So this is what republicans truly feel about Obamacare

Here is the non-commentary commerical:

So instead of proposing something non-violently in opposition to "Obamacare" you have some douche actually using physical violence to promote a viewpoint. Nice role models for kids.
The Young Turks version (Which is really Funny):

Uygur's last line is right on the money!!

"Hey, why don't you try to use YOUR MIND and try to defeat it that way?"

Gun nut Righties couldn't defeat ObamaCare in the Legislature, they couldn't get the SCOTUS to side with them, so they feel the need to git their guns and shoot some stuff in order to stop ObamaCare.
ooooooh nooooooo, not physical violence.....don't like the stance he took firing the pistol, needs to work on that, but his heart and mind are in the right place unlike those quivering over physical violence committed upon a stack of paper.....
Uygur's last line is right on the money!!

"Hey, why don't you try to use YOUR MIND and try to defeat it that way?"

Gun nut Righties couldn't defeat ObamaCare in the Legislature, they couldn't get the SCOTUS to side with them, so they feel the need to git their guns and shoot some stuff in order to stop ObamaCare.

What I that was that Obamacare was a market based system
ooooooh nooooooo, not physical violence.....don't like the stance he took firing the pistol, needs to work on that, but his heart and mind are in the right place unlike those quivering over physical violence committed upon a stack of paper.....

The point is not about the stack of inanimate papers he shot, it's about the fact that:

1) He is portraying a disagreement by being violently disagreeable

2) Republicans haven't proposed an alternative and instead resort to the continuation offear rhetoric and violence
the point is that you are a rather whiny pinhead constantly in search of something to whine about.....the alternative is called the market place moron....

you wouldn't know a free market if it kicked you in the teeth because your head is up your ass.....nothing free about a market when people are forced to by the product and the product is designed and every aspect regulated by the govt need to be on that vaunted obama advisory council....wait they disbanded without ever meeting....probably a blessing....
you wouldn't know a free market if it kicked you in the teeth because your head is up your ass.....nothing free about a market when people are forced to by the product and the product is designed and every aspect regulated by the govt need to be on that vaunted obama advisory council....wait they disbanded without ever meeting....probably a blessing....

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Republicans haven't proposed an alternative and instead resort to the continuation offear rhetoric and violence

Actually, Republicans have presented many alternatives, You just never hear about them by only watching and listening to MSNBC and DNC propaganda.

Aside from that truth, there's no constitutional authority for the federal government to operate a national healthcare system no matter what the partisan ideologues on the court say. If you can find such power and authority in the Constitution please post it. Oh! That's right, leftist don't give a flying fuck about any old Constitution, huh?
That guy is basically saying....

We could not defeat Obamacare using the legislative process, the one set out by the Constitution, the one our forefathers set up for us.... So lets use guns.
I love his little pussy glasses and his clean white shirt for shooting, btw.
That guy is basically saying....

We could not defeat Obamacare using the legislative process, the one set out by the Constitution, the one our forefathers set up for us.... So lets use guns.

What the fuck do you know about the Constitution you retarded leftist Jerkoff?

Present the part in the Constitution that authorizes a power to the federal government to establish a national healthcare program, mandate the people buy a product and subsidize some of them with taxpayer's money.
Article 1, Section 8 (1)

1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

You should have studied this in elementary school. One problem with our country is that even though you didn't, you think you know more than the Supreme Court.