So the Jobs Numbers Adjustment comes out... Doesn't include California...


Staff member
So the Adjustment comes out, but California simply didn't report it all for some inexplicable reason...

As Dow Jones reported: “A Labor Department economist said one large state didn't report additional quarterly figures as expected, accounting for a substantial part of the decrease.”

The wording of that statement, along with the accompanying headlines, left the impression that one major state didn’t turn in its figures.

Here's what actually happened. The state did report weekly jobless claims but did not process and report its quarterly claims number (when many people have to reapply for benefits for technical reasons as opposed to being newly laid off). As a result, there wasn't the expected spike in claims that normally happens at the start of the quarter.

It is unclear why that happened or how unusual that is. What is clear is that the expected spike in claims around the start of each quarter was smaller this time than usual. Coupled with the seasonal adjustment (that expected a bigger increase), that pushed down the headline figure.


The Labor Department appears to have had little choice in this matter, however; it couldn’t estimate what the one large state would or should have reported. Still, it may have been able to avoid more confusion had it more clearly articulated that in its weekly press release.
These aren't the jobs numbers. Or an adjustment. This is the initial unemployment claims number which is released every Thursday. And "one large state" does not mean "California." It means "one large state."
Ahh yes, the twisting and contorting by the right to find some way to justify their crazy conspiracy about the jobs numbers gets even more comical.

Somebody whose initials are ZappasGuitar, didn't read the story at the link and spouted off uninformed.
Somebody whose initials are ZappasGuitar, didn't read the story at the link and spouted off uninformed.

Well, your headline and sole sentence in the OP are really misleading. This isn't about the "jobs numbers" and isn't an "adjustment" to them.