so whats the next crisis

healthcare reform support dropping, Obamas numbers of approval are slipping, dems avoiding their constituents, and people getting angry.

whats the upcoming crisis that will be used to galvanize democrat support from the people?

healthcare reform support dropping, Obamas numbers of approval are slipping, dems avoiding their constituents, and people getting angry.

whats the upcoming crisis that will be used to galvanize democrat support from the people?


I thought that was the neocon playing card.

Maybe, Brittany will shave her head, again?
I thought that was the neocon playing card.

Maybe, Brittany will shave her head, again?

yeah....obama has done nothing but use FEAR to get his plans passed....

if we don't pass spendulus, worse than depression, if we dont' pass h/c grave crises....etc, etc, etc...
yeah....obama has done nothing but use FEAR to get his plans passed....

if we don't pass spendulus, worse than depression, if we dont' pass h/c grave crises....etc, etc, etc...

Well, it hasn't reached mushroom cloud level, yet!
yeah....obama has done nothing but use FEAR to get his plans passed....

if we don't pass spendulus, worse than depression, if we dont' pass h/c grave crises....etc, etc, etc...

Seems like I recall Bush using the fear tactics bigtime for the bank bailout money.

Now the stimulus aimed more at the people, well it is the worst finiancial and job times since the great depression. Should Obama do as bush did telliing everybody how great the economy was until it wasn't and then go straight to panic mode?

Unemployment at 11% here in KY.
healthcare reform support dropping, Obamas numbers of approval are slipping, dems avoiding their constituents, and people getting angry.

whats the upcoming crisis that will be used to galvanize democrat support from the people?


Nothing you just said is true. I will not give you the respect of debating a liar on this issue.
healthcare reform support dropping, Obamas numbers of approval are slipping, dems avoiding their constituents, and people getting angry.

whats the upcoming crisis that will be used to galvanize democrat support from the people?


Maybe something like this.

Maybe something like this.


But ummmm....didn't The Chosen One promise to end such base manipulation ? Normally I'd rely on our un-biased "watchdog" Media to utilize the skepticism it practiced with such relish for the last 5 years or so but it seems a new era has dawned. For instance, when's the last time you saw any handwringing about "mortgaging our childrens future" ?

Naturally the occasional one-shot item turns up, so the MSM can claim they "cover" both sides...

"Franklin Roosevelt said that all we have to fear is fear itself. Now Barack Obama all but admits that all he has to fear is the loss of fear itself.",0,6414638.column