slight revision on palin

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
seems that she is a decent politician and person

i still have differences with her political stance but if we kept off the subject of politics and religion we could be friends

oh well
There are a couple of trivial issues for me about her so far--but that is to be expected with any human being. The aborting thing is going no where, and the prayer in schools is going no where. I don't know why people sweat about those issues so much. She is in a very rare position. for several reasons, and I think overally, it is a good thing--if you like America.

1--I am a firm believer that large populated areas---mess people up. Coming from Alasksa, hunting, fishing--basically her feet in the dirt--is what makes her a people person, and not a party person. This is a main reason why she will excite a lot of people that most think are sleeping.

2--I am good at looking at somebody when they speak, and usually able to determine if that person has a agenda that is not being shared along with the topic substance. I don't see that in Sara Palin. I do see a little PC when it comes to not burning her bridges--she does have to paly the game a bit, but I don't see here lieing to the public when the issue directly or indirectly effects them.

3--she is a real leader--and she did it on her own for a reason. She did not get support from people that Hate America like Obama did--and most of his followers hate America also. Palin loves people to be free---because that is how she grew up. She has faith in people, and does not insult them like liberials do.

3.5---We want a person that actually represents the citizens who voted for them. Palin does that because she is straight out of Alaska, not been indoctorinated by our education system, lives life, and not been indoctorinated by Washington. This is very rare folks, and I think she has what it takes to pull it off.

4--The woman has grit--espically fighting corruption. That is a self driven grit that not many can recogonize in others, or the benifits of. What this means folks, is others will sell you out as the wind blows a different direction--and Palin will still be there, doing what you elected her to do.

5--I see something special in Palin. I don't agree with everything of course, but I know she loves freedom, and is willing to fight for it. I know she loves America and the values that made this country better than any other. Her good looks, sharp mind, and ability to connect with the public who has lost their voice for so long---may make it hard for any commie liberial to further advance their agenda.

Go PALIN She is all American with John Wayne type grit packed in a super model package. She actualy feels bad if she makes a bad decision, and would probabably correct it. You can't say that about your other choice. Be scaered liberials---be very scared of Palin. The need and desire for people to be free will give Palin a lot of power (my prediction). I can even see ousting our university professors and throwing them in jail for treason (teaching hating America)---that would be nice.
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