Socialism’s Branches


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Socialists/Communists must tell everyone what they must do rather than tell them what not to do. Clearly, dairy farmers will be ordered to kill their cows who insist on farting. That is textbook Socialism.

We live in an age of self-righteous, single-issue groups that feel entitled to physically confront their enemies. With the Green New Deal fact sheet published (and retracted) by Rep. Ocasio Cortez promising to eliminate cows because of their farts, and Sen. Booker advocating veganism, American meat-eaters and dairy lovers sense a wave of bullying ahead aimed at forcing them to change their diets. But in Australia, the bullying already has become physical.


The contagion of self-righteousness justifying hideous terroristic violence is a global phenomenon, so I would not be sanguine that American dairy and cattle farmers will not be attacked here.

February 16, 2019
Calls for calm in Australia as militant vegans attack dairy farmers
By Thomas Lifson

Racism was invented in the last century; so it took a while for Socialist race hustlers to get around to dairy farmers:

California Student Writes Op-Ed About How Milk Is Racist Symbol
Justin Caruso | Senior Media Reporter
4:01 PM 03/17/2017

Tying white milk to racism, and Nazism, in one fell swoop was a bit much. Did it mean black racists will boycott the milk, or boycott white dairy farmers, or both?

Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate
August 30, 2017 7.25pm EDT

Sick Socialists insist that the next lie is the cure they seek:

Cow’s milk a symbol of white supremacy?

Now drinking milk a symbol of 'white supremacy'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 10/22/2018 @ 7:35 pm In APP

White milk, dairy cows, cow farts, racism, live babies, global warming, etc, are sins created by various branches of the parent religion —— SOCIALISM. Considering the stuff the faithful believe tells me that Joe Goebbels was only partially right:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Joey G. missed the big picture: The dumbest people will immediately believe the biggest lie.

Happily, the French People Eating Tasty Animals were not fooled when they fought back:

French vegan fest off the menu amid fears of butchers’ revenge
Rory Mulholland
The Telegraph
August 25, 2018

I did not see French Vegans preaching People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) doctrine, but their beliefs coincide with the PETA crowd

The following excerpt from Chad Dechow’s article touches on a theme dear to my heart:

To suggest that it is truly unethical to abuse animals is to suggest that there are moral truths that transcend nature. That comes with the unfortunate consequence that we don't get to decide what's right or wrong, and we are confronted with what C.S. Lewis described as "that troublesome God we learned about when we were children." If that "troublesome God" did in fact create man in his image, then lowering humans to animal status is a long distance from any sort of moral reality. It even borders on the worship of creation we were warned about in Paul's letter to the Romans:

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator."

Dechow made a solid connection between PETA’s perverted sense of morality, and its attack on a belief in God. (Notice that I said God not organized religion.)

PETA attacks the God of every religion as well as dismissing those people who believe in a higher power, or an afterlife, or intelligent design, etc., without subscribing to a specific religion. Dechow reminded me that PETA zeroed in on Christianity when he said:

"...a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy" - PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk


“If that ‘troublesome God’ did in fact create man in his image, then lowering humans to animal status is a long distance from any sort of moral reality.”

December 22, 2010
PETA's Thirty-Year Legacy
By Chad Dechow

I often thought PETA’s dog-pig-boy true believers secretly believe in reincarnation. Think about it.

Incidentally, after channel-surfing into countless scenes of mutilated human bodies created by special effects departments, I concluded that autopsy scenes in TV shows were a deliberate assault on the belief that says man is made in God’s image. TV’s not-so-subtle message said: “See. This is what your God really looks like.”

NOTE: TV cop shows reach far more people than PETA’s message.

Every group, every movement, that attacks a belief in God ultimately chooses Christianity as its primary target. That is certainly true of Socialists/Communists the world over. I am not saying, or implying, that PETA is a Communist organization, but it is an organization whose members are cursed with a sense of moral superiority; a religious fervor that convinces them they must enlighten the rest of us.

