Single Payer System. It was the target to begin with. Face it.


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Everyone with a political brain by now knows that the Single Payer system was the target of the Left to begin with. Compromise and "just get it passed" attitude turned it into what it is. Be real.

I don't give **** about political parties so lets discuss it head on with brains. (right wing joke lingering)

With a single payer system the Monopoly Corporations that are not giving their employee team benefits will be forced to pay taxes to give those employee's benefits. The goal idea would be to make it cheaper to give your employee's Healthcare instead of the Government forcing a more expensive option. Single payer would be like all taxes where the rich pay more, just like the fair tax, where the rich pay more (loopholes aside). The big problem with the Single Payer system is this..What happens when we have a "temporary shutdown"? Will we pull The Jerk again and allow it? "These veterans and these WIC moms and these people with Insurance and that's all I need!"

Or what happens if we simply shut it down?

I personally think that the Right Wingers that can't admit that Universal Healthcare is awesome are bias ignorant neanderthals. They don't even seem to know why they are against it. The common parrot is "it doesn't work".

The big question is this. Do you trust your Government? Universal Healthcare is AWESOME! No if's, and's or but's! But what happens when a corrupt politician uses it for leverage? I could see Ted Cruz doing it with an "I told you so" face.
The big problem with the Single Payer system is this. What happens when we have a "temporary shutdown"? Will we pull The Jerk again and allow it? Or what happens if we simply shut it down?

So you’re worried half sick about your government handouts, huh Goober? Don’t worry you’ll get your “Wait In Line till ya die Single Payer” sooner or later because the fucking Washington politicians, (mainly the Democrats), have ruined every other sane healthcare system we’ve ever had and the Democrat’s next bag of propaganda will be to fix the absurd abortion of Obama-Care with a Single Payer system. If we have a government shutdown, you’ll never notice it in the Single Payer System because the shutdown will be over long before you get any service from the Single Payer System you’ll be just waiting, and waiting and waiting in line anyhow.

Oh Yeah! The worst thing about Single Payer actually is there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to implement or operate it. Just like Obama-Care it would be unconstitutional.

I personally think that the Right Wingers that can't admit that Universal Healthcare is awesome are bias ignorant neanderthals. They don't even seem to know why they are against it. The common parrot is "it doesn't work".

The big question is this. Do you trust your Government? Universal Healthcare is AWESOME! No if's, and's or but's! But what happens when a corrupt politician uses it for leverage? I could see Ted Cruz doing it with an "I told you so" face.

Well Goober if Single Payer is so fucking great, why do Canadians come over to America to get critical operations to save their lives instead of waiting on the list in Canada? If Single Payer is so fucking great how come the hospitals in the UK are filthy and under staffed and they send a goodly percentage of their critical operations off to India to keep them alive?
If you think there's a doctor shortage now and healthcare is too expensive, just wait till it's free.
I wish I could double thanks that, CL. That's my biggest beef with this single payer bullshit is the overreaching by the Federales. I've always stated that the Fed should be reduced back to its Constitutional mandates per Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution and the States should decide for themselves how to handle their domestic issues per Amendment X of the US Constitution.
I wish I could double thanks that, CL. That's my biggest beef with this single payer bullshit is the overreaching by the Federales. I've always stated that the Fed should be reduced back to its Constitutional mandates per Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution and the States should decide for themselves how to handle their domestic issues per Amendment X of the US Constitution.

It was the original genius intent of our founders to create a nation of Several State’s Laboratories whereby the wellbeing of the people would be decided by State government and thereby State would learn from State and if logic prevailed only the best social programs would survive and the worst forever trashed. Even the better part of that great idea was as Reagan once noted if people in particular States didn’t agree with what a State had instituted, they could “vote with their feet” and move to another State.

Sadly for America the Federalist BIG fucking government authoritarian bastards in Washington have ignored and corrupted our Constitution and enslaved America to a “One Size Fits All” dictatorial hodge-podge of Federal socialist programming and federal mandates on the States and thereby created a hundred trillion dollars in unfunded future liabilities.

It’s only a question of time before the socialist bankrupting chickens come home to roost.
So you’re worried half sick about your government handouts, huh Goober? Don’t worry you’ll get your “Wait In Line till ya die Single Payer” sooner or later because the fucking Washington politicians, (mainly the Democrats), have ruined every other sane healthcare system we’ve ever had and the Democrat’s next bag of propaganda will be to fix the absurd abortion of Obama-Care with a Single Payer system. If we have a government shutdown, you’ll never notice it in the Single Payer System because the shutdown will be over long before you get any service from the Single Payer System you’ll be just waiting, and waiting and waiting in line anyhow.

Oh Yeah! The worst thing about Single Payer actually is there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to implement or operate it. Just like Obama-Care it would be unconstitutional.

Well Goober if Single Payer is so fucking great, why do Canadians come over to America to get critical operations to save their lives instead of waiting on the list in Canada? If Single Payer is so fucking great how come the hospitals in the UK are filthy and under staffed and they send a goodly percentage of their critical operations off to India to keep them alive?

You assume that since I have a brain I'm arguing the Left. Meahwhile, you make yourself look stupid.
If you think there's a doctor shortage now and healthcare is too expensive, just wait till it's free.

Yea. Because someone proposed "free" healthcare.

You don't seem to know much about politics kid.

Next will be "free education!" and
"free national defense!"
You assume that since I have a brain I'm arguing the Left. Meahwhile, you make yourself look stupid.

Meanwhile you can’t even spell “meanwhile.”

If you ever make a valid argument about anything I’ll Have to determine at that point, (if it ever happens), what position on the political spectrum other than just the usual leftist dribble it’s coming from.

Yea. Because someone proposed "free" healthcare.

Of course Goober there's no such thing as a “free” lunch except where Democrats can get THE WEALTHY to pay the bills for the majority of Democrat voters who don’t pay income taxes. Those bribed morons, like yourself think everything that comes from government is “free.” Like You they think BIG fucking government is their Mommy and Daddy taking care of them.

You don't seem to know much about politics kid.

Next will be "free education!" and
"free national defense!"

I know enough about American politics child to know it’s a fucking bribery racket operated in Washington D. C. by a gang of elitist career politicians as far outside of the Constitution as they can get away with and they get away with just about anything they want because morons like you have no loyalty to it and never even read it.

Education and National Defense is already “free” for an ever expanding degree of bribed Democrat voters who haven’t a fucking dime’s worth of skin in the bribery game Goober. Like you, they live off of the government’s extortion loot of the most productive among us.