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ELON MUSK is an example of a highly - intelligent, extremely - successful ,American entrepreneur.

The vast majority of the people reading this post are nowhere near as cognitively high-powered as Elon ( esp, forum DUMMYCRATS).

Apart from running his corporations, Elon also has an interest in American (and other Anglo-sphere countries's) politics, and - from time to time- he gets directly involved in the real hurly-burly of big time politics.

Elon has , for instance, roundly condemned the staggering incompetence and lunacy of the failed, Biden regime.

He has also strongly endorsed the official, Republican nominee, Donald Trump, in his bid for the US Presidency this November.

The point I wish to make is that if a super-intelligent/super-successful dude like Elon Musk says he is voting for Trump, then, DUMMYCRATS, (in particular), should take careful note. This is because they are definitely no where near as intelligent as Elon Musk is and should therefore place their trust in his good judgement and follow suit when deciding who they ought vote for in November.

You might say: "Yeah, Elon is super-intelligent, but there are a lot a individuals with extremely high IQs who are flakes and cannot function effectively in modern mainstream American society !" I would say, "Yes, that's true; but Elon Mush is clearly not some limp-wristed "dork" who spends his life stewing up academic theories in his office in some effeminate, leftist, ivory tower -and still lives with his mother. Elon Musk is nothing like this. He turns his ideas in practical, useful realities. He he can "Talk the Talk" AND "Walk the Walk." High -IQ "Egg-Heads" can talk lots of fancy High-Falutin' talk, but they can never "Walk the Walk"

So, my advice to all DUMMYCRATS reading this post is: "Don't be a Dickhead ALL YOUR LIFE ( !! ), vote TRUMP for POTUS, 2025". Remember, Elon Musk, is much, MUCH smarter than you are, or than any Democrat politician is - (just check out Eric Swalwell or ,Ilhan Omar, or ,Maxine Waters, or the "Queen Bee" of the Dummycrats herself - "HEELS-UP" HARRIS ( !! ) , if you don't believe me). NOW, even you Dummycrats know that Elon MUSK IS A WINNER -BIG TIME !! AND HERE'S WHAT I WANT TO SINK INTO YOUR THICK SKULLS.... i.e. ELON MUSK IS VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP IN NOVEMBER. This means that if you do not vote Trump-Vance in this year's Presidential election, but instead vote HARRIS -WALZ, then you are not acting intelligently, and, you are totally confirming your status as a LOSER (like NORDBERG; for example, and you wouldn't want to end up being placed in the same basket as him, RIGHT ?

Also, TRUMP is not a crazy person, nor is he a creepy weirdo. I mean, the Democrats have currently got a Vice Presidential nominee who - as Governor of Minnesota - spent hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars putting boxes of tampons in every boy's restroom (toilet block) in Minnesota's high schools. That's why this brain-dead "Muppet" now has the nickname : "TAMPON TIM" (Tim Walz). In my opinion, only someone who was very "SUSPECT", very WEIRD and INTELLECTUALLY RETARDED would cook up the absurd and PERVERTED idea of supplying all of the boy's restrooms in Minnesota high schools with "complimentary" tampons. I mean, let's face it, - everyone knows that males don't MENSTRUATE. RIGHT ? There might be the odd, EXTREMELY rare exception like, for instance, a tragic specimen like "CRY - BABY KINZINGER"". "Cry-Baby Kinzinger" is a major - league Congressional WIMP, and a "Pelosi Republican," Whenever "Cry-Baby K" is "on the rag" (menstruating), he gets highly emotional and often blubs like a girl, live on MSM (This, as you can imagine, tends to make every American male watching, CRINGE with embarrassment).

Actually, designing and implementing a Government policy that aims to put freely-available TAMPONS in the boys' restrooms of high schools across a large terrain, takes the f**king cake ! Despite the clown-show that American politics has become over the past 20 (to 30) years, I SWEAR TO GOD I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING that matches the PURE INSANITY and PURE CREEPINESS of this "star turn" by "TAMPON TIM. (If anyone's got anything that tops this - please let me have it !). Elon Musk would never in a million years have contemplated doing something so absolutely, stone - cold, CRETINOUS. Even the overwhelming majority of 13 year-olds in America would not ever consider drafting something as creepy, moronic and bizarro as a plan to make sure that tampons were always freely available in the male , toilet-blocks of hundreds of high school's in a given US state.

So, in conclusion, my message to you DUMMYCRATS is as follows.... If a well-known American guy who is:

* Super-bright; has a Super High IQ).

* Super-COMPETENT/COMPETITIVE/PROGRESSIVE ( NOT "Progressive" in the sense that AOC is !).

* Super-successful, and truly deserving of his success.