Parenthetically, ethical is the wrong word the way PETA uses it. PETA’s use of the word ethical is an attempt to invent a sin in much the same way racism is an invented sin. PETA’s formula is simple: Ethical becomes immoral, then immoral becomes sin, then sin becomes a criminal act. Nobody is breaking the law at this point, but PETA freakazoids will get to forced compliance if enough people fall for the bullshit.

The only variation is in the formula’s first step. Ethical can be replaced by any number of words or phrases guaranteeing the formula’s success to one degree or another.

Briefly, Communists made it all about equal distribution of the wealth. PETA gets to the same place with animal rights:

I always said that every man, woman, and child is insane to one degree or another, while only the most insane are locked in institutions by the less insane. PETA affirms my observation:

If you ask PETA, every animal who dies deserves a memorial. Even a lobster.

PETA is requesting to create a grave at the site where a transport truck tipped over and caused thousands of lobsters to die.

According to the animal rights group, they hope to memorialize all of the “countless sensitive crustaceans” who perished during the August 22 crash.

The memorial would read, “In memory of the lobsters who suffered and died at this spot August 2018, Try Vegan, PETA.” PETA Director, Danielle Katz, says the grave would help “remind everyone that the best way to prevent such tragedies is to go vegan."

The director also claimed that science has proven that the crustaceans are extremely sensitive, although it is uncertain where she found that research.

Rest in Peace — PETA Hopes to Erect Memorial for Lobsters Killed in Car Crash
SYDNEY MONDUY | AUG 30, 2018 | 3:06 PM


Vegetarians and vegans have been getting very uppity of late. One reason for this is that some idiot told them they hold the key to saving the world.

According to the (rampantly vego-loon) Humane Society “your diet could save the planet”.

According to Yvo de Boer, the former head of the UN climate agency, “the best solution would be for us all to become vegetarian.”

And according to George Monbiot in the Guardian: “The best way to save the planet? Drop meat and dairy”.

All this nonsense has gone to the grass-eaters’ nutritionally-challenged heads. Instead of being a bunch of pale, anaemic, meat-shunning losers who have to keep taking vitamin B12 to stop themselves being blown over every time they go for a walk in their plastic shoes, they have now convinced themselves that they are like Frodo, Neo from the Matrix, Luke Skywalker, and Harry Potter all rolled into one.

Why do they believe this rubbish?

Because if you only read the left-wing media, as vegans do, all you ever get to see is hysterical drivel like this (from one of the house eco-loons in the Guardian):

Huge reductions in meat-eating are essential to avoid dangerous climate change, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet of the food system’s impact on the environment. In western countries, beef consumption needs to fall by 90% and be replaced by five times more beans and pulses.

Even formerly conservative newspapers have fallen for this nonsense. According to columnist Bryony Gordon in the Guardiangraph (formerly the Telegraph), the reason “we” dislike and fear vegans is that we know in our hearts that they are right:

We know that adopting a vegan lifestyle is better not just for our bodies but also for the planet; we are aware that the harvesting of animals for our convenience could one day kill us all.

I’m trying to envisage a scenario in which “the harvesting of animals for our convenience” could ever kill us all. Bacon poisoning? Cows and pigs and chickens accidentally breeding with sharks or polar bears and stalking us like clucking, mooing, oinking velociraptors? I don’t know what Bryony is eating right now but whatever it is, it clearly doesn’t involve enough of the meat we all need to stop us from turning into vegetables.

Basically, Bryony and all the other hacks that have bought into this bollocks are being played. Man-made global warming theory is a busted flush so, in order to keep the scam going, the climate industrial complex has been desperately seeking new ways to bolster its Enron-style business model. One of these is to use veggies and vegans as their useful idiots to keep the climate scare going.

In fact, if we all went veggie or vegan it would make next to no difference to the climate. As Bjorn Lomborg, himself a vegetarian, points out here, the claim is based on cherry-picked data.

Almost all articles on this topic suggest going vegetarian could achieve emission cuts of 50 percent or more. But these figures are never a reduction of total emissions, just those emitted from food. This is an important distinction because four-fifths of emissions are being ignored. The real impact is five times less.

