

This video has been making the rounds recently. It's a video of John McCain talking tax policy back in 2000 before the Bush tax cuts. In short, according to John McCain's current standards, back in 2000 he was an unabashed Socialist. Check it out:

[ame=""]YouTube - John McCain On Taxing Rich People[/ame]
There is the reason McCain didn't win the Republican primary in 2000 and the reason he won it in 2008. He also doesn't do a real good job of explaining overall tax policies and philosophies (sp) and is one of the reasons he is losing now.
This almost approaches a Cheney level of PWNage.

[ame=""]YouTube - CHENEY: "IRAQ WAR A QUAGMIRE" IN 1994[/ame]
Actually she understands quite a bit which is rare for someone in Michigan.

Good defense. She's not an idiot because she's not. She doesn't understand anything. She is a fucking idiot, and probably a racist as well. 'OH NOEZER I'M SO OPPRESSDED I HAVE TO PAY 35% TAXES JUST BECAUSE MY DAD MAKES A MILLION DOLLERS A YEARS IT IS TEH SLAVERIES!"

She's is a bumbling moron and an example of why the next generation is going down in flames. If you cannot understand a simple concept, like adjusting the income tax to peoples ability to pay, then you do not deserve the right to vote, or citizenship, for that matter.
Good defense. She's not an idiot because she's not. She doesn't understand anything. She is a fucking idiot, and probably a racist as well. 'OH NOEZER I'M SO OPPRESSDED I HAVE TO PAY 35% TAXES JUST BECAUSE MY DAD MAKES A MILLION DOLLERS A YEARS IT IS TEH SLAVERIES!"

She's is a bumbling moron and an example of why the next generation is going down in flames.

No you are (purposefully?) misunderstanding what I said. I said she does understand. I also added that's a rare trait in a state like Michigan. Chances are she's not from there.
No you are (purposefully?) misunderstanding what I said. I said she does understand. I also added that's a rare trait in a state like Michigan. Chances are she's not from there.

Oh alright I was just going into uber-socialist mode for a bit. Don't pay attention to me.