Sinister LDS Liberal from Hell



I'm a Mormon, and a liberal, and I'm not a very good one of either. But I'm bombastic and I like to argue and I don't give a shit about who you are or how long you've been here -- only whether you're being an idiot or not. Let's rumble.
really? I've been reading about and it seems like most everyone with bombast around here is a conservative. Maybe it's just the few top threads I've actually goteen to. Liberals around here generally seem both tame and not particularly prone to making reasonable debate-style arguments.
The right is actually on an upswing here. When I first joined I felt like they were getting mashed up. I thank the hard Righties here, of which I'm not quite sure I qualify.

I'm a Mormon, and a liberal, and I'm not a very good one of either. But I'm bombastic and I like to argue and I don't give a shit about who you are or how long you've been here -- only whether you're being an idiot or not. Let's rumble.

Uh huh. Cool story bro.

I'm a Mormon, and a liberal, and I'm not a very good one of either. But I'm bombastic and I like to argue and I don't give a shit about who you are or how long you've been here -- only whether you're being an idiot or not. Let's rumble.

Notice when you argue a point with the fascist right here and you provide links that prove your point with facts and history how they come back with their only reply, 'you're an idiot, you're a communist, you're a socialist, you're a marxist and on and on and on....

It's like talking to your dog, you say good boy and he says Arf, you say bad dog and he says Arf, you say go lay down and he says Arf.
Did you hear about the Mormon who was brought before a judge charged with polygamy?

The judge told the Mormon "You can't have six wives, that's bigamy".

The Mormon replied, "I thought it was big of me, too".


I'm a Mormon, and a liberal, and I'm not a very good one of either. But I'm bombastic and I like to argue and I don't give a shit about who you are or how long you've been here -- only whether you're being an idiot or not. Let's rumble.
Hi! You live in liberal smothered WA. That is all we need to know. ;)

I'm a Mormon, and a liberal, and I'm not a very good one of either. But I'm bombastic and I like to argue and I don't give a shit about who you are or how long you've been here -- only whether you're being an idiot or not. Let's rumble.
you will fit in here just fine Essence. We have a lot of conservatives here who don't let facts or reality get in the way of a good argument.