So we are back to attacking the families...

As I predicted! The thread posted by LadyT confirms this. As if it wasn't bad enough to insinuate Palin's child wasn't her own, but belonged to her daughter, the latest accusation is Palin's daughter is now pregnant with the baby of a black dude. It just continues to get more and more bizarre with the left, you'd think they learned their lesson the first go around, but nope... here they are again, with more unfounded and baseless shit to throw, about a candidate's family and personal life. They just never learn! Next, we'll hear how the DS baby is really John McCain's, and that was why he picked Palin! That's how fucking loony tunes they are right now!

Here is a clue for you pinheads... The American people are not impressed with your hypocrisy of attacking Palin's family or personal details of her family problems. The more you do this, the more you are killing any chance your candidate has in this election. You are simply driving people AWAY from your party and this kind of sleazy unethical politics. But don't listen to me, by all means, keep attacking her personally! Keep throwing out blatant racist insinuations against Republicans, and keep underestimating the intelligence of the American public. When Obama is clearly losing this election, I don't want to hear 'conspiracy theories' about how the 'black daddy' video was a product of Karl Rove, who knew how much it would infuriate the Republican base. Left-wingers put this garbage out, because they insidiously think it will sway the 'racist' right wing vote. It's a testament to their own racist mentality and hate. Even IF the outrageous accusation were true, I don't care! It has absolutely nothing to do with the issues of this election, or Palin's ability to lead. I don't give a shit whether her daughter had a ganbang orgy with aliens, and has no idea who the father is! It's none of my goddamn business, and it's none of yours either!
Now dix I understand why you would get upset about someone picking on Bush with tits. But seriously dilligaf.
Jeez, Dix - if you put so much stock in how a post on a message board is gonna piss the voters off, what do you think fair-minded voters will make of your contention that Democrats want Al Qaeda to win because they're afraid to "pick up a gun" and kill the Jews themselves?
Wait Dixie said on another thread murders are happening in Ill. Because of Obama.
Can't believe no one skewered him on that gem.
[ame=""]Life in a Parallel Universe - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
"latest accusation is Palin's daughter is now pregnant with the baby of a black dude."

Dixie please be careful, your unconscious is showing, and frankly, nobody here needs to see that ugly thing.
Why does the faux allegation that Dixie uses sound similiar to the scandal of one of our very own posterboys for the redneck advocacy section of this website?