Anyway, a systematic peer review of studies shows vegetarian diets likely reduce an individual’s emissions by the equivalent of 540 kg (1,190 lbs.) of CO2. For the average person in the industrialized world, that’s the equivalent of cutting emissions by just 4.3 percent.

Vegetarian diets are also slightly cheaper, and saved money will be spent on goods and services that emit more CO2. A new Swedish study shows a vegetarian diet is 10 percent cheaper, freeing up about 2 percent of an individual’s budget. The extra money would likely be spent proportionally on existing purchases.

This boosts one’s carbon emissions by about 2 percent. So eating carrots instead of steak means you effectively cut your emissions by about 2 percent. This won’t save the planet.

Lomborg’s article triggered two researchers at Cambridge University, who quibbled with his statistics because, obviously, being at joyless, Cromwellian, tofu-munching Cambridge, they didn’t suit their green narrative.

To get an idea of where they are coming from, read — or cringe, rather, at — this paragraph:

However, poorer countries stand to benefit from widescale adoption of a plant-based diet. Mortality linked to strokes, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer could fall by 5m to 6m avoided deaths and trillions of dollars could be saved in healthcare costs and by preventing productivity losses.

Here are two Cambridge PhD students trying to tell us, straightfaced, what they think is best for the poorest, most nutritionally deficient countries in the world, where starvation is a way of life and where meat is almost never an option. More calories, maybe? A bit of animal protein now and again? Nope. What these countries could really benefit from, according to these deluded prigs, is a “plant-based diet.” (Just like they’ve got already whether they like it or not. So that’s handy, isn’t it?)

Lomborg explains how they’ve got it wrong in this thread, summed up in this chart:

So in order to reduce global CO2 emissions by an amount so small it’s barely noticeable, a bunch of salad munching eco-fascists want us to abandon the following: t-bone steaks; foie gras; calves liver with onions; hamburgers; bacon, sausage and eggs; Thai green chicken curry; Rogan Josh; roast shoulder of lamb; shepherd’s pie; beef casserole; Wiener schnitzel; fish and chips; kedgeree; pulled pork; I could go on…

I speak with some feeling on this issue because I am myself currently enduring a vegan diet for medical reasons. Do you have any idea how boring a vegan diet is? Very, very, very, very, VERY boring indeed, whatever gleaming-eyed advocates of “plant-based” food may tell you. Food without butter or cheese or meat or eggs in the ingredients isn’t really food at all, I’ve decided.

So when my diet comes to an end, round about Christmas, how do you think I’m going to respond if some cream-faced loon in a chunky knit sweater knocks and my door and says: “Hi I’m George Monbiot and as part of my holy mission to save the planet I’d like to invite you, yes you, to forgo your turkey and sausages and trimmings this yuletide, or EcoKwaanza as I prefer to call it…”

Well, he’s not going to get himself invited in for my homemade sloe gin and mince pies, that’s for sure.

DELINGPOLE: No, Vegetarianism Won’t Save the World from ‘Climate Change’
by James Delingpole
3 Nov 2018

Finally, Trump Jr. should demand a piece of the action!


For a small sum of $169, PETA is encouraging its activists to place pre-orders for its “Donald Trump Jr. Hunting Halloween” costume, which includes a blood-soaked leopard stuffed animal, a blood-stained camouflage jacket with a name tag that says “Half-Cocked,” and a red cap with Trump Jr.’s name on it.

PETA Sells Halloween Costume of Trump Jr. Carrying Bloody Leopard
20 Sep 2018
Here is a tip: no one is going to read that word salad.

Only people over the age of 80 still see communists under their bed.

People under that age of 40 have not been conditioned to fear the word socialism, have not been trained to automatically conflate it with Stalin and Soviet Leninism, and most people realize that the democratic socialist states of Scandinavia and northern Europe are actually decent places to live.

