So, I started researching the Lebanese Government...


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... to see why the assination was so huge, other than the obvious of course.

Well, it turns out the President of Lebanon, per their Constitution, must be a Maronite Christian...

The Prime Minister, A Sunni

The Speaker of the Parliament, a Shi'a.

This particular gentleman was being groomed to be the next President, his Uncle had been President before his assissination, and his Father was high in the government before he too was assassinated...

This type of government is called a "confessional system" of government, where certain bodies or offices must be held by specific religious beliefs.

Therefore, this particular gentleman represented the future of Lebanon and his assassination is being felt clearly there....
Thanks for the info. His death would have been real important to hizzbollah, syria and iran.

They know those three are responsible yet they will sit around and point fingers and say "we suspect", but nothing will be done.

There is now talk of a posible civil war and syria coming back in to "quell" things. Who made syria the lebannon police force. There's un forces there now that can be beefed up to keep things controlled and the syrians can stay out.