it's just not true. McCain represents balance in Government, Republican President, Democrat controlled Congress, if the Democrats win the white house they will control all three branches of government. And that is a continuation of the one party rule Dean is alluding too.

That's right! I'm voting for John McCain, not because he's white, but because I am against one-party rule.

Except for the years it was the Republicans who had it.

But most of them are white.
I support divided government, so I'm hoping that the Republicans retake the House and Senate while a Democrat wins the Presidency, but I don't see it happening this year. I would welcome being proved wrong.

Unified government produces excess, fraud, and waste.
I support divided government, so I'm hoping that the Republicans retake the House and Senate while a Democrat wins the Presidency, but I don't see it happening this year. I would welcome being proved wrong.

Unified government produces excess, fraud, and waste.

It may be the opposite, GOP takes the WH and Dems overwhelmingly control the legislature.
WRL, you spent about three years on full politics saying that Bush was a great president, and he was doing a great job. I'd think you'd be happy to know that McCain is offering a third bush term. Which, he pretty much is.
It may be the opposite, GOP takes the WH and Dems overwhelmingly control the legislature.

Yeah, I'm always torn whether I prefer a Republican President and Democratic legistlature or vice versa.

A fiscally conservative Republican can make use of the executive to curb congressional excesses, but that would require a fiscally conservative Republican (a mystical creature not seen in my lifetime).

On the other hand, a fiscally conservative Congress (Republican or otherwise) would be perfect but seemingly impossible.

A Democratic president would hopefully steer us clear of wars, but I'm not holding my breath.
WRL, you spent about three years on full politics saying that Bush was a great president, and he was doing a great job. I'd think you'd be happy to know that McCain is offering a third bush term. Which, he pretty much is.

Did he ever show any concern over one-party rule before?
Yeah, I'm always torn whether I prefer a Republican President and Democratic legistlature or vice versa.

A fiscally conservative Republican can make use of the executive to curb congressional excesses, but that would require a fiscally conservative Republican (a mystical creature not seen in my lifetime).

On the other hand, a fiscally conservative Congress (Republican or otherwise) would be perfect but seemingly impossible.

A Democratic president would hopefully steer us clear of wars, but I'm not holding my breath.

I've given the same thoughts much consideration, although this year I'd say it's a safe bet the Democrats retain both houses of Congress.
So this is the best argument for McCain that the Republicans have? Divided government? Really? Nice to have confidence in your candidate.

So this is the best argument for McCain that the Republicans have? Divided government? Really? Nice to have confidence in your candidate.

You think that is the "best" reason? It is just another reason. One OF the reasons, not the "best" reason.
Yeah, I'm always torn whether I prefer a Republican President and Democratic legistlature or vice versa.

Democrats are pussies, and as such a republican president does not have a hard time completely running all over them. They have a hard time standing up for what they believe in.

A republican congress will dedicate itself to obstructing the dem president at every turn because they like their guns, abstinence only education, liberating people, and trying to expose sex crimes of dems to get the heat off of themselves so they can go to the bathroom stalls uninterrupted.