Small brain vs numerical minds.


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Chapter 1.

Ancestors held psychological hostages by their own ancestry. Punishment for not complying to family traditions are ridicule, using sibling rivalry against siblings each generation gap that sibling rivalry is applied in each generation added. Cycles of social behavioral patterns are established by 4th generation since inception. Add language to communicate between all 5 current generation gaps recycling family traditions ignoring the specificity of adapting forward each rotation are sacrificed to defend ideas life isn't self evident.

Divine Providence and manifested destiny to the fate genetics actually eternally separates any reproduction native to its universal position existing in series parallel positions of perpetual balancing outcomes universally here this rotation balancing as a new total sum for each what, where, when, which, species, ancestral lineage, generation gap, reproduction that has or never did reproduce their own offspring occupying time this rotation.

Old World Order within this universal time life never had a reproduction exceed adapting as displaced since conceived to dead in each rotation alive today.

Actual evolving isn't physically possible but every reality is all anyone needs to know about cradle to grave each lifetime alive this rotation.

People can only debate established facts created by honoring social consensus of all previous generations combined between every ancestral lineage present.

Protect unity, defend tomorrow, sacrifice yesterday, to governing outcomes evolving here so far.

Patterns of behavior existing in series parallel time occupying space since inception of numbers changing every rotation same way every reproductions lives changing shape and form conceived to dead configured in positions adapting to the moment native to this unIQue universal position individually here as a replacement to the 30 previous ancestors that were one reproducers delivering the time each of the 1 of 16 arrived at the event horizons of great great grandparents living same time siblings or separate ancestral lineages either didn't reproduce or outlived their reproductions.

2nd generation reproducers conceived as 1 of 8 great grandparents and siblings and cousins that did reproduce or outlive their reproductions occupying time in series parallel positions native to the universal position supporting their time balancing forward each rotation changing forms shaped as conceived into occupying time each rotation alive.

3rd generation reproducers working same way as previous 2. Total population growing or decreasing each the numbers in the three evolving together in plain sight combining all generation gaps of contracting results changing details constantly as formed here each rotation of each one existing this rotation every next or not.

Social awareness of life by the 4th generation arriving one reproduction at a time all 4 separate but equal timing occupying space same rotation never same forms shaped since conceived but every geographical location is different environment depending upon location in atmosphere native to ancestral location of each family's 4 generation units.

What constitutes family of multiple generation gaps and a village of unrelated souls choosing to believe life is something other than genetics eternally separating each sole occupying time each current rotation never staying same event horizon of evolving in every stage of development every ancestor shares regardless ancestral lineage alive today?

History recorded human behavior organizing reasonable doubt since dawn of civilization. Means, motives, methods, specifically to grids of longitude, latitude, platitudes, attitudes, ancestral lineages, generation gaps, present manifesting their relative ideas as social consensuses among people compromising away their biological time in plain sight to create better tomorrows than what is going forward today.

Specificity of evolving uniquely alive this rotation as why, how, who, is which, what, where, when, reproductive position one arrived after conceived never same form as shaped a fertilized cell the exact rotation they arrived replacing their specific 30 previous contributors to compounding chromosomes occupying time this rotation.

There is how written or spoken history about this in this species has governed every generation gap left alive every rotation of the planet last 7,000 years theories and theologies promised better tomorrows than adapting forward now has existed in plain sight.

the original sin is self deception. Final conflict is everyone ignoring why they are alive this rotation.