So Candidates Family Members are Back on the Table?

I just want to clarify, before we hear any more liberal whining about attacks on Obama's wife and kids, or Biden's family members... We have abandoned the moratorium on attacking family members of the candidates now, right? So it's pretty much open season and no holds barred from here on out, right?

Just want to get it straight, because we aren't going to have any more of this changing the rules in the middle of the game. There can't be a double standard here, either it is fair and family members are fair game, or they are not. When the dirt starts pouring out about Michelle Obama and their kids, I don't want to hear any liberal whining or complaining about it, because you had your chance to remain above all of that, and maintain the unwritten policy of not attacking family members, and you broke the rule. I think you might just regret that move, because I'm sure the liberal Obama and Biden families have some skeletons to hide, and I am sure the right-wingers can dig up the dirt. Yep, it's about to get really ugly, really fast, and I don't want to hear any crying.
A Republican - someone who supported Bush, whose smear campaign against McCain is legendary, and rejoiced in the swiftvet campaign of '04 - is admonishing Democrats that "it's about to get ugly," and implying that it's all THEIR fault...
I just want to clarify, before we hear any more liberal whining about attacks on Obama's wife and kids, or Biden's family members... We have abandoned the moratorium on attacking family members of the candidates now, right? So it's pretty much open season and no holds barred from here on out, right?

Just want to get it straight, because we aren't going to have any more of this changing the rules in the middle of the game. There can't be a double standard here, either it is fair and family members are fair game, or they are not. When the dirt starts pouring out about Michelle Obama and their kids, I don't want to hear any liberal whining or complaining about it, because you had your chance to remain above all of that, and maintain the unwritten policy of not attacking family members, and you broke the rule. I think you might just regret that move, because I'm sure the liberal Obama and Biden families have some skeletons to hide, and I am sure the right-wingers can dig up the dirt. Yep, it's about to get really ugly, really fast, and I don't want to hear any crying.

Who attacked palin’s kids, please be specific, I haven’t seen it?

You sound very angry? Does it bother you that Palin’s daughter is pregnant and unmarried? Totally 100% up front – it doesn’t bother me at all.

So, maybe you are the problem.
A Republican - someone who supported Bush, whose smear campaign against McCain is legendary, and rejoiced in the swiftvet campaign of '04 - is admonishing Democrats that "it's about to get ugly," and implying that it's all THEIR fault...

It is always the dems fault. Even the fact that Bush got elected twice ;)
the war, the economy, price of oil, you name it, the dems are to blame.
Even for the soapscum on your shower door.
obama said he was a teen pregnancy and it should not be an issue. its up to the media and his supporters to let it die.
obama said he was a teen pregnancy and it should not be an issue. its up to the media and his supporters to let it die.

Are you honestly naïve enough to believe that you can have an unmarried teenaged pregnancy for either a Pres or VP candidate, and it’s not going to be in the media a lot? Chap, are you crazy? What exactly is Jamie Lynn
Spears famous for?

Do you even live in this country?

Precisely NONE of this is Obama’s fault, or responsibility.
I just want to clarify, before we hear any more liberal whining about attacks on Obama's wife and kids, or Biden's family members... We have abandoned the moratorium on attacking family members of the candidates now, right? So it's pretty much open season and no holds barred from here on out, right?

Just want to get it straight, because we aren't going to have any more of this changing the rules in the middle of the game. There can't be a double standard here, either it is fair and family members are fair game, or they are not. When the dirt starts pouring out about Michelle Obama and their kids, I don't want to hear any liberal whining or complaining about it, because you had your chance to remain above all of that, and maintain the unwritten policy of not attacking family members, and you broke the rule. I think you might just regret that move, because I'm sure the liberal Obama and Biden families have some skeletons to hide, and I am sure the right-wingers can dig up the dirt. Yep, it's about to get really ugly, really fast, and I don't want to hear any crying.

In other words... "nothing to see here folks, move along, the Palin family represents the highest standards of conservative ideology. Nothing to see here, move along...I said move along or I'll bust your head!"

Too late Dixie, your party has been playing the muck card for decades, you can't expect any less from the left.
Are you honestly naïve enough to believe that you can have an unmarried teenaged pregnancy for either a Pres or VP candidate, and it’s not going to be in the media a lot? Chap, are you crazy? What exactly is Jamie Lynn
Spears famous for?

Do you even live in this country?

Precisely NONE of this is Obama’s fault, or responsibility.

Only thing it makes an average voter nervous of is what type of capacity would she have as VP or scared to think of President when shes got so many family issues. i felt the same about $800 haircut man with his cancer wife.

Jane swift was using the stats helicopter's to fly back and forth to her mansion in the Berkshires and using state aids and nannies from LA to care for her kids. She ended up having a mobile office to be acting governor. I just think she was very inefficient compared to someone who is in the office each day without dealing with tons of personal shit for such and important job. She missed meetings, was remote all the time, late, didnt build the relationships with the legislature, etc.
Who attacked palin’s kids, please be specific, I haven’t seen it?

You sound very angry? Does it bother you that Palin’s daughter is pregnant and unmarried? Totally 100% up front – it doesn’t bother me at all.

So, maybe you are the problem.

Oh shut up you fucking hack! YOUR Daily Kos was manufacturing National Enquirer type rumors from the start, and you know this! Don't pretend like sugar won't melt in your mouth! Just take a look at the board today, all the nasty and scurrilous threads directed at Palin and her family, and the very real American problems they have dealt with. For weeks we heard the whining from you libs about "attacks" on Michelle Obama, and all anyone did was play some clips from public speeches she had made!

But now, against your own candidates pleas to not do it, you are viciously going after Palin's family like a bunch of rabid dogs! From this point forward, I don't want to hear one goddamn complaint from you or any other liberal pinhead, when the shit starts coming out about Obama and Biden's dysfunctional families! You wanna fuckin play this game? FINE! Just no more whimpering and whining about how "unfair" it is, okay?
Dixie, let them attack the children. Never try to stop your opponent from making a mistake, especially don't "stop" him by making the same mistake.
Who's attacked the daughter?

Any 'attack's' I've seen have been aimed at Palin herself and her promotion of failed policies.
Who's attacked the daughter?

Any 'attack's' I've seen have been aimed at Palin herself and her promotion of failed policies.
Not my point. I'm warning Dix away from making a mistake based on a perception of an attack. If it is perceived that the child has been attacked for "loose morals" or they are attempting to use the child's poor judgment as a weapon at the mother it would not be a good thing for Obama's campaign. The only thing that could make it good for his campaign is if those who support McCain started the same thing right back.

Right now she is gaining support among the RR because of her strong stance for life, and her response to her child's pregnancy. Even more she gains points because of perceived "attacks". They will begin to rally behind her as this solely shows that her family is made up of humans, who have all the regular human issues.
Remember this...?
"Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?" Limbaugh said on TV, before holding up a picture of Chelsea."

How about McCain's black baby? Remember that one?

Didnt think so.
Remember this...?
"Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat. Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?" Limbaugh said on TV, before holding up a picture of Chelsea."

How about McCain's black baby? Remember that one?

Didnt think so.
Sure do. And I remember Rush was roundly criticized for it by both sides, that crappy joke certainly didn't gain him much respect.