Social Democrats in Germany at 21%


They can barely even be called a major party anymore, just 7 points ahead of the closest third party.

Merkel Coalition Gains, Opposition Loses in New German Poll

June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Support for the parties in German Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition gained at the expense of two of the three opposition groups, a poll showed.

Backing for Merkel's Christian Democratic Union and her coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party, rose 1 percentage point each to 36 percent and 21 percent respectively, the weekly Forsa poll of 2,501 people for Hamburg-based Stern magazine showed today.

The Left Party, currently the strongest of the three opposition groups in Germany's parliament, fell 1 point to 14 percent, while the pro-business Free Democrats dropped by the same margin to 13 percent.

The Green Party stayed at 11 percent, according to the survey carried out between June 9 and June 13. The poll has a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

Separately, 82 percent of voters consider the Social Democrats to be divided on the main issues of the day, while no more than 7 percent view the party as united. Fifty-four percent of respondents said Merkel's Christian Democrats are at odds with each other and 33 percent said the party is united.
I don't think you are comparing apples to apples when talking about Democtatic parties in Germany and the USA.