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Joe Biden Jokes He Wishes His Ancestors Stayed in Ireland
by Charlie Spiering
17 Mar 2021

The things the Irish did to America’s political system in the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century is far worse than anything done by any other ethnic group you can name. Scottish Boss Tweed was first and confined to New York, while the Irish get the credit for honing political machines and rigging elections nationwide.

The Irish came here as legal immigrants because of the Irish Potato Famine. The country would be better off today had they sent the potatoes to Ireland. Letting the Irish in should have become immigration policy against taking in millions of immigrants for economic reasons.

Americans of Irish ancestry are the worst of the reverse-discrimination cliques. No other ethnic group, or race, outdoes the Irish when it comes to praising the old country. They talk about the “Old Sod” like it is paradise even though they would not live there if you paid them a yearly stipend to go and stay in Ireland.

Having grown up with a lot of Irish kids, they used to drive me batty with all of their Erin Go Braugh bullshit. No matter the topic —— actors, athletes, politicians, etc., the Irish guy was always the best to hear them tell it. I never got over it.

Irish ‘patriots’ getting stewed more than usual on Saint Patrick’s Day is the biggest comedy of all.

Nothing frosts me more than a filthy Irish drunk telling me what my morality should be. Irish morality can be summed up in ten words: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is a good man’s failing.

Finally, one of Irish Ted Kennedy’s deterrents was slaughtering children in the womb. Kennedy dying in 2009 was about five decades too late as far as I was concerned. Later on I did regret the drunk’s departure because he was not around to ask if the Lion of the Senate would continue funding Planned Parenthood in light Kermit Gosnell .
