Site's back up! Sorry I couldn't fix it while I was at work...


Staff member
Sorry the site took so long to repair. All I had to do was run a quick repair on the dbase, but I was stuck at work doing work stuff.

Site's back up. Enjoy.
Sorry the site took so long to repair. All I had to do was run a quick repair on the dbase, but I was stuck at work doing work stuff.

Site's back up. Enjoy.
thanks, man. I did not know what I was going to do. I have taken the first step. I admit I am a fake news junkie. this fake news trip is like a monkey on my back.
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Sorry the site took so long to repair. All I had to do was run a quick repair on the dbase, but I was stuck at work doing work stuff.

Site's back up. Enjoy.

Obviously Russia hacked JPP

Putin discovered that the liberal brain trust on this site were on to his diabolical plot and he had to shut it down