* A normal, decent person ( i.e. NOT someone who is a bug-eyed lunatic and/or a vile, antisocial weirdo like: "TAMPON TIM" - the official "wannabe VP" of the USA - or a poisonous, psychopathic individual like, say, AMBER HEARD, (Johnny Depp's batshit - crazy/evil former wife).

* A person with a good sense of humour.

* Genuinely honest
, and if he feels that he is (morally) duty-bound to speak out publicly, will always do so and say what he TRULY thinks, and TRULY believes is the right thing to say.

* A very wealthy, multi-billionaire, but who earned his own fortune through hard work, and taking the entrepreneurial - type risks involved in developing cutting-edge, new technologies. (Technologies that have already greatly benefited America, and technologies that will continue to benefit America into the future.

So, would you listen to the political advice that this person gave you ? Even the "common or garden" DUMMYCRAT would surely have to say: "Yes, I certainly would ! ! !

Well, this person I've described is a real-life American named Elon Musk. Elon is voting for DONALD TRUMP in this year's Presidential election. So if someone who is a WINNER (BIG TIME) like Elon Musk is voting TRUMP-VANCE; don't you think that anyone who votes "HEELS UP' HARRIS - "TAMPON TIM" is probably a "DIP-STICK." I certainly do !!!

So, finally, don't be a Dummycrat LOSER AGAIN this November - make sure you vote TRUMP-VANCE !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
ELON MUSK is an example of a highly - intelligent, extremely - successful ,American entrepreneur.

The vast majority of the people reading this post are nowhere near as cognitively high-powered as Elon ( esp, forum DUMMYCRATS).

Apart from running his corporations, Elon also has an interest in American (and other Anglo-sphere countries's) politics, and - from time to time- he gets directly involved in the real hurly-burly of big time politics.

Elon has , for instance, roundly condemned the staggering incompetence and lunacy of the failed, Biden regime.

He has also strongly endorsed the official, Republican nominee, Donald Trump, in his bid for the US Presidency this November.

The point I wish to make is that if a super-intelligent/super-successful dude like Elon Musk says he is voting for Trump, then, DUMMYCRATS, (in particular), should take careful note. This is because they are definitely no where near as intelligent as Elon Musk is and should therefore place their trust in his good judgement and follow suit when deciding who they ought vote for in November.

You might say: "Yeah, Elon is super-intelligent, but there are a lot a individuals with extremely high IQs who are flakes and cannot function effectively in modern mainstream American society !" I would say, "Yes, that's true; but Elon Mush is clearly not some limp-wristed "dork" who spends his life stewing up academic theories in his office in some effeminate, leftist, ivory tower -and still lives with his mother. Elon Musk is nothing like this. He turns his ideas in practical, useful realities. He he can "Talk the Talk" AND "Walk the Walk." High -IQ "Egg-Heads" can talk lots of fancy High-Falutin' talk, but they can never "Walk the Walk"

So, my advice to all DUMMYCRATS reading this post is: "Don't be a Dickhead ALL YOUR LIFE ( !! ), vote TRUMP for POTUS, 2025". Remember, Elon Musk, is much, MUCH smarter than you are, or than any Democrat politician is - (just check out Eric Swalwell or ,Ilhan Omar, or ,Maxine Waters, or the "Queen Bee" of the Dummycrats herself - "HEELS-UP" HARRIS ( !! ) , if you don't believe me). NOW, even you Dummycrats know that Elon MUSK IS A WINNER -BIG TIME !! AND HERE'S WHAT I WANT TO SINK INTO YOUR THICK SKULLS.... i.e. ELON MUSK IS VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP IN NOVEMBER. This means that if you do not vote Trump-Vance in this year's Presidential election, but instead vote HARRIS -WALZ, then you are not acting intelligently, and, you are totally confirming your status as a LOSER (like NORDBERG; for example, and you wouldn't want to end up being placed in the same basket as him, RIGHT ?

Also, TRUMP is not a crazy person, nor is he a creepy weirdo. I mean, the Democrats have currently got a Vice Presidential nominee who - as Governor of Minnesota - spent hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars putting boxes of tampons in every boy's restroom (toilet block) in Minnesota's high schools. That's why this brain-dead "Muppet" now has the nickname : "TAMPON TIM" (Tim Walz). In my opinion, only someone who was very "SUSPECT", very WEIRD and INTELLECTUALLY RETARDED would cook up the absurd and PERVERTED idea of supplying all of the boy's restrooms in Minnesota high schools with "complimentary" tampons. I mean, let's face it, - everyone knows that males don't MENSTRUATE. RIGHT ? There might be the odd, EXTREMELY rare exception like, for instance, a tragic specimen like "CRY - BABY KINZINGER"". "Cry-Baby Kinzinger" is a major - league Congressional WIMP, and a "Pelosi Republican," Whenever "Cry-Baby K" is "on the rag" (menstruating), he gets highly emotional and often blubs like a girl, live on MSM (This, as you can imagine, tends to make every American male watching, CRINGE with embarrassment).