Leading Republicans Call Western Europe "Socialist"

Newt Gingrich has constantly accused the president of being a "European Socialist", often adding in a reference to an all-but-forgotten community activist from Chicago, who died in 1972, but whose Democratic-leaning writings are thought to have influenced the current president

"I am for the Declaration of Independence; he is for the writing of Saul Alinsky. I am for the Constitution; he is for European socialism," Mr Gingrich told voters in Florida last week.

Leading Republicans Refer to Western Europe as "Socialists"

....(and let's not forget, rightwing message boarders have spent years calling western Europe "socialist")......

Lately it seems that not a day goes by without a Republican presidential candidate portraying Europe as a socialist nightmare. Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum paint a picture of the Old World as unfree, strangulated by bureaucratic and inefficient welfare systems, and unable to reform and modernize. To these Republicans, Europe seems to be the antipode to everything America is meant to be.

I always said that every man, woman, and child is insane to one degree or another, while only the most insane are locked in institutions by the less insane. PETA affirms my observation:
The animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has done it again. In its latest display of an utter lack of self-awareness, PETA attacked “The Crocodile Hunter”, Steve Irwin, on his birthday. They were incited by the Google Doodle tribute to him on what would have been his 57th birthday was a cartoon of Irwin with his arms wrapped around a crocodile as it bit the L in “Google”, was silly and sweet, a seemingly uncontroversial tribute to a man who did a lot for animal conservation. PETA responded to the heartwarming tribute to the deceased cultural icon by tweeting:


#SteveIrwin was killed while harassing a ray; he dangled his baby while feeding a crocodile & wrestled wild animals who were minding their own business. Today’s #GoogleDoodle sends a dangerous, fawning message. Wild animals are entitled to be left alone in their natural habitats.

Google Doodles



Today's #GoogleDoodle celebrates #SteveIrwin, the legendary Australian wildlife advocate & TV personality whose bravery & passion opened the eyes of millions to the wonders of wildlife. ??

Explore the full slideshow Doodle here ?


PETA may have assumed that they have more public sway and goodwill than Steve Irwin, but based on the reactions to their tweet, this was a serious miscalculation. The replies abounded, ranging from memes about how much people dislike PETA, to defenses of Irwin’s legacy of conservation. The replies that stood out the most were those that pointed to PETA’s sordid history of euthanizing animals in its shelters. For context, there have been numerous accusations against the organization for euthanizing otherwise healthy animals, and for failing to look for homes for animals that it claimed to be rescuing. Two examples that demonstrate this are that in 2014, PETA’s Norfolk, VA shelter euthanized 2,454 of its 3,369 animals, and that in 2016, it euthanized 72% of the animals, mostly cats and dogs, that it took in at its headquarters.

Other examples of similar behavior by PETA are numerous. They’ve made news recently for an uncomfortable video attempting to make vegetarianism and veganism appear “sexy” and featuring men with large vegetables positioned like penises performing a musical number. They also put out this chart a while back, encouraging people to “stop using anti-animal language”

Suggested substitutions include replacing “kill two birds with one stone” with “feed two birds with one scone”. The language changes that PETA proposes here strike most reasonable people as patently ridiculous. It appears more as language policing than as an actual effort to improve the lives of animals. But, that’s just par for the course with PETA.

PETA has been making a fool of itself with increasing frequency, and this latest example and the lack of apology that followed demonstrate that it doesn’t plan on heading in a saner direction anytime soon. Ultimately, PETA speaks about the proper treatment of animals from at best a precarious position, and the backlash they received for this, and other controversial public statements and tweets show that.

PETA Picked the Wrong Target This Time
by Paige Lambermont
February 26, 2019, 11:50 PM
PETA has been making a fool of itself with increasing frequency, and this latest example and the lack of apology that followed demonstrate that it doesn’t plan on heading in a saner direction anytime soon.​

Lord love a duck is one thing:

1. an exclamation uttered when nothing else will fit... often used when stunned or dismayed. love a duck

but lord love an oyster is going too far:


In its new crusade for veganism, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has rushed to the defense of oysters and other bivalves, insisting they should be respected and never eaten.

Aw, Shucks: PETA Fights for Oysters’ Rights in Push for Veganism
9 Jun 2019
