Socialist WHITE LIB Canada cracking down on FREE SPEECH


Harris - make America a 3rd world shithole
"Freedom of speech is a bedrock right for U.S. citizens. It is guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution. We tend to think other democracies enjoy the same privilege. Think again. Just look at our neighbor to the north, Canada.

As this episode of What’s Ahead points out, the right to free speech has been under assault there for years. Shockingly, the Canadian government is pushing new legislation that would, among other abominations, allow you to be arrested if a judge is convinced you are about to say something that is considered unlawful.

That’s right: You don’t have to say it to be arrested, just the suspicion that you might. Canada is about to make a reality of what George Orwell labeled “thoughtcrime” in his dystopian novel 1984.

Cuba, North Korea and other tyrannies are applauding."


Canada and Trudeau go full Orwell behind anti-speech bill​

New York Post › 2024/05/18 › opinion › canadas-m...

5 days ago — In other words, the law is the end of online speech, period, and a giant step toward ending any public free speech anywhere in Canada. Like ...
So go tell the Canadians, and hurry, before they burn down the White House again
We already have a POTUS who gags and censors his political opponent.

And where is that leftist Trans manifesto.
You're making the democrats jealous.

They have just learned how to throw the political opposition in prison - they are DYING to end what is left of freedom of speech.
Yes, and we've see White Lib cancel culture destroying peoples' right to work so they can't feed their own family and children. And the sadistic left celebrates that. :palm:
Yes, and we've see White Lib cancel culture destroying peoples' right to work so they can't feed their own family and children. And the sadistic left celebrates that. :palm:

democrats want what all tyranny wants; a population in dire poverty that is dependent on their rulers for the meager subsistence of survival. democrats have fought a nearly 100 year war to utterly destroy the middle class. We are near the total victory of the democrats, where there are only those who rule, and those in abject poverty.
Never heard of that happening. Please cite a news story about that.
Modern Hitler Youth use code words like Zionists or Israel.

Conservative speakers get shouted down and run off campuses by the "intellectual" white libs.
Modern Hitler Youth use code words like Zionists or Israel.

Conservative speakers get shouted down and run off campuses by the "intellectual" white libs.
Again. Show a news story about students calling for Jews to be killed.