Actually, designing and implementing a Government policy that aims to put freely-available TAMPONS in the boys' restrooms of high schools across a large terrain, takes the f**king cake ! Despite the clown-show that American politics has become over the past 20 (to 30) years, I SWEAR TO GOD I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING that matches the PURE INSANITY and PURE CREEPINESS of this "star turn" by "TAMPON TIM. (If anyone's got anything that tops this - please let me have it !). Elon Musk would never in a million years have contemplated doing something so absolutely, stone - cold, CRETINOUS. Even the overwhelming majority of 13 year-olds in America would not ever consider drafting something as creepy, moronic and bizarro as a plan to make sure that tampons were always freely available in the male , toilet-blocks of hundreds of high school's in a given US state.

So, in conclusion, my message to you DUMMYCRATS is as follows.... If a well-known American guy who is:

* Super-bright; has a Super High IQ).

* Super-COMPETENT/COMPETITIVE/PROGRESSIVE ( NOT "Progressive" in the sense that AOC is !).

* Super-successful, and truly deserving of his success.

* A normal, decent person ( i.e. NOT someone who is a bug-eyed lunatic and/or a vile, antisocial weirdo like: "TAMPON TIM" - the official "wannabe VP" of the USA - or a poisonous, psychopathic individual like, say, AMBER HEARD, (Johnny Depp's batshit - crazy/evil former wife).

* A person with a good sense of humour.

* Genuinely honest
, and if he feels that he is (morally) duty-bound to speak out publicly, will always do so and say what he TRULY thinks, and TRULY believes is the right thing to say.

* A very wealthy, multi-billionaire, but who earned his own fortune through hard work, and taking the entrepreneurial - type risks involved in developing cutting-edge, new technologies. (Technologies that have already greatly benefited America, and technologies that will continue to benefit America into the future.

So, would you listen to the political advice that this person gave you ? Even the "common or garden" DUMMYCRAT would surely have to say: "Yes, I certainly would ! ! !

Well, this person I've described is a real-life American named Elon Musk. Elon is voting for DONALD TRUMP in this year's Presidential election. So if someone who is a WINNER (BIG TIME) like Elon Musk is voting TRUMP-VANCE; don't you think that anyone who votes "HEELS UP' HARRIS - "TAMPON TIM" is probably a "DIP-STICK." I certainly do !!!

So, finally, don't be a Dummycrat LOSER AGAIN this November - make sure you vote TRUMP-VANCE !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Classic Freudian slip....

Classic Freudian slip....

lol. Musk has only run two businesses into the ground while trump has done that to dozens. So I guess’s musk is smarter than trump. Trumps latest business has lost two thirds of its value and continues to drop. Quarterly losses were 1 million and revenues are way down as the platform bleeds users. If it wasn’t for uneducated rubes, djt would be a penny stock.
lol. Musk has only run two businesses into the ground while trump has done that to dozens. So I guess’s musk is smarter than trump. Trumps latest business has lost two thirds of its value and continues to drop. Quarterly losses were 1 million and revenues are way down as the platform bleeds users. If it wasn’t for uneducated rubes, djt would be a penny stock.
But of course, Trump ran those businesses into the ground "on purpose".

Some kind of ingenious business strategy that only he understands.
Back in the day of playing Street Fighter, we had a phrase when people would spend more time heaping praise on a player instead of just playing themselves and trying to get better at the game. Dick-riding. The way this dick-riding dumbass just praised Elon should go next to dick-riding in the urban dictionary.
Musk is just a fellow narcissist recognizing another
Hey, Anchovies !!...

I guess you'll be voting for "TAMPON TIM" to be Vice President of the USA.

That's because you're a long-term, staunch, Democrat supporter. RIGHT, Anchovies ?

But what I would like to know is how you square this with your innate, God-given, moral conscience?

Your moral conscience clearly informs you that helping to make "TAMPON TIM" the next American VEEP is WRONG and that you OUGHT NOT do it. It will do this, provided you are of "sound mind"

Even if you identify as an atheistic neo-Marxist or a Maoist or a humanist Wokester or a Godless Progressive/socialist/Globalist or such like; you will find you are unable to silence the voice of your own God-given moral conscience when it warns you NOT to do the WRONG (or to endeavour to do the RIGHT) thing in any given moral situation) Though our moral conscience is more of an alarm and a "red flag", generally speaking; and if you have a normal, healthy brain/mind, when you vote HARRIS-BIDEN your moral conscience will let you know - in no uncertain terms - that you have done the WRONG/BAD thing.

So tell me, Anchovies, when you vote for a Democrat scum-bag like ,"TAMPON TIM", how do you cope with the guilt tha always follows after a sane human being knowingly does what his moral conscience has forbidden him to do?

Kindest Regards